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DPS Mercs.


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You can find me in here (playing against the recorder):



Plus, if Ugly really records everything, I should also be in his archives killing him over and over again and doubling his damage even when he's playing premade vs pug in a normal WZ.


You guys talk so big but I've never seen you in a RWZ.


lol that video shows us nothing of who you are or your skill. you showed us a video where no one guarded the west door in 2nd room. So they weren't a very competent team.

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omg I just cant believe this threat exists


so MARA says that mercs are fine...




usually I just IGNORE pyro mercs


u know why? because I can OUTHEAL all their damage with my sentinel

thats why he did so much damage, it ticks and I just DONT CARE


and i have full WH sent and commando, and usually Im in top 3 dps with my commando - with my sent I can turn the match, and as a commando all I can do is useless pew-pew


so NO, mercs and commandos ARE NOT fine, they are completely broken and 1.4 will just finish them off


I would love to be ignored in a WZ! lol wow are you serious


And also 1.4 didnt nerf Pyro Mercs. The 10m stun range is irrelevant because your Stun should be saved for melee toons in melee with you. There are no other changes to Pyro Merc. You could actually say that Mercs will do better since they can potentially kite PTs now.

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You can find me in here (playing against the recorder):



Plus, if Ugly really records everything, I should also be in his archives killing him over and over again and doubling his damage even when he's playing premade vs pug in a normal WZ.


You guys talk so big but I've never seen you in a RWZ.


LOL... this is funny for a lot of reasons.


The name is familiar... LOL. I highly doubt you kill me as easily as you say or that you double my DPS. If that's true than you are defeinitely the exception to the rule and a god among us mortals. :rolleyes:


First, we in fact haven't done a lot of rated. Early on it was fun even tho we were out geared and now it seems people just farm coms. Hardly enjoyable.


If anyone was that much better than me... I would have noticed. Your name looks vaguely familiar but not enough for me to remember you. I normally only remember the elite players that are a step above the rest. Besides that... I've never claimed to be super pro... I run into the odd player that humbles me down a notch and I'd say it's a very small percentage. But below avergage? That's pretty laughable and if you hadn't made such a ridiculous claim I may have taken you more seriously.


If someone was doubling my damage and killing me over and over... I definitely would remember you. I don't. Seems you remember me though. I look forward to seeing you in a WZ soon. ;)


I still fail to see the point of your response other than to take shots at me... Must be a reason for it. :D

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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lol that video shows us nothing of who you are or your skill. you showed us a video where no one guarded the west door in 2nd room. So they weren't a very competent team.


What do you want exactly? Everyone should have a PvP video ready? A screenshot of high damage is going to prove more than beating a RWZ team?




Besides, I like how petty you guys are to automatically call the team in the video bad. He has posted plenty of wins against other good guilds. That team would crush Ugly's bad guild that doesn't even do RWZs.


Also, we got that door on a transition where not all of their players were up yet. If you watch the video, he was watching both doors, but the instant our shadow came out of stealth to cap, he got chocked, awed, then our sage ran by and manually clicked off his bubble for an aoe mez.

Edited by Antipodes
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Without reading most of thread, I will say this: Merc (as well as Operative) DPS is very weak. But that doesn't mean it can't be done. Certain very good players can make a generally bad class/spec work very well. But it's rare. In my experience I can honestly say Ive only seen 2 good Op DPS (one even won a duelling tournament) and not a single Merc DPS that has impressed me.


I applaud these players for making it work, but if you see it do wel so very rarely, it means something is not right.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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Without reading most of thread, I will say this: Merc (as well as Operative) DPS is very weak. But that doesn't mean it can't be done. Certain very good players can make a generally bad class/spec work very well. But it's rare. In my experience I can honestly say Ive only seen 2 good Op DPS (one even one a duelling tournament) and not a single Merc DPS that has impressed me.


I applaud these players for making it work, but if you see it do wel so very rarely, it means something is not right.


You pretty much summed up the post without even reading it. It's definitely bottom of the food chain but not impossible.

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I admit I'm biased against DPS Mercs/Commando. And it's not the player's fault. The blame clearly lies on BW's shoulders.


And this is why:


A heal spec'd merc/commando with equal gear/skill of a DPS merc/commando will always bring more utility to/have a greater impact in a WZ. For all of the reasons that have already been stated in this thread.


And until that changes, DPS merc/commandos will be second rate citizens.

Edited by PakaOno
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And since you're so experienced at rated and seem to do well... care to actually reply to the thread. Or are you not done taking shots and making ridiculous claims?


My first two comments were on-topic, but the second one seemed to get you and your friends mad :T The point of it was: using objective points and damage done in a normal WZ is poor reasoning for Merc viability.


The best way to prove your claim is to do well in RWZs with a Merc. Whether a merc beats you or me in damage in a random normal WZ does not mean anything. There's too much luck of the draw with the quality of the players you fight against in normal WZs, especially when you queue as a 4 man premade.

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Besides, I like how petty you guys are to automatically call the team in the video bad. He has posted plenty of wins against other good guilds. That team would crush Ugly's bad guild that doesn't even do RWZs.



