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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New to the game - pessimism all around!


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This is how I think it is


70 percent of the people on these forums LOVE to make pessimistic posts and bash the game or are just here because they want to see that game fail SOOO hard they just keep spouting off hate drama which really, nobody cares about but they LOVE to get the attention.


20 percent of the people on these forums actually like the game, but thought it would be so much more and are just staying here for hope, logging on very infrequently, and are mad at the fact it could be so much more so they come off as being negative


10 percent of the people here actually like the game and defend it, play it while posting, actually ask questions pertaining to TOR and actually use the forums for what they are meant to be used for. These people actually LIKE the game.


That's what I have seen in these forums. Nothing else.


If you don't like the game. It really is as simple as that. Haters and over analyzers/over thinkers. Stop thinking there is a deep psychological connection as to why you are still here. There is not. You hate the game and want to see it fail. So just stop feeding your drama lobe :p and leave already.


If you like the game. Stay! It's as simple as that. But please, do not ruin discussions people are having with a positive vibe 20 posts in a thread then JUST to cause problems say "lol..moron...how come you like this game..failed so hard."


You don't like it, just as I have said. Leave. Just like with anything. If you don't like restaurant, you don't keep wasting your time and money to go back do you? If you don't like the movie theater, you don't waste your time and money to keep going then complaining you are there because you made the decision to go there do you? You don't keep watching a channel on tv that you HATE and waste your time when you could be doing something you love do you?


I would think not. So make it so for this game. Don't stay if you don't like it. Stay if you like it. :) That's all there is to it.

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This is how I think it is


70 percent of the people on these forums LOVE to make pessimistic posts and bash the game or are just here because they want to see that game fail SOOO hard they just keep spouting off hate drama which really, nobody cares about but they LOVE to get the attention.


20 percent of the people on these forums actually like the game, but thought it would be so much more and are just staying here for hope, logging on very infrequently, and are mad at the fact it could be so much more so they come off as being negative


10 percent of the people here actually like the game and defend it, play it while posting, actually ask questions pertaining to TOR and actually use the forums for what they are meant to be used for. These people actually LIKE the game.


That's what I have seen in these forums. Nothing else.


If you don't like the game. It really is as simple as that. Haters and over analyzers/over thinkers. Stop thinking there is a deep psychological connection as to why you are still here. There is not. You hate the game and want to see it fail. So just stop feeding your drama lobe :p and leave already.


If you like the game. Stay! It's as simple as that. But please, do not ruin discussions people are having with a positive vibe 20 posts in a thread then JUST to cause problems say "lol..moron...how come you like this game..failed so hard."


You don't like it, just as I have said. Leave. Just like with anything. If you don't like restaurant, you don't keep wasting your time and money to go back do you? If you don't like the movie theater, you don't waste your time and money to keep going then complaining you are there because you made the decision to go there do you? You don't keep watching a channel on tv that you HATE and waste your time when you could be doing something you love do you?


I would think not. So make it so for this game. Don't stay if you don't like it. Stay if you like it. :) That's all there is to it.


So, we're both in the 20% then? Go us! Wooo!

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huh? I'm 10 percent. I don't know about you. Just taking a break right now for personal reasons :)



Ah right, the mmo burnout. Yeah, I like the game but I'd love to see it make some major changes to add more hooks, improve the engine and give players more things to do during the lull between content patches. IE Hybrid sandbox elements.


It's just frustrating at times. Being part of the "vocal minority", trying to be constructive while nothing changes and the game continues to decline.

Edited by Lord_of_Mu
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That's the way most hardcore mmo troglodytes are, another good reason to hate mmos (as if there weren't enough already).


And please shut up already about comparing it's financial success to other games in general, I don't play this game to listen to a half-assed lesson in economics so cool it Warren Buffett.

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That's the way most hardcore mmo troglodytes are, another good reason to hate mmos (as if there weren't enough already).


And please shut up already about comparing it's financial success to other games in general, I don't play this game to listen to a half-assed lesson in economics so cool it Warren Buffett.


The first step in fixing a problem isn't identifying the problem, it's admitting there is a problem. Pretending it's all sunshine and smiles does absolutely nothing for the game.


If the game had lost a couple of servers to contraction, the argument could be made that it only needs tweaking. But the reality is the servers were contracted to what... less than 10% of original plan?


In my opinion they have a decent platform from which to build a really good MMO. However, their plan needs to be nuked from top to bottom, it doesn't need to be tweaked. They need to throw in the towel on the audience they thought they would get and go for the rest of the MMO playing public. There is no "nice" way to say that.

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That's the way most hardcore mmo troglodytes are, another good reason to hate mmos (as if there weren't enough already).


And please shut up already about comparing it's financial success to other games in general, I don't play this game to listen to a half-assed lesson in economics so cool it Warren Buffett.


You're not playing the game, you're on the forums.


I'm going to fast forward a bit here:


"well obviously if you post you play"


Not in my case.


"don't you have better things to do than troll the forum of a game you don't even play? "


Not trolling, and bored on break.


" its still stupid"




"NO U"



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Neg, no time for mmos anymore, lol.


SWTOR literally cured me of the mmo habit