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Now that you've played for a while, will SWTOR overtake WoW?


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I do not think it will end without another MMO to take its place. If you think everyone is going to just stop playing WoW and go outside then you're crazy. lol


People have been leaving wow in huge chunks for many games, rift, eve, swtor, lotro, vanguard etc. gw2 and Tera are both releasing soon and will help decimate wows player base. Which mmo will become the new king of the hill is uncertain, maybe none will, we may have 2-3 mmos take roughly equal positions this time.

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WoW has been out for a long time. It gave people want they wanted and has done really well. I dont see TOR being around for half as long as WoW. The story driven voice over is a nice evolution in MMOs, however, the Star Wars Universe is sort of limiting. We have only 8 classes, what can you add? The customization has too many hurdles. Space Combat is a mini-game. I know TOR will evolve but hopefully it does so before turning too many people off.
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People have been leaving wow in huge chunks for many games, rift, eve, swtor, lotro, vanguard etc. gw2 and Tera are both releasing soon and will help decimate wows player base. Which mmo will become the new king of the hill is uncertain, maybe none will, we may have 2-3 mmos take roughly equal positions this time.


Um, no. Vanguard? Seriously?


Face it. WoW isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I just wish people who don't like the game would simply stop bringing it up. You only give it pub when you get your panties in bunch over it.

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WoW has been out for a long time. It gave people want they wanted and has done really well. I dont see TOR being around for half as long as WoW. The story driven voice over is a nice evolution in MMOs, however, the Star Wars Universe is sort of limiting. We have only 8 classes, what can you add? The customization has too many hurdles. Space Combat is a mini-game. I know TOR will evolve but hopefully it does so before turning too many people off.


Erm, wow only had 8 classes til wotlk, and it has been notorious for most of its life for not listening to its customers

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People have been leaving wow in huge chunks for many games, rift, eve, swtor, lotro, vanguard etc. gw2 and Tera are both releasing soon and will help decimate wows player base. Which mmo will become the new king of the hill is uncertain, maybe none will, we may have 2-3 mmos take roughly equal positions this time.


Huge chunks..thats why they still have 12 million accounts ...gg. I got my laugh of the day, thank you.

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Huge chunks..thats why they still have 12 million accounts ...gg. I got my laugh of the day, thank you.


Well, they don't actually. As of 2010, WoW claimed 12 million subs. In August 2011, that was down to 11.1 million. In September 2011, that dropped by another 800,000 to 10.3 million. Anecdotal accounts suggest the numbers continue to drop.


Note also that an estimated 6 million of those WoW accounts aren't traditional subs at all, but rather are short-duration time-cards used in southeast Asia; meaning it's not really accurate to call these "subscriptions" at all, given they have no monthly recurring fee. Most industry analysts have been aware of this for some time now of course, but players often aren't.


Anyhow, that leaves us with roughly another 4.3 million players, mostly in Europe and North America.


How many pre-orders did SWTOR have in Europe and North America again? ;)

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people also forget that the competition at the time and since WoW came out has been pretty lacking.


Failhammer was supposed to kill WoW, no endgame crap middleware and the ever present attitude of "go back to WoW" made sure that never happened.


EQ2.....nuff said


Tabula Rasa, niche with even worse issues than Failhammer.


AoC, not much to say there


GW, niche


EvE, niche....but still alive and evolving, not to mention it takes an extreme amount of patiience and has a crazy big learning curve.


PoTBS, yeah....SOE


STO, crappy all around


LoTRO, good game good pvp, but still not enough to even compete


UO, too old to compete


Rift, May yet surprise us all as they are really cranking out content and endgame at a remarkable pace. As far as the fun factor goes, once they figure it out that will be the real competition for TOR.


there are others that I never played because they did not interest me at all, and feel free to flame because all of this is opinion and does not matter


Oh, I almost forgot, this game will be a success. It just depends on if you consider making money or making WoW money successful.

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I know this won't happen anytime soon because over 10 million subscribers is nothing to wave a stick at, but what about the long term?


Do we think SWTOR is the next generation of MMO? What are your thoughts?


I personally feel like SWTOR is definitely the next evolution of the MMO and that it sets new standards that later MMOs will have to follow or get left behind. I will never compare another MMO to WoW again. I will always compare them to SWTOR until the next one that sets new standards.


Will SWTOR mostly depend on bringing in people that never played WoW before or do you think most subscribers will be previous WoWheads?


I was a WoWhead for several years. SWTOR couldn't have come at a better time for me because I was finally getting tired of the same WoW formula that they dish out every expansion and the announcement of the expansion with the Pandas finally pushed me over the edge. For the first time ever I really was not looking forward to the next expansion.


Now SWTOR has me in its grips and I couldn't be happier. What do you think? I know most of you here are fans but objectively what are your thoughts about the future of SWTOR as it compares to other large MMOs, most notably World of Warcraft?


To be honest no, I enjoy this game and it is well made and I am not a "WoW" Generation MMO gamer I cut my teeth on EQ (and UO before it although I hated that game), but WoW is a much better game then this. If anything this game feels like an old MMO as opposed to the "next generation" of an MMO coming to the genre. I don't know that I will ever want to play a game where you do things like go into a combat zone and kill 12 of XYZ only to go back and find that nothing in the world has changed as a result of that. Especially in a story driven game like this, they really missed their mark here. If I went to Ord Mantell as a trooper and was a part of winning the civil war (better yet being able to pick my side as light/dark choices) this would have been the next generation of gaming.


Instead, this game feels like the same old formula with the same old options as everyone else. I will enjoy this game for a while, and honestly I haven't played WoW in a year or two and have never really loved that game. But at least they figured out how to make a story impact the world, and honestly I think every MMO has to have that as a part of its make-up going forward.

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Overtake? I really doubt it, even though WoW has stagnated and is losing players I doubt they all fall into ToR. This will be a great game and a success in it's own way but it won't put up the numbers WoW did, at least I don't think so.
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No chance, Wow is truly a special MMO. Don't get me wrong I am really enjoying SWTOR and think its a great game but if I had to recommend one or the other to someone who was NEW to MMO's i would point them in WOW's direction.



SWTOR really dropped the ball when it came to the world design/layout. WOW still has that epic feel of freedom where you can go wherever you want when you want without that rat in a maze feel of SWTOR. This is truly the core of any MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER game... Not story.


In my opinion SWTOR is a great alternative to those like myself who loved WOW but are just burned out on the game (after 4 years). As far as SWTOR overtaking WOW, No chance, Half the people that play this game within the first 2 months will go back to azeroth.

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Wow will end soon, simply because mmos always end eventually, and wow has come to its time. Swtor is not ending wow, wow ended itself and will now begin imploding. First step will be server consolidation. Will swtor become the new top mmo? It's too soon to tell. It really depends how it treats customer suggestions and concerns. I think it has high potential. Swtor already has 2x the subs, 3x the endgame content, and much more stable servers than wow had at launch.


BTW, this is not true, EQ and UO are still out there and heck EQ (regular vanilla OLD OLD OLD EQ) released an expansion not that long ago. Some people will park in an MMO for the rest of their lives.

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WoW is bleeding, no, hemorrhaging it's player base. This game is the WoW killer, wowheads who quit years ago have been waiting for.


Blizzards released a a Chuck Norris commercial and a Panda expansion. Last month they released 10% of their player population. The sign is on the wall with this game hitting shelves right before Christmas.

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Don't get me wrong I am really enjoying SWTOR and think its a great game but if I had to recommend one or the other to someone who was NEW to MMO's i would point them in WOW's direction.


You would do that, considering the sheer startup cost to someone who's not played WoW before? It doesn't cost much to grab an expansion and go, but to pick up the entire thing from Vanilla to Pandas in one go? That's a steep chunk to take out of the wallet. Based on that alone, WoW no longer gets recommendations from me


To the original post...I stopped playing WoW just before Cata launched. I tried it for 3 months in Cata, and didn't play much of the last month of that.


I AM playing TOR now, and quite enjoying it. TOR has already overtaken WoW for me.

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Zero chance. It's basically WoW in space and will always be behind WoW in terms of content and functionality because of the disparate ages of the product and the commitment of the respective companies to that product.


How do you figure? Wow is going downhill pretty fast right now.. They aren't releasing any quality content and the content they are releasing sounds god awful.. I don't think it will take very long for SWTOR to surpass WoW in content at all, and as long as its quality content, eventually it will surpass WoW altogether.

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