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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Great Bounty Hunt (PvP kill list)


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First person to kill one of the following in open world PvP, and a posts a screenshot of the corpse and chat log showing you defeated said person in this thread wins.







Victory Circle!


Taldari collects Melyn's Bounty! 9/21/12 Sponsored by Desiirea - http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/331/melyndies.jpg

Valya collects Ushanev's Bounty! 10/9/12 Sponsored by Desiirea - http://i.imgur.com/5CtGq.jpg

Sev'row to collect Scyn's Bounty! 11/21/12 Sponsored by Megan and Konstance (250k each) - http://tinypic.com/r/28vq7av/6



Additional notes: Be quick with the screenshot before they can release! A screenshot of the chat log confirming the killing blow IS required to collect your prize. Bounty payment is the responsibility of the person claiming sponsorship, Desi doesn't have the money! You are hunting at your own risk. :) If your name is on here and you do NOT wish to take part, please say so on this thread and your name shall be removed no questions asked. Always remember flagging is a choice on a PVE/RP server, no one can make you (or should even try)! Most importantly, HAVE FUN!


Additional Hint: Make friends with some folks in the other faction. Have them 'friend' some of these bounties and let you know if they ever pop off fleet onto another planet.

Edited by Desiirea
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Well Fluxs was killed, but he released before a screen shot could be taken. I am not a bounty hunter, this is not worth my time, I am busy aquiring power/securing my position/killing competition/destroying nefarious plots. Pick one of any of those. That was in response to why I don't waste my time running around trying to find the two afore mentioned rapscallions.
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Well Fluxs was killed, but he released before a screen shot could be taken. I am not a bounty hunter, this is not worth my time, I am busy aquiring power/securing my position/killing competition/destroying nefarious plots. Pick one of any of those. That was in response to why I don't waste my time running around trying to find the two afore mentioned rapscallions.


Krill, A grizzled honorable war vet such as yourself, has more then proven his worth in battle. I even have the scars around my neck to prove it. *manages to control a smirk before she bows with respect* What's the excuse for the rest of that despicable lot you call a faction!? Are they Sith/Agents/BountyHunters or Jawa dolls?!

Edited by Desiirea
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You know what! To make a point about Faction Pride, we are gonna add a little fun to this mix!


Hey Pubs! We have a little Imp problem. O.K. it's not a small Imp problem, it's a realllllly big Imp problem. And when I say big Imp problem I mean realllllllly big *holds up hands and move them as far apart as she can*. You see there's this Operative. He is so good, so sneaky in the warzones he makes us sweat. We have to stop tunneling the closest Juggs and Powertechs and recklessly search the area because we know if we don't when he is around... *makes a slicing movement in front of her neck in defeat*


This particular Op has been a particularly big knifey thorn in my backside (Literally!). Many a warzones had been lost due to him popping out of the shadows to prevent a cap or blind someone in a fire. A little pay back is in order.


USHANEV now has a 500,000 credit bounty on his head. I want it on a platter! :rak_03::rak_03:

May the best faction win :)

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Nothing except for 2 days the Imps haven't done it? Can't handle a simple little bounty hunt? Scared of the big bad pubbbbbbiess?? HUHHHH?




I am a pub ;) if I had money trouble, I'd have two screens already. But I'm fine. I know this is for fun but it would be a nice challenge to select players/classes that are difficult to kill. Just a suggestion. ;)

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So the screenshot is proof of the kill? If so, then it doesnt matter if they release, set your chat to keep track of your kills and defeats and it will say in your chat log "You have rofltstomped fluxs with force lightning (1337 damage)"


Yes, realised that this evening :) One with the actual body along with the chat log is the preferred method though.

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Okay. I bite.

Scyn is also always flagged, but I don't know if he ever wanders around anywhere besides the fleet. BUT if you do manage to catch him off the fleet and kill him + screenshot, I'll uh. *donate* 250k to you! c:



I do like you, Scyn, Don't take this the wrong way. : P

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I have added Scyn to the bounty board and am willing to maintain this thread for the time being, but can not take personal responsibility for payment. Keep in mind all are participating at their own risk/reward. Please note the fine print added.


Off with Scyn's head! MWAHAHAHA

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He probably never steps off the fleet.. but Approxy got added just cause...


"Defeated by Approxy with combustible Gas Cylinder

Defeated by Approxy with combustible Gas Cylinder

Defeated by Approxy with combustible Gas Cylinder

(stun, try to run, get grappled)

Defeated by Approxy with Unload

Defeated by Approxy with Flame Burst

Defeated by Approxy with combustible Gas Cylinder"



Commence Desi QQ "IT IS NOT FAIR!!!" *stomps foot and sage healer grumpy tears can be heard for next 10 minutes*

I may never be able to kill him, but it would bring great satisfaction to know he died by my hand (and ease the tears for a few days). :p

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