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Operative solo play spec suggestion?


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I've started an alt IA operative that I'm planning to primarily solo play through the story. I'd like to build a character that leans toward healing but is good at solo play overall. The skill tree builds I've seen are fairly old, and I don't know how much may have changed since the game was launched. Any suggestion on a spec tree progression that I should look at?


Thanks for any help

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this is what im currently using for my level 40 IA, i let kaliyo do all the work and just work on healing her. when you get kolto probe you can have some more leeway and do more damage since she will be getting heals over time.

Prognosis: Critical and Patient Studies (in the 3rd and 4th row from the bottom) are very nice to have since you should be using diagnostic scan as a place holder when your energy is low, these skills will give energy back when DS crits on heals.


you can regain energy through DS crits very quickly and its not too bad at healing




i know you said for solo, but if you do flashpoints be sure to always keep kolto probes on group members, basically i just keep rotating through each member putting one KP on a target, then switch to the next and so on

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I've also seen allot of people running hybrid. Im currently doing Medecine up to kolto probe, and then running the rest up Concealement. I like the benefits of the extra burst damage and the stealth bonuses. This may change as I get higher, but the burst damage from Conc. seems to fare better in the levels im in then the DoT's from the Lethality tree.


Of course, once you get Lorken you could probably go full Conc or Leth, but Kolto probe is just too nice of a skill to not have IMO. a few of those up and you never have downtime. and since they're instant, you don't have to waste much of your time with casting heals. throw one or two up on your comp, and spend the rest of the time DPS'ing with them.


I think after KP though, it's really all about how you want to play. the deeper you go into the medicine tree, the more you will need DPS from your companions to keep the kill speed up. but if you work your way up a DPS tree, you can offset the Companions damage with your own, making your comp choice a bit more flexible. But ultimately, it really boils down to how you like to play more then anything else.

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