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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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Yup, I'm so "bad" at the class that Ninja asked me to be part of this assassin group of his that he's putting some of the best PvP sins on the server into. Yup, clearly bad.[/quote


LOL When did either of you become some of the "best sins on the server"?



I think the better question here is why you're assuming that Ninjablade is bad just because Saeari brought him up during his temper tantrum here. I can understand why you'd lash out at Saeari based on the pissing contest going on between you all, but you indirectly insulted a third party that is not actually involved here, which I do not understand. Moreover, as said third party has not involved himself in this little lovers' quarrel, you're assuming that he actually believes himself to be one of the best assassins on the server. It seems like you just want to hate on him because he is somehow associated with Saeari, even though you don't even know the guy/gal.

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Show me an example of an assassin killing a geared and competent player via stunlock. In case you aren't aware, the class has one single hardstun, electrocute, which lasts 4 seoncds, 1.5 of which are ate by the GCD of simply using said stun. So, that means that, at best, you get two hits off during that stun, the only other "stun" we have is spike which only lets us get a maul off. So if you see a sin killing a player in 3 hits during stun duration, they're not geared.


Oh btw, carnage mara's can do 8k+ on ravage/scream/throw during a gore window. You know the difference? They don't have to break combat to be able to do big hits every 15 seconds (recklessness). So saying 8k hits makes us OP is silly.


If you honestly think carnage maras get the perfect rotation off consistently, you're quite misinformed or you play against people who don't know what a CC or a knockback is. Assassins can run around with 8k discharges, 10k mauls, and 6k shocks. You don't need to channel any of those skills. I play both carnage and deception btw.

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Temper tantrum? Excuse me, but my post didn't have the slightest hint of "temper" in it. I pointed out a fact, nothing more.


You're all at each other's throats over what is, frankly, quite meaningless in the long run. None of you are going to accept the others' views or play styles, nor are you going reach any sort of a common ground. You're going to continue to hate on each other, especially considering there is much safety behind a computer screen and in anonymity in general. The fact remains, however, that bringing the aforementioned third party into this was tactless, and you don't even know how said person would feel about the potentially unwanted attention this is going to bring him. Now, there are going to be people, as we've already seen in an indirect manner, hating on him and talking **** about him. That makes me sad not only as a gamer, but as a person, because I've had interactions with Ninja out of character, and he's a nice guy, and I don't think he's a bad player or a bad assassin by any means. Now, however, because you brought him up with the mention of whatever group he was putting together, and the mere fact that he associates with you in some way, those who dislike you are going to start, metaphorically, pissing on him as well, which, as I've already said, we've already seen in an indirect manner.

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If you honestly think carnage maras get the perfect rotation off consistently, you're quite misinformed or you play against people who don't know what a CC or a knockback is. Assassins can run around with 8k discharges, 10k mauls, and 6k shocks. You don't need to channel any of those skills. I play both carnage and deception btw.


Sure you can't get ravage off all the time but scream is an insta cast and so is throw, even though it needs a proc. So what's your point? You can't get off ravage all the time? Boohoo, if we don't exit combat we have to wait 75 seconds before we can do our burst again, mara only has to wait until gore comes up.

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Sure you can't get ravage off all the time but scream is an insta cast and so is throw, even though it needs a proc. So what's your point? You can't get off ravage all the time? Boohoo, if we don't exit combat we have to wait 75 seconds before we can do our burst again, mara only has to wait until gore comes up.


Someone please make it stop before it embarrasses itself even more.

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Lol, I know what the CD on recklessness is. What I don't understand is why you think your only burst would come from recklesness. You are constantly building static charges and your duplicity/exploitivestrike procs make your maul 8k+. Assassins are constantly putting out burst damage.
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Meh, I've been playing Shadow since prerelease, even though I still suck. :p


You should practice the fine art of "tunneling" that many others seem to have mastered, and stop throwing those darn FiBs at us sneaky people who are merely trying to turn your Civil War turrets red. :D



Failed Cap Attempts 2014

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Lol, I know what the CD on recklessness is. What I don't understand is why you think your only burst would come from recklesness. You are constantly building static charges and your duplicity/exploitivestrike procs make your maul 8k+. Assassins are constantly putting out burst damage.


She obviously doesn't know how to play the class like we've all been saying

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For future reference, this is exactly how I read walls of text:



If you do not wish to read everything I type then that is your prerogative.



Also, just because you have not heard someone's name in PvP does not mean they are inactive, bad, or simply sub par, as there are many hours in the day and those of whom you have not heard might simply be active at different times than you.

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I don't see why any of this matters so much. Why don't you all call a truce and let bygones be bygones? Who cares if person A does or does not know a class as well as person B? this has dragged on for too many pages lol



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