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Game suddenly unplayable, FPS is terrible on a decent rig.


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Wow, not only are the elitists out in force, but it seem's they forgot leave their douche bag capes at home.


This guy's rig is a middle of the road system and not only do millions of people out there own a rig similar to his, but the game should run well enough on this type of hardware with modest settings.


If his drivers are up to date, my bet is it's the engine, not his rig. GL OP.


Thank you.


I plan on getting a new rig pretty soon anyway, I said already I know it's not a decent rig for todays standards.


Maybe read the posts in the future.


I was playing the game perfectly during the EGA as well, was just up until yesterday it started messing up.


Let's hope we can keep this thread alive and maybe someone notices it.

Edited by Ripebear
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Your RAM is pretty terrible, and if you're running 800mhz ram what is the motherboard? DDR2?


Your windows type only matters whether it is 64 or 32 bit to allow it to recognise more RAM.


Graphics card isn't great either, at the middle to lower end of what should run the game.


Dual Core is obviously lower end. If you have a packed low end hard drive, bad internet connection, are using wireless, or you have a badly fragmented hard drive among a million other reasons you shouldn't be able to run this game all that well.


i really dont get why people expect the next gen MMO to work on sub standard PC's


given this is no BF3 or likes of it but C2D? and 800mhz ram, really?






















Edit : just saw your latest post , nice to see you the saw the light and realised it and BTW turn off shadows

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i really dont get why people expect the next gen MMO to work on sub standard


given this is no BF3 or likes of it but C2D? and 800mhz ram, really?





















I just seen your edit, but yeah it was working fine, never a stutter in any area. This is the issue not the fact is was unplayable to begin with.

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Wow, not only are the elitists out in force, but it seem's they forgot leave their douche bag capes at home.


This guy's rig is a middle of the road system and not only do millions of people out there own a rig similar to his, but the game should run well enough on this type of hardware with modest settings.


If his drivers are up to date, my bet is it's the engine, not his rig. GL OP.


This times infinity. People insult you if your computer isn't a monster. His computer is definetly "middle of the road" and, considering the claimed minimum/recommended system requirements, his computer should be doing better.


More the point: SWTOR has progressively gotten worse in the FPS department. In beta I was playing with a mix of medium and high settings and getting 50+ FPS. Not ungodly, but more than playable while keeping the game half-decent looking to boot. Since launch, I'm now stumbling in 25 FPS territory and down into the teens in a few spots using the absolute minimum setings. And yes, I did update my drivers, and no, it didn't help any.


Thankfully, after Christmas (or on it, if anyone actually listened to my constant hints of "I'd like to upgrade my computer soon.") I'm upgrading my rig. I got her a couple years ago and she was only solid then, and she's passed due for a makeover (and I finally have enough cash saved up to not sweat it financially). Still, it makes me wonder: when I upgrade, how much is it gonna suck if I just end up doing as good as I was already back in beta?


Bioware has some issues on their end they need to work out. It's either that, or they need to update the recommended settings to show something more accurate to the truth... though I'd just be happy if they'd get it close to how it was in beta. I could live with only pulling 30 FPS with medium settings (though hopefully I can get this baby to do much more than that shortly :-) )

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I'm having a similar issue. I can play around 40 - 60 fps, but the game seems to randomly drop down to 1.5 and stays there for about 30 seconds and becomes playable again. This seems to happen no matter where I am at in the game. It is a mobile GPU, but it should be able to run the game on low settings.




Dual Core 2.53Ghz

Windows 7 Home Premium x64


My home rig runs it great, and it is on an NVIDIA as well. Anybody else tried this with a GTX 260M, or do I just need a new laptop?


(Reason why I'm playing on the laptop is because I'm at work, can't really bring the desktop to work with me :p)

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I had the same issue. I am playing on a alienware m14x. I was playing early access since the 13th with 40-60 fps on max settings, even today prior to the servers shutting down to prep for launch. As soon as the launch servers went live, I jumped onto my same characters and started to average about 20-30 FPS. I even tried turning everything down to medium and low and at best get 30-40 fps. No clue what changed once the servers went "live".
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The problem is not the rigs...you can run this game on a Toaster,


The problem is lag comming from the server due to overload because of Launch.


im sure of it.


i run the game at 60+ fps on



GTX 580

8 gigs 1600


never any problems.


did not play the game today (at work) so i dont know...but because of launch day..alot of weird stuff is gooing on !!


give it a few days to calm down !!

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I have no idea what is going on with TOR. Basically I'm level 31 and have been playing on max settings with 40-100 fps depending on situation, never below really with very little problems.


But today when I logged in and played it, I went to a dungeon/cave and it started dropping badly and the game was almost unplayable, 1-20 fps. I thought this could be like Taris so I got off the planet but it continued.


Even the game menus are slow, now when I'm in a queue for a server, when I tab out and back in the loading screen with the characters is there for several seconds. Also it takes several minutes just to "Exit game", it just stalls and takes ages.


I even made a new character on a new server to see, and still same problem. I also cranked graphics down to lowest possible settings. And did a full reinstall of the game but it didn't help. It is also less than a week old reinstall of windows.




