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Please Stop Wasting Dev Resources on Rail Space Missions


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“What we’re trying to do is commit to a six week update schedule. It’ll mean a little bit smaller updates, but they’ll be significant. And its stuff like what you’re talking about – it’ll be a big event, or a warzone, an operation, maybe a flashpoint, maybe some space missions – you guys should expect to see some hard mode space missions coming. Our commitment is that every six weeks, the players are going to see something come out.”



Just no, please stop. No one wants this when we're asking for stuff like Cross Server PvP queues, Nightmare Modes, and ACTUAL content. At least have these people working on the super secret space project so you can release it quicker. Just leave this rails space shooter alone and admit you failed

Edited by FourTwent
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Actually we DO want space missions. Just NOT the crappy rail shooter missions. We want ACTUAL 3D space, not a rail shooter that you cannot get off until it ends. If they do that, then they will not be wasting dev resources. Until they do this, then they ARE wasting resources.
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Actually we DO want space missions. Just NOT the crappy rail shooter missions. We want ACTUAL 3D space, not a rail shooter that you cannot get off until it ends. If they do that, then they will not be wasting dev resources. Until they do this, then they ARE wasting resources.


This nothing more.

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I don't understand why the devs just don't realise this. People have said that they wanted 3D space since before the game was launched, even when it was first stated their would BE a SWTOR game. Yet for some stupid reason they have gotten it into their heads that we like the railshooter. Like always they dont seem to see the big picture. A railshooter is great.......for 5 minutes, and then you are bored senseless. A 3D space sim gives you freedom of movement and the ability to go as far as the game will allow. You have ZERO freedom on a railshooter.


Seriously do they even take note of anyone writing in these forums or do they purposefully ignore everyone that disagrees with them? :confused::confused::confused:

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Actually the only PVP I care for is the Open World Variety, The timed warzone battles tied around sports themes I don't really care for. Re-Vamped Ilum or Space PvP battles is my sorta thing.


Not sure what this has to do with PVErs considering warzones and ranked a waste of development time but thanks for letting me know your preferences.

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I´d love some spacemissions. Not the types we got though. Singleplayer railgame just doesn´t fit that well in a mmo imo. I haven´t played a spacemission for months, not even on my leveling char´s. It´s too scripted. Even for a railgame it´s not that good.


Now if you were to implement some multiplayer spacegame then i´d definedtly try it out.

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I don't like PVP, should I tell them to stop wasting resources on PVP?


with the announcement of the 'super secret space project' why would they even waste resources for the old one?


that would be like the devs spending time to fix ilum for it's January release. . .when they have plans to actually blow it up and replace it with something else in March. there's just no reason for it.


that's just horrible management. . .or a way to give us 'fluff' content in that 6 week release schedule(which again, is just sad)

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Not sure what this has to do with PVErs considering warzones and ranked a waste of development time but thanks for letting me know your preferences.


I think what he means is that not everyone is bothered about warzones and want world pvp. It does not mean he would say for the devs to stop working on warzones.

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with the announcement of the 'super secret space project' why would they even waste resources for the old one?


that would be like the devs spending time to fix ilum for it's January release. . .when they have plans to actually blow it up and replace it with something else in March. there's just no reason for it.


that's just horrible management. . .or a way to give us 'fluff' content in that 6 week release schedule(which again, is just sad)


Its because there is no space project.


It doesn't exist.


Trion does alpha footage and trailers and demonstration.


Victory Point Bioware just tells us it exists. Nothing more.

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I'm assuming that this means the "Secret Space Project" was scrapped and they just don't want to directly say it.


ouch. . .now that would be a major let down. i dont blame them though, i can only imagine how many more subs they'd lose by admitting something like that

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I'd pay for a space expansion like Jump To Lightspeed, if it delivered a space experience like JTL did for SWG.


Otherwise, they could just remove and erase all the "space content" from the game and free up some space on my hard drive and it would be a much better use of dev time than adding more of them.

Edited by bahdasz
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I'd pay for a space expansion like Jump To Lightspeed, if it delivered a space experience like JTL did for SWG.


Otherwise, they could just remove and erase all the "space content" from the game and free up some space on my hard drive and it would be a much better use of dev time than adding more of them.


Agreed 100%

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I like the space missions. << Don't going saying WE don't want them, when you don't speak for everyone. Besides, what you got against Starfox?


I say *We* as in people I have spoken to. Friends and family who play this game. I have NEVER said that the majority of the game hates it. If you like it, great. If you don't, great.


And starfox is fine as a multiplayer or single player game as a standalone. I just do not want to play it in this game when the devs are capable of creating something a LOT more fun like a 3D sim.

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Thread title expresses my thoughts perfectly, stop wasting your resources on the crap Rail Space Mission and put them towards that supposed Super Secret Space Project. You know the way you are throwing your resources at Rail Space missions leads some people to believe that you are lying about the Super Secret Space Project, I am starting to cross over to that camp.
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Not sure what this has to do with PVErs considering warzones and ranked a waste of development time but thanks for letting me know your preferences.


Warzones are ok, but rank warzones weren't going to take off with the rewards being recolor and horrible looking gear. It's a shame BW lost a lot of pvpers and people confidence when ilum was shutdown infinitely and rank warzones were push back a patch. This game launch a few months too soon. Had this game came out in march it would had been in better shape due to lfg, improved ui, rank warzones, and possibly ilum being fixed. Unfortunately, corporation and developers don't understand that you can't expect to fix bugs, add content, and implement basic mmorpg functions once a game goes live at the same rate that you were making before the game went live.


As for space on rails is acceptable as a mini game, but realistically until you have fully functional 3d space it isn't going to be a substitute for space battles. At this point, it's a waste of resources and time and your better off investing those resource on ground content. A true 3d space should be left for an expansion. It could also be starwars franchise is curse when it comes to mmorpg and will never have a successful mmorpg.

Edited by Knockerz
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I suspect this is the case as well. When was the last time they even commented on the "Super Secret Space Project" anyway?


How often do they need to comment on it. It's a classified project that is in work and will be done when it's done. Not much else they can say. I don't know about anyone else, but I see no point in fewer communication from them on subject until they are ready to give more details.

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