BTW, I actually know some of those guys from AKA and one of the marauders in the vid was someone we ran with in WZ's with SB. If those guys are as good as you say... I performed on par with Swisher multiple times trading first place back and forth. And at the time I was lessed gear than now and I still have to work on min/max.


Not that it has anything to do with this thread... I just find it funny that you have it out for me. Figure I might as well defend myself. :rolleyes:

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The best way to prove your claim is to do well in RWZs with a Merc. Whether a merc beats you or me in damage in a random normal WZ does not mean anything. There's too much luck of the draw with the quality of the players you fight against in normal WZs, especially when you queue as a 4 man premade.


But when you make a baseless claim to double my damage in a random WZ with no proof that holds more weight?


And it was the best proof I have on have on hand. He also does quite well in rated and now that he's back in the guild and we're focusing on rated again I'm sure I'll have some more streams to show.


I never said it was probable... just possible.

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BTW, I actually know some of those guys from AKA and one of the marauders in the vid was someone we ran with in WZ's with SB. If those guys are as good as you say... I performed on par with Swisher multiple times trading first place back and forth. And at the time I was lessed gear than now and I still have to work on min/max.


Not that it has anything to do with this thread... I just find it funny that you have it out for me. Figure I might as well defend myself. :rolleyes:


Their team was good. I don't know about the individual players besides Justbodies though.


I don't even remember them having a marauder in that game ><

Edited by Antipodes
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But when you make a baseless claim to double my damage in a random WZ with no proof that holds more weight?


Meh. I played against you pug vs pug on Novare maybe 2 weeks ago. Nothing notable and the Reps dominated that game. A few days ago, I played your 4 man premade on Novare. Your team's assassin + operative healer took west. I went east with two others and wiped you and five of your teammates over and over 3v6. Our team was weak and couldn't kill the defenders at west 4v2 so we ended up losing the game.


Maybe that will jog your memory? Were you recording that game?

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Meh. I played against you pug vs pug on Novare maybe 2 weeks ago. Nothing notable and the Reps dominated that game. A few days ago, I played your 4 man premade on Novare. Your team's assassin + operative healer took west. I went east with two others and wiped you and five of your teammates over and over 3v6. Our team was weak and couldn't kill the defenders at west 4v2 so we ended up losing the game.


Maybe that will jog your memory? Were you recording that game?


Your memory seems to be better than mine... doesn't ring a bell at all. Feel free to look through the vids tho.


Do remember a lot of "below average" players from weeks before?


Your memory is as impressive as your skill level. ;)

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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Your memory seems to be better than mine... doesn't ring a bell at all. Feel free to look through the vids tho.


Do remember a lot of "below average" players from weeks before?


Your memory is as impressive as your skill level. ;)


I was wondering who you were since you post so much. And I do have a good memory of useless things (not talking about you).

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What do you want exactly? Everyone should have a PvP video ready? A screenshot of high damage is going to prove more than beating a RWZ team?




Besides, I like how petty you guys are to automatically call the team in the video bad. He has posted plenty of wins against other good guilds. That team would crush Ugly's bad guild that doesn't even do RWZs.


Also, we got that door on a transition where not all of their players were up yet. If you watch the video, he was watching both doors, but the instant our shadow came out of stealth to cap, he got chocked, awed, then our sage ran by and manually clicked off his bubble for an aoe mez.


sorry but if he is watching door he has to be closer then that. there was other people on other door. Thats a pug mistake and should not be happening in ranked. Weather team is good I have no Idea. I know no one on your server. Im just stating what I saw.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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I recently rolled a Merc. I'm consistently putting up top DPS/kills with very few deaths. Granted, this is in the lowbie bracket thus far, but the class is far from gimped. The key is avoiding confrontations with melee that you can't get out of easily with LOS. Merc doesn't really have much in the way of escape abilities in a 1vs1 situation.


Working as intended, in my opinion.

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I don't see that many mercs, because Imps are smart enough to play better classes, but I see houndreds on commandos every day and I can only remember one that was on par with the top dps'es in the game. In ONE game.


Hence, what you are, once again, using as an example of a class being valid is either the outcome of one exceptional player, most likely in a perfect enviroment, or the stars and moons aligning in perfect harmony while rainbow skittles are falling from the sky and a unicorn of chocolate is running free over the fields.


People have fallen out of airplanes from 10 000 ft and survived, doesnt make it safe. Try it yourself sometime and let us know how it went. I mean, you want to prove a point, right?

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The key is avoiding confrontations with melee that you can't get out of easily with LOS. Merc doesn't really have much in the way of escape abilities in a 1vs1 situation.




Therein lies the rub. At 50, melee has waaaaay more tools to get to, and keep you in melee range than you have to get out.


In high end RWZ you WILL be meleed the moment you start to lay down any serious DPS, and you will NOT get off any abilities with a cast time (which is why gunnery is largely viewed as useless for anything but scrub standard games).


But sure, mercs and commandos are great against muppets. Which is probably why we're not getting any real improvements. There are a lot of muppets.

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Now, let's see a game in which you team didnt heal for +1 million.


Oh that's right....


hows that his fault his team is good. Show me anybody in rateds who puts up great numbers without healers. DPS without healing is always going to be less.

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