Windows 7 Ultimate

Radeon HD 4870

Duo Core 3.1 GHZ

4GB Corsair 800MHZ ram


As you can see my system is a bit old but it should play AT LEAST with minimum graphics settings with good FPS. It's actually still a decent rig and runs Crysis at about 30-35 FPS so I don't understand what the problem is.


I will probably reinstall windows tonight to see if it makes a difference.


Anyone else having a similar problem? Any help is appreciated, I won't be able to subscribe to the game if it stays like this.




if you upgraded to catalyst 11.12, downgrade to 11.11

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You have too little RAM. Your system runs out of memory and then it starts to swap stuff through your HDD which is MUCH slower than RAM.


Get 2-4GB more and you'll be fine.


So the memory leak is actually permanant? I thought 4 GB covered it, if it leaked you just restarted the game. If it is the case what's stopping it taking up all 6-8? I just payed 40 UK pounds for 4 GB ram over 2GB.


If that's the case I won't be playing the game, the minimum specs say 1.5 GB. Developer fault if it can't be played on 4GB.


I'm not been harsh here but I would be looking for a refund if this is the case :(

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I tell you now guys cause im seeing this game lags blah blah.


UPGRADE your computers on the back of the box minimum requirements


AMD Athlon Dual Core 64 x2



Since when does any game you buy run lagless on minimum requirements???


99% of lag is Hardware related (true story)

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in beta i was at around 30-40 fps, early access i am at 15fps but tbh im on a laptop so im not worried, i will have finished upgrading my PC by tomorrow which i am expecting to be running alot better. it is pretty terrible playing at 10-15 fps but u get used to it in the end :)
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in beta i was at around 30-40 fps, early access i am at 15fps but tbh im on a laptop so im not worried, i will have finished upgrading my PC by tomorrow which i am expecting to be running alot better. it is pretty terrible playing at 10-15 fps but u get used to it in the end :)


I was playing in early access with perfect frames. It just started dropping horribly yesterday. Only thing I can think of is my graphics card has died, or at least is damaged in some way or another.

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ok your rig is fine for playing TOR.


Ignore people that say its not decent, its fine for what you are doing with it.


First thing I would try is fire up another game you know worked previously on your rig and see what happens. If it plays ok you know its not graphics.


It may be your Broadband connection we dont know yet.


Try this and let us know :)

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Well, I did try Counter Strike: Source, but it isn't a great test since It's so old.


I did notice I dropped from 280 FPS Stress test on max to 220 when I upgraded the ram, so I'm not sure what's going on. Also my test on furmark seems fairly low, wish I knew someone else with this card so I could measure the performance.


5 minutes I will see if a reinstall works though.


And about the rig, these idiots are just trolls. I know fine well what it is, it's 4 years old and still SHOULD run a current MMO fine.


My connection seems fine, I run less than 100MS usually at all times.


I plan to upgrade a fair bit or buy a whole new rig before raiding, that may be needed!

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I actually have noticed the same thing but thought it was just me. In beta the game ran very smooth but since early access it's not running to well even when things are on low, and last night it was running terrible. I'm not sure what's happened but BW need to fix it as soon as possible.
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I actually have noticed the same thing but thought it was just me. In beta the game ran very smooth but since early access it's not running to well even when things are on low, and last night it was running terrible. I'm not sure what's happened but BW need to fix it as soon as possible.


Totally. I even ran fine on EGA up until yesterday morning. I believe there may have been an update of some kind yesterday or late Sunday.


Time to find out if a reinstall works, back in 5 minutes with an update.


EDIT: Nevermind make that 15 minutes, 200MB update!!

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There's a lot of needless elitism in here, yes the guys rig isn't amazing but it's a LOT better than minimum specifications. My setup is similar to the OPs and it runs like a dog, I'd at least like it vaguely playable, I know it's not going to look amazing but frame rates out of single figures would be great.


I'm running with everything turned down and at a resolution of 1280x1024 and as said above I get frame rates in single figures.


Before anybody says it, no I won't upgrade my rig because I can't afford to. My point again is that when I (and the OP) surpass minimum specifications I'd like the game to be mildly playable, which it is not.


Thanks to all those with constructive comments, to those telling the OP "you must be poor" and "your rig sucks" I'll be glad when your queue have ended and you stop spamming the forums with your drivel.

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There's a lot of needless elitism in here, yes the guys rig isn't amazing but it's a LOT better than minimum specifications. My setup is similar to the OPs and it runs like a dog, I'd at least like it vaguely playable, I know it's not going to look amazing but frame rates out of single figures would be great.


I'm running with everything turned down and at a resolution of 1280x1024 and as said above I get frame rates in single figures.


Before anybody says it, no I won't upgrade my rig because I can't afford to. My point again is that when I (and the OP) surpass minimum specifications I'd like the game to be mildly playable, which it is not.


Thanks to all those with constructive comments, to those telling the OP "you must be poor" and "your rig sucks" I'll be glad when your queue have ended and you stop spamming the forums with your drivel.


This. I actually have plenty of cash just waiting on January sales, plus I have a life outside of gaming to pay for. :)


Actually like the trolls, keeps my thread bumped. Keep em coming!


Hope I figure this out, for me and others with the same problem. Update coming shortly.

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