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What do you want to see in the future class story?


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Imperial Classes:






One more chance to join Jadus and kill Zhorrid

Chance to kill Chance if you spared him:D





Zash if you choose Khem

More scheme, corrupt some Jedi

Corrupt Satele Shan



Focus on fighting the republic

Defeat Satele Shan







Edited by Slowpokeking
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For the Sith Warrior:


Acknowledgement and exploration of the theme of power considering that now the Warrior is one of the most powerful and influentual individuals in the whole Empire. How would the Dark Council deal with you? What tasks would the Emperor bestow to his Wrath? Would the Republic act against you (assassination atempts maybe?)? What price would you be forced to pay to keep the power?

To me, it seems like becoming the Wrath means you're painting a big target on your back and this would make for an interesting sequel.


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I dont want much, really. Just what i realistically expecting :D


Imperial Classes:



SI - You all lied, that this story is made by Palpatin's example. Not really. So, please, more conspiracies, more secrets of the Force (not some unknown ghosts - use Darth Nihilus holocron or find Naga Sadow's spirit). Even more interactions with Jedi order. SW had at least whole Jaesa Willsaam part of story, also one Jedi on Belsavis made it interesting. So make something similar, please - unholy temporary alliance with Satele Shan or jedi order mass defection, new great schism?


SW - Dont make Emperor to be our another Darth Baras, please. More feelings of freedom, SW should has own agenda, perhaps even find some possibilities to change him in light side story by secrets of the Force? But more battles with the Republic i would appreciate as well.


BH - Meet Gault's girlfriend :)



IA - Create your own Star Cabal, pro-imperial or pro-corruption group :p



Republic Classes:



JC - This class need HUGE improvements. More secrets of the Force as well as strategical plots against the Empire. Mission to Csilla system about Chiss Ascendancy defection? Find Light side Siths? Secret mission in Korriban tombs or another planet, when you can find dead Siths opposing the Emperor?


JK - Lead Republic armies directly to battle, like real Jedi General :) Clone Wars feeling :D


T - Find some targets to assasination or destroy should be more by my choice, what is more important.

- Became leader of whole SpecForces, after general Garza's inevitable death :p


S - Possibility to cooperation with the Empire or

- total war with Hutts to control whole galactic underworld in the middle of present huge galactic war.



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For the Bounty Hunter:


possible defection to the republic after an imperial betrayal, imperial intelligence reveals that they know it was you that caused the death of darth tormen and send assassins to fight you, your only options are to ask a group of people for aid:

-A high ranking dark council member


-The Republic


Each decision will have consequences, and will lead to a different ending to the story.



For the Jedi Knight:


Lord Scourge begins to want to restore the feelings he had before becoming the emperor's wrath, after visiting the jedi temple on tython and expressing his desire to become a jedi, he is treated by jedi healers, beginning a complex companion story retraining him in the ways of the jedi.




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Republic Classes:


JK - Revan turning up and possibly becoming a companion...romanceable even for female JK. Then he and Scourge resolve things. Emperor should not come back for at least another 2 chapters.

JC - More diplomacy and force researcch would be nice.

Smuggler - Run your own criminal empire and do deals with both Republic, Imperial and Hutt Cartel.

Trooper - General.



Imperial Class


SI - Return of Zash, particularly if you chose her over Khem Val.

SW - This should probably be the class that kills Satela Shan. Some dread master involvement.

BH - Work for both sides. A more bad *** choices of romancebale companions for both male and female.

Agent - More undercover.


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I've brought it up before, but I really want to see my Bounty Hunter try and take down Satele Shan. I mean, of course he's going to get his butt kicked, but that's part of the story. LS ending: He rethinks his career as a bounty hunter. DS ending: He gets a seething hatred of all Jedi, Boba Fett style.


Further details here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=501582

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I don't want to deflate anyone's bubble, but it seems like the story on Makeb will be common to all classes, like any planet story arc... If there is any addition to the class stories it will come after Makeb, and Makeb has disappeared from Bioware's communications since the F2P announcement. There is no release date.


My fear would be that Bioware wants to market Makeb as an extension or monetize it somehow. If it is the case, I'll unsub right away as this was content that was discussed during E3 in june and it was implied it would come before the end of the year.


To go right back on topic I would wish that companion interaction are developed further, not just some dialogues but real missions instead of fade to black's when the companions go solve their problems alone.

With all the classes in such a high/ favorable position at the end of chapter 3, it is difficult to imagine a follow up that would put the characters in a realistic situation. "I am one of the most powerful person in the galaxy and a nobody sends me on a errand?" I'm curious on how they'll get out of that".

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For the Bounty Hunter:





For the Jedi Knight:


Lord Scourge begins to want to restore the feelings he had before becoming the emperor's wrath, after visiting the jedi temple on tython and expressing his desire to become a jedi, he is treated by jedi healers, beginning a complex companion story retraining him in the ways of the jedi.




Completely goes against established,current story/canon.

Scourge tells the JK he is Sith,shall always remain Sith and he is a firm believer in the DS, he even tells you at the end he is only sticking around to make sure the threat of the Emperor is ended. He makes it clear that his loyalties remain with the Empire but he wants to see the Emperor beaten because of his endgame plans.


I guess the writers could get a real reputation for being hacks and do something like this, but I'd hate to see that.



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I don't want to deflate anyone's bubble, but it seems like the story on Makeb will be common to all classes, like any planet story arc... If there is any addition to the class stories it will come after Makeb, and Makeb has disappeared from Bioware's communications since the F2P announcement. There is no release date.


