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Consolidated Post: APAC/Oceanic Server Concerns


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Signed it, but I don't think 100 signatures on that will be of equal value to the 120 odd pages of responses we have in this thread.


I concur... the number of views and posts on this threads, all voicing the same concern should be a sufficiently strong message to Bioware to do something about it...


Sadly, it seems not to be...

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It's an easy fix guys


Give Master Dar'Nala and Gav Daragon server players the option to move to Dalborra OR a US PvP or RP Server...Let the players pick the ping or Server type.. I think most PvP players will join us on Dalborra and RP's might go to a US server as ping is no big deal for Pve...

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We are going this the wrong way..... We need to talk in their language, so nothing about playability.... Nothing about enjoyment..... Nothing about getting customer satisfaction... That's like talking in sign language to a blind person.


500 subs @ $180 p.a. = $90,000 less 3 servers @ $10,000 p.a. = $60,000 p.a.


500 subs @ $180 p.a. = $90,000 less 1 server @ $10,000 p.a. = $90,000 p.a.


All figures are BS.... But now we are talking in ElectronicArtian.... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


MONEY gobble gobble omnonomnomnomnomnomnomnom..........

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We are going this the wrong way..... We need to talk in their language, so nothing about playability.... Nothing about enjoyment..... Nothing about getting customer satisfaction... That's like talking in sign language to a blind person.


500 subs @ $180 p.a. = $90,000 less 3 servers @ $10,000 p.a. = $60,000 p.a.


500 subs @ $180 p.a. = $90,000 less 1 server @ $10,000 p.a. = $90,000 p.a.


All figures are BS.... But now we are talking in ElectronicArtian.... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


MONEY gobble gobble omnonomnomnomnomnomnomnom..........


This doesn't work out... Over the past actions of EA and BW, they are known to have made extremely suboptimal choices when it comes to increasing profits, leaving EA in troubled waters now as it is...

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Its very disheartening to see that this issue although previously stated in "State of The Game" has continued to be ignored.


I really am beginning to think the only fair solution is to open up free transfers on all APAC servers. By doing this people can leave MDN and either go to Dalborra or the RP server, or heaven forbid xfer to MDN. It also gives the players the opportunity to abandon APAC and go back to the USA or Euro servers.


regardless of the solution it will upset some but will benefit the majority.


Thanks for your time


<3 Chippy

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I don't know how many of you have seen the thread about the R.A.W Championship I'm holding.

Quick intro - I am holding a Ranked APAC Warzone Championship next Saturday 8th December, pitting as many RWZ teams against each other in bracket form as possible. Each match is 7v7 with 2 commentators on each team, so as to stream properly and make it fair (ALL THE INFO IS ON THE MASTER DAR'NALA SERVER FORUM).


Cut to the chase - I've been plugging this pretty hard, tweeting, facebook events, plugging the guilds as they join, announcing a 2 Million Credit prize for first place.


Bioware today did their Community Round Up - and left this off the list.


A couple of people tweeted @SWTOR to get them to at least re-tweet the event if not post it on their Community Round Up. I myself have done this as well as comment in the General Forum where they posted it.


Bioware have completely ignored us.

The first ever SWTOR eSports event. Nothing.

Clearly, they really don't give a **** about APAC.


Pretty pathetic Bioware... Pretty pathetic...


ALSO - If you want to join in the comp, please let me know by TOMORROW, so I can make the brackets and schedule everything before next week! We desperately want more teams to get involved!!! Also, if you think Midian will smash it - not so. Midian won't be participating due to a lack of numbers. So it's anyones game now!

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I don't know how many of you have seen the thread about the R.A.W Championship I'm holding.

Quick intro - I am holding a Ranked APAC Warzone Championship next Saturday 8th December, pitting as many RWZ teams against each other in bracket form as possible. Each match is 7v7 with 2 commentators on each team, so as to stream properly and make it fair (ALL THE INFO IS ON THE MASTER DAR'NALA SERVER FORUM).


Cut to the chase - I've been plugging this pretty hard, tweeting, facebook events, plugging the guilds as they join, announcing a 2 Million Credit prize for first place.


Bioware today did their Community Round Up - and left this off the list.


A couple of people tweeted @SWTOR to get them to at least re-tweet the event if not post it on their Community Round Up. I myself have done this as well as comment in the General Forum where they posted it.


Bioware have completely ignored us.

The first ever SWTOR eSports event. Nothing.

Clearly, they really don't give a **** about APAC.


Pretty pathetic Bioware... Pretty pathetic...


ALSO - If you want to join in the comp, please let me know by TOMORROW, so I can make the brackets and schedule everything before next week! We desperately want more teams to get involved!!! Also, if you think Midian will smash it - not so. Midian won't be participating due to a lack of numbers. So it's anyones game now!



Can't believe they didn't add this in the community round up. Looks like they really don't care about APAC going by the way they have been ignoring us lately.

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Right now on the master dar Nala server we are paying full sub for limited war zone access limited fp and ops, All Due to biowares ongoing failure to respond to this servers population issues

I ask bioware to state a reasonable timeframe that Will see server transfers or A Merger of the pvp to pve server, additionally i would ask bioware to justify their reasoning behind charging full Price whilst delivering a sub par game Experience and im requesting that bioware offer free game time or at least 16500 cartel coins to make up for lost money to players still on this server simply because bioware are supplying an unsatisfactory service


Look forward to a Response from bioware

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I'm on Dalborra (Rep) and populations are generally good since F2P. Tython has about 100 people on it pretty much for the entire weekend and the planets are slowly growing as the F2P crowd and new subs (Of which there seem to be a lot of) level up.


Thing is that people go to launch the game for the first time and when they're given the option to choose a server and they see "Standard", "Standard", "Light", then they're going to choose a Standard server obviously.


We've recruited Master D players who have re-rolled on Dalborra then head back to MD for their Ops night then come back to Dalborra to level up again whilst they wait for a solution to the problem over there.


So instead of just QQ'ing the whole time, you should roll an alt on Dalborra (Where the cool people hang out anyway) and wait for the solution to present itself.


As for the guy who apparently did "Everything" to advertise his PvP event. I follow #swtor on Twitter pretty religiously and didn't see a thing so I put it to you that it is you sir, that has failed. Not BW for doing your job for you.


I believe we have the population for a server, just not three. Kill MD and decide between GD and D.

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So instead of just QQ'ing the whole time, you should roll an alt on Dalborra (Where the cool people hang out anyway) and wait for the solution to present itself.




And how does re-rolling fix the problem? Alot of us have multiple toons, serious bank and legacy unlocks out the butt . To just drop it all seems like I've wasted the last 11 months.

To put it into perspective, I just finished spending 9 mill give or take on my JK's gear, I'm supposed to just let it all drift away?

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Right, so I've been playing on American servers for a bit now, about 2 weeks. The only time I've had so much fun was in the first month of my joining when the server still had a lot of people, and an active community.


At this point. I'm all for just deleting our servers and merging with the US/Europe. It's a little jerky at times, but there is no lag otherwise.

Edited by Selvec
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At this point. I'm all for just deleting our servers and merging with the US/Europe. It's a little jerky at times, but there is no lag otherwise.


Until you try an interrupt a move with a 0.5 second channel time. Because that is literally impossible with 250 ping.

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So I resubbed after F2P in hope that server (Master dar'nala) would be more active. It is still a complete ghost town. In all honesty - Is it not better to allow transfers? Let people that have invested a lot of time and still want to play transfer to a more active server.
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At this point. I'm all for just deleting our servers and merging with the US/Europe. It's a little jerky at times, but there is no lag otherwise.


I sincerely hope that I'm not forced to merge with people like yourself. I'm all for just deleting this whinge thread which makes the rest of us look bad.

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Christmas break coming up, a lot of our raiders aren't showing up to their scheduled nights and it is impossible to find replacements for no-shows. Our Group 1 hasn't hit up NiM EC in 3 weeks now because of this, and our Group 4 hasn't run at all for two weeks.


If it keeps going the way it is, might unsub until something is done about the APAC servers. Not losing my level 50 legacy and my 6 level 50 chars.

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I sincerely hope that I'm not forced to merge with people like yourself. I'm all for just deleting this whinge thread which makes the rest of us look bad.


O.o If that's what you call whinging then you need to take a look at the rest of the posts in this forum.

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