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Dailies the worst MMO invention ever?


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The only one I hate is the the one where you run around in the dark looking for the boxes, with the robots popping out of stealth when you walk into the red circles. Someone told me its possible to do that and not fight a single robot, which I think sounds awesome because I hate that quest. Every other daily is more or less the same thing as every other pve quest you do in the game, but this one seems to be designed just to annoy you as much as possible.
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The only one I hate is the the one where you run around in the dark looking for the boxes, with the robots popping out of stealth when you walk into the red circles. Someone told me its possible to do that and not fight a single robot, which I think sounds awesome because I hate that quest. Every other daily is more or less the same thing as every other pve quest you do in the game, but this one seems to be designed just to annoy you as much as possible.


All you have to do is avoid the probe scan radius (red circles), it's quite easy as long as you pay attention.

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All you have to do is avoid the probe scan radius (red circles), it's quite easy as long as you pay attention.


Pay attention in a daily, what a horrible thought.


Kinda glad the SWTOR dailys don't have much in the way of carrots to keep you going. WoW started introducing new factions you had to level for new carrots every few months. Now that was a horror <and the reason I finally saw the treadmill clearly enough to quit>.

Edited by Sphinxes
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I remember when the daily quests were invented / incorporated into wow:


it was in bc when, players at max level got additional coin for competing quests that were still undone (regular quests) only and only if they were max level the experience gained would be turned into coin.

that was very popular because people made good coin through that and it was fun. once they ran out of quests the income was gone, thus daily quests were born.


I also dislike them very much and swtor a star wars game could do so much more interesting tasks (if you wish).


so instead of putting daily quests in the game. bounty hunting as a task would be nice.

or you could do random mission (select random location on the star map) there you would go to one of the recycled locations from various class quests and fight your way through to the end, with different objectives maybe.


oh and bring your friends the mobs will scale to group size. it'd be so cool

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I don’t mind dailies too much – and at least SWTOR has three planets worth so you can rotate them and have a bit of a different experience – you’d have to be mad to do them all each day, every day. Or you soon would be.


But my biggest complaint – as others have noted – is the sheer insane logic of repeating quests that are clearly not designed to be repeatable. There’s one on Ilum that always annoys me the most; the one where you take meds to a crashed pilot. It’s ridiculous – he’s always there, I give him the meds, it resets. I feel like saying ‘see you tomorrow’ when I leave.


And the problem is they are all like that to a greater or lesser degree. I think they may be quests which just didn’t make the cut on the main class stories.


Would it have been so hard to create some form of random dailies? The CoH newpaper missions, as have been mentioned, were a good idea. Perhaps we could have had something that thrust us into the heart of the war that’s supposed to be raging around the galaxy each day.


TBH, I’d settle for 20 ‘kill-all’ daily missions if they played out in random locations each day.

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Hmm... I'm pretty glad that there is some way to get a few easy creds every day. Have friends who are GTN-sharks and makes a ton of credits from that but it really isn't my cup of tea. Whenever I need a little money I do some dailies. Would say that on average I do 4 dailie-q's with my JK in Belsavis. She needs the biochem-mats so might as well get some extra credits for the silver-frogs while I'm at it. Use it as a warm-up before Ops as well with a little repair-money thrown in for good measure.


I have however truly worked hard on the dailies once, when I wanted to unlock a new species in the character creator. Wrote down how much I wanted to save away every day and got started.

Edited by SilentKitty
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I would rather they just allow a Heroic run of all the lower level FP or Raid Boss at level 50 then current design.

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Nothing ruins the fun of a game for me like dailies. Day in and day out, you go to the exact same place, for the exact same reason, to kill the exact same mobs using the exact same buttons. How could anyone give a care about what they are doing or have any fun at all doing such mindless routine?


And, heaven forbid you have more than one 50, then you spend hours everyday doing this mindless activity to gear rather than playing the game you bought.


And if that wasn't enough, they put in dailies where you have to run around with 20 other people trying to get 6 of the 10 (or so) crates to complete a dailies.


Worse way to grind for gear ever. I think that is one of the main reasons I quit wow when I did (many years ago now): the game did nothing but produce cookie cutter areas and then make you grind the same quests over and over for rep to get gear. I really wish swtor hadn't coupled that MMO feature when it was made.


Ahhhh young grass hopper!


You speak of what you have no clue about!


Dailies are NOT a new design for MMORPGs. In fact the very first MMORPG (Neverwinter Nights on AOL circa 1991 -97) introduced the dailies concpet with its 3 part daily called "The Triple"


So Dailies have been around since the very start of this genre


Personally I love the dailies in TOR.

What I dont like is the constant battle for parts of the Black Hole Dailies and parts of the Illum dailies.

They need faster respawns on the items

Other then that dailies are a great time sink and MMORPGs NEED TIME SINKS!


I can say with out any doubt, with out the dailies in TOR I would have cancelled account months ago.


Dailies are my prefered end game at this moment when not PVPing.


The worst invention in MMORPGs would be the Gear > Skill mentality!

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Pay attention in a daily, what a horrible thought.


Kinda glad the SWTOR dailys don't have much in the way of carrots to keep you going. WoW started introducing new factions you had to level for new carrots every few months. Now that was a horror <and the reason I finally saw the treadmill clearly enough to quit>.


The problem with the treadmill is that once you see it at all, you can see it on every MMO. Me, I've decided that I can either quit MMO's altogether or just keep hopping on the TM like a good little Hamster and be happyish.

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I like dailies. They are a simple way to keep the game stable at a nice pace. I mean do you want to get to level 50 in one day and have a million coms? You would be as board as heck within hours. If we could all do this everyone wouldl leave the game quicker. I can understand your frustration but, maybe it's not the dailies, maybe it's endless walking, or how hard it is to group?


But too each his own. There have been times where I have been annoyed by the dailies too.


What exactly do u suggest instead? I'm sure a compromise could be dreamed up, put it in the suggestion box ;)

Edited by NoaFlux
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Dailies would be a little more "fun" if there was a little variation to how you did them. And now with the merges and "mega server" tech, they are too crowded to make them fun. What use to take about an hour can turn into 2 hours if the zones are busy. That is just too mind numbing. Edited by Gruug
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I would also like to know who invented dailies ? My last 3 mmorpg's didn't have dailies and iv'e been playing them since 2000. The only daily grind I would ever do would be in events , where you grind for rare items and xp ( usually with a boost ). At least with the level cap going up will break up this mmo daily culture :) , can't wait , lol mind you makeb might be one huge daily.





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I like dailies. They are a simple way to keep the game stable at a nice pace. I mean do you want to get to level 50 in one day and have a million coms? You would be as board as heck within hours. If we could all do this everyone wouldl leave the game quicker. I can understand your frustration but, maybe it's not the dailies, maybe it's endless walking, or how hard it is to group?


But too each his own. There have been times where I have been annoyed by the dailies too.


What exactly do u suggest instead? I'm sure a compromise could be dreamed up, put it in the suggestion box ;)


I'm with you =]

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