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Would you trade voice over for more game options?


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It's people like you that make me wonder why are you even here? Why buy a game with the developer BIOWARE when you're going to skip the story? That's like getting a book just to flip the pages...


I think the problem is that once you heard the vo once for a quest, running that quest again on new character isn't going to dramatically change. It's like being told to reread a book you just finished that has no deeper meaning. That is what separates kotor from swtor in that your decision had an affect on your companions in addition to your varied in talents. Had your decisions in swtor affect the outcome, then there would be plenty of replay, but it doesn't. It's like a movie that has no replay value once you seen it once. I can watch Blade runner many times over and it never gets boring, especially once you start bringing in some of the deleted scenes like the elevator scene. It's perplexing and mystifying scene that adds more complexity and depth.


However, swtor needs to decide which raid size to support. Based on what happen to 25 mans in wow it's become apparent that only one raid size can thrive. Swtor can learn from wow and not follow the dual raid size format since it clear it's failing in wow. People will gravitated to the least logistical raid size given the rewards are equal for both raid sizes. This makes having a dual raid size system pointless since the majority of player base will use the smaller raid size.

Edited by Knockerz
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Nope, just give me more options with voice overs, Vo's add an extra layer of immersion for me, I have been reading quest since 1997, this is a nice break..:) the voice overs and stories is what got me hooked on Bioware games in the first place, if they had not had these features here I would have been a sad panda..:) Edited by kevlarto
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It's people like you that make me wonder why are you even here? Why buy a game with the developer BIOWARE when you're going to skip the story? That's like getting a book just to flip the pages...


I bought Star Wars The Old Republic, not Bioware Online. :)

Edited by Styxx
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Simple question - would you trade voice over for more game options and maybe content?




The VO is very nice, but it doesn't outweight all the missing functions, not by a long shot.


Escpecially because all the non-class quests are repated on each class, so you only really listen to them once...

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No, I love the voice-overs. It makes this game so much more enjoyable. The story and voice-overs is what draws me into this game. It is the first MMO that I actually enjoy. Every other MMO that I have tried, I have just found extremely boring and have no desire to continue playing. Although, I'm not against more game options. Just not at the cost of the voice-overs.
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No. I never read the old text boxes in other games. Now I like to hear what they say. I hate being asked to skip over the story in FP's. I would like to have housing and a better space game, but maybe those will come. Can anyone tell me why there are certain dialog options, but they are not exactly what my char ends up actually saying? Sometimes they don't seem to match up well.
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I have to say that this question is too forced, I know that most of my friends that play this game compare it to WoW that has been out for (I don't know but I'd think) 4 years, and it takes time for all developers to make their games better, I'm gonna be patient, cuz I love what Bioware have done with the Star Wars universe, and I trusr that they will make the game better over the months/years. But to answer the question, NO, no I would not take away the voice overs
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trade in all VO, no. I´d trade in some of it tho, for a few extra game options. Like sidequests and daily quest VO.

Not sure how much of a difference that would make since classquest is by far the least played content in swtor, exept some of the bonus quests maybe.


If you got 4 rep. + 4 imp 1 of each class, you would play classquest 1 time only, and nonclass quests 4 times, exept probably some bonus quests. That makes class quests 4 times less played than normal quests. So it would make sense to reduce classquest costs if you try to do some costefficiency.


Now if you instead of classquests had a faction questline, and more planet questlines that all classes could play. Then you "saved" 6 major story quests and could put in maybe 1 or 2 extra major faction questlines each side and some extra features. All in all i think it would have worked better. Non repeatable quest that only 12.5% of players can play is just too expensive not to influence some other side of swtor.

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No. i would not.


For me, TOR gives me an amazing experience due to the voice over. I sit down, immerse myself like no other and wisp away in the stories of even the simplest of missions. In my head, the things they say effect me right now sometimes and then I say what I think is the best outcome line for the time being. It's great.


So no, heck no. I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's remarkable what SWTOR did with full voice over. It will just take people some more time to realize how great it really is.

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not the game for you, story is what this game's main focus is.


I just wanted to speak to this really quick. One of the main problems with the playerbase is you have the people kinda like the OP and the person the above poster quoted saying they spacebar everything. SWTOR has been advertised as a story-driven, fully voiced MMO from day one.


To come to this game and then complain that there's too much VO is just ignorance. As you can see from this thread, the majority of people are playing TOR because of the quality of VO and cutscene work. As with everything else, a small but very vocal minority is now actively trying to make the game something it was never meant to be, thereby ruining it for the majority, who enjoy the voice work.

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Simple question - would you trade voice over for more game options and maybe content? Gear customizations, player's housing, guild housing and ships, usable chairs, barber shop, more crafting options.


Or is voice over so special and great experience for you?


No. I would not give up the voice content for anything.

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No. I would not trade the V.O. for more Game Options. As many have pointed out, it is one of the traits that separates SWTOR from WOW.


The only real change I would like to see is an alignment option for Force Users so that a Sith could be redeemed to the Light and a Jedi could be seduced by the Dark Side during the course of the story.

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This might be the dumbest post on the forums.


I am playing a star wars game, not "let`s hit the EA dummy", if you missed the point...


Or to explain further: Bioware was the "quality assurance", but, ultimately, you are playing a game. If the same game would have been made by any other developer and turned out identical to this one... it would still be the same point... you are playing a game.


You are playing this game for the RPG. Fine. I am playing it for the MMO. Why is it NOT fine?

Edited by Styxx
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Voiceovers are the highlight for me. I even enjoy it when a repeated convo finally gives up a different reply than what I've heard before because of a character's role/race/alignment/what have you. There are already quite a few terminal-type quests without voiceover, but the interactive VO cutscenes in class, planet, FP, and other side quests make me far more engaged than a wall of text.
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