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Vibrosword for Juggernaut?


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Hi guys,

i saw that some people run with vibroswords around.

I have question - if you equip vibrosword, can you then use all your abilities as usual (with lightsaber)?

Also i noticed the vibrosword is kinetic dmg and lightsaber is ofc energy - which one is better dmg type?


thank you

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Hi guys,

i saw that some people run with vibroswords around.

I have question - if you equip vibrosword, can you then use all your abilities as usual (with lightsaber)?

Also i noticed the vibrosword is kinetic dmg and lightsaber is ofc energy - which one is better dmg type?


thank you


Yes, and both are okay. However, the vibrosword will sound exactly like a lightsaber in cutscenes and your character will look real funky drawing it because they will reach for their waist acting like they're drawing a lightsaber. I was originally going to have my Sith wielding a vibrosword but got annoyed with it halfway through Balmorra.

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Thanks for good comments!

What i think about now is, if there is any difference between the "energy" and "kinetic" type of damage on the lightsabre vs. the vibrosword - i mean - are there some situations where one of the damage type is preferred over the other ??

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If you check the Weapon Vendors on any planet they should have a green moddable Vibrosword for sale (they are modded with tanking stats). This should allow you to test out a Vibrosword without a great expenditure in capital.


While on the topic of Vibroswords:

Has anyone else noticed that Vibroswords that use the model depicted here disappear when sheathed on the back?

I've tested this on player characters with the Type 2 and 3 body type, and also noticed that the issue appears to happen with companions that use Vibroswords (for exemple: Khem Val (which is sad as most of his Quest Reward weapons use this model)).

The strange part is that I am not sure if this happens with *all* Vibroswords that use this model. I have occassionally seen players and companions with Vibroswords that use this model and it does appear sheathed on their back. Unfortunately, I have never been able to ask what sword it was because they either logout, ride off into the distance or quick travel somewhere else before I can even catch their names :p.

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I just bought today, crafted vibrosword "The Chopper". It is for lv 48 (as i am currently). Looks cool, seams to me to do better dmg, but this is just 'feel' nothing proven.



It is displayed correctly sheathed on my back...:)


True. The Chopper does not have the problem. The problem appears to be only with the model type I linked in my post.


Actually, the model I posted is readily available from Weapons Vendors on all planets. They are relatively cheap so if others could verify my findings I would really appreciate it. Not sure if the problem is on my end or a general one.

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There around 4 vibroswords in the game.


Out of my mind i can call the Elegant Vibro, the Cobra from Balmore commentation, Bulwark (now extinct) and some other.


The only difference is they lower the max damage my 8 points while upping min damage my 8.



We certainly need more Vibro skins imo.

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There around 4 vibroswords in the game.


Out of my mind i can call the Elegant Vibro, the Cobra from Balmore commentation, Bulwark (now extinct) and some other.


The only difference is they lower the max damage my 8 points while upping min damage my 8.



We certainly need more Vibro skins imo.


Wait, when did the Bulwark become extinct?

From my memory there are 5 different vibrosword skins, but like bliapis says, it's only the min/max damage that are changed and I believe energy and kinetic damaged are dealt with identically

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Thanks for good comments!

What i think about now is, if there is any difference between the "energy" and "kinetic" type of damage on the lightsabre vs. the vibrosword - i mean - are there some situations where one of the damage type is preferred over the other ??


to answer your question Tatatan, No, there isn't. Most of your abilities will specify what kind of damage they do. the only time IIRC that the weapon damage is important is when the skill specifies it does "weapon damage" (such as X% weapon damage)


And there are as of yet no real encounters in the game where the damage type is so critical that you should build weapons solely for that encounter. GENERALLY speaking, energy/internal damage is better then Kinetic damage. but the impact of your weapon on that is minimal, if anything.

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to answer your question Tatatan, No, there isn't. Most of your abilities will specify what kind of damage they do. the only time IIRC that the weapon damage is important is when the skill specifies it does "weapon damage" (such as X% weapon damage)


And there are as of yet no real encounters in the game where the damage type is so critical that you should build weapons solely for that encounter. GENERALLY speaking, energy/internal damage is better then Kinetic damage. but the impact of your weapon on that is minimal, if anything.


Thanks, got it :)

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Wait, when did the Bulwark become extinct?

From my memory there are 5 different vibrosword skins, but like bliapis says, it's only the min/max damage that are changed and I believe energy and kinetic damaged are dealt with identically


bulwark was a drop in Kaon pre-1.3 (am i right?). Well after the escalation of drops to columi (from tionese grade), the bulwark never dropped again. i have one or two as mementos though :>

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If you check the Weapon Vendors on any planet they should have a green moddable Vibrosword for sale (they are modded with tanking stats). This should allow you to test out a Vibrosword without a great expenditure in capital.


While on the topic of Vibroswords:

Has anyone else noticed that Vibroswords that use the model depicted here disappear when sheathed on the back?

I've tested this on player characters with the Type 2 and 3 body type, and also noticed that the issue appears to happen with companions that use Vibroswords (for exemple: Khem Val (which is sad as most of his Quest Reward weapons use this model)).

The strange part is that I am not sure if this happens with *all* Vibroswords that use this model. I have occassionally seen players and companions with Vibroswords that use this model and it does appear sheathed on their back. Unfortunately, I have never been able to ask what sword it was because they either logout, ride off into the distance or quick travel somewhere else before I can even catch their names :p.


Thanks to this topic having repeaked my interest in this, I did some further testing.


Turns out that the Vibroswords that have this problem appear to be limited to "green quality" ones that use this model *AND* where changed into moddable weapons in one of the early patches (I believe it was in 1.1). So in essence companion weapons (like Khem's Vibrosword) and the vendor bought Vibroswords that can be modded have this problem. Vibroswords that use this model but are not moddable or are "custom/Orange quality" appear correctly when sheathed. Inline with that, I discovered that the Paramount Military Legend's Vibroblade does not suffer from this problem. I was lucky and managed to snag two off the GTN so now Khem is proudly displaying his Vibrosword on his back and my Juggernaut has one waiting in the bank for when he gets to level 43. :)

Edited by ZeroPlus
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