It gets mentions, but very sparse ones so if you aren't really riveted to comments that come from all quarters of BioWare Austin, it's easy to miss. However, it looks like 1.4 > F2P > Makeb, with Makeb landing around the holidays. I think Makeb will be the first content release for purchase by non-subscribers. That makes sense of the timeline, and honestly it would be a shrewd business move. I think subscribers will get it for free. Now, that is speculation, but piecing it together that is what seems likely. There are hints of new companion character conversations coming with that, but only from indirect sources at BioWare, expressed in terms of uncertainty, but there it is.


I have been levelling 8 classes slowly, because I want there to be more to do when I get to 50, so I have yet to complete existing story content. It's hard to say specifically what I want, but story is what sets SWTOR apart for me, so I do want to see just as much emphasis on story moving forward than I do on (to me, tedious & repetetive) group content.

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I would like people in your legacy (especially since there are 12 toons per server now) to b able 2 b ur companions. I would love to have my sith juggernaut's wife (a twi'lek sorceror) to be his companion. she would be a healing character that does damage (like quinn) and have maybe my bounty hunter as my sorc's comp or something like that. I would also like more comp story, or story between legacy people. Like 2 toons that are married on legacy could live on the same ship and talk to each other in conversations. example: My female twi'lek sorceror- Honey, does this skirt make my butt look big?

My male juggernaut: 1-no, baby 2- yes 3-yes, but I find your big butt very attractive (most men would answer 3, just sayin. i know i would)

Sorceror- answering 1: alright. it feels kinda tight, though. Maybe i'm just bloated. answering 2: How could you say that?; or: is that attractive to you or not? answering 3: thanks babe. let's have some fun when i get back from killing jedi, you earned it. (3 would be the best answer in my opinion. you peeps that have gone through puberty know what she was talkin bout).


Also, i would like to be able to see you and your mate raise a child. Not like sims style, but have some pregnancy dialougue and after birth dialouge, i'm not aksin that you have to c the baby outside of conversations.


(hilarious situation-sith fighting jedi. wife holocoms him, saying she's gone into labor. He has to talk to her encouragingly while fighting until jedi dies, or the jedi lets him go to be with his wife and child due to good nature.)


also it would be cool if you could defect. I always wanted a star wars story where you could defect and start your own little force cult and use both light and dark powers.(Force lightning and force sweep abilities with any hilt style. or project and force choke with any hilt style)


i know i typed a lot, but i have a very active imagination, and get hyper easily. i also just drank a dr. pepper, so hyper typin right now:D

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Great suggestions so far! I keep reading them and thinking "Man I can't wait to do that!" and then feeling disappointed that is isn't real ):





BH - Embark on another Great Hunt-style quest to hunt some epic enemy, like a rogue Sith, or a Krayt dragon. Also, the chance to beat the smug out of Darth Tormen.


IA - Further spygames with the SIS, because hot damn was that a fun story! Taking another crack at Jadus would be good, too.






JC - Examining further secrets of the Force would be a good start, as would following-up the rumour of Ascendency expatriates and defectors on Hoth, that seemed like it was going somewhere.


T - Not actually a spoiler, I'd just like to be able to tell someone to do something "because I'm Commander F@&%ing Shepherd, that's why!"


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Great suggestions so far! I keep reading them and thinking "Man I can't wait to do that!" and then feeling disappointed that is isn't real ):





BH - Embark on another Great Hunt-style quest to hunt some epic enemy, like a rogue Sith, or a Krayt dragon. Also, the chance to beat the smug out of Darth Tormen.


IA - Further spygames with the SIS, because hot damn was that a fun story! Taking another crack at Jadus would be good, too.


Well, for the BH...

You DO get to beat Tormen down at the end of Chapter 3 if you side with the Chancellor. Felt goooooooood to put that punk down like a dog, too!



As for the IA....

Definitely want another shot at taking down Jadus. He's even creepier than Skadge! At least Skadge is open about being a creeper. Jadus is... just "get the hell away from me before I yell for help" creepy! I wouldn't trust him around my kids, that's for sure!


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Imperial Agent





My character went independent at the end, so he doesn't have special favor for the Empire or Republic. I would love to see any of the following:

  • A chance to kill Jadus
  • A chance to fight the Dread Masters -- I don't think they like anybody, Sith or Republic. They also made me cry like a baby when I defied them, which I'm still mad about
  • Reappearance of Thana Vesh and Ardun Kothe
  • I'm wishing I didn't kill Watcher X, because it would have been awesome to have him as a temporary companion!
  • A mission that ends with the agent running out of a base or starship he's just destroyed where he saves the galaxy from some apocalyptic weapon :D



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  • 5 weeks later...

The way things stand now particularly with the focus on the Dread Masters, I thought this might be interesting for a Chapter 4 if it was closer to the present time.


The 4 force using classes take on the 4 lesser dread masters saving Tyran as a big end game ops boss. Jedi Knights can choose to either kill or capture their opponent. Consulars could choose to kill or redeem. Warriors could choose to kill or ally. Inquisitors could choose to kill or enslave.


Meanwhile for the tech users,

perhaps Bounty Hunters as mentioned by another person could take on Mandalore for leadership of the Mandalorians. Smugglers in the wake of Makeb and KP can go head to head with the Hutt Cartel to finally find out what they are really up to and even have a choice to either defend the Republic or go along with the Cartel's schemes. Troopers will find out that Kilran (who I believe was not used fully enough as a villain IMO)) was brought back as a cyborg or soemthing else (like Kephess) by the Dread Masters and has to be dealt with again. Meanwhile for Agents, Jadus finally returns and is allied with the Dread Masters as well and the score can be settled with him too.



They should definitely wait till at least Chapter 5

if they want to bring back Revan, Malgus and the Emperor.



Chapter 6 could perhaps be a brand new villain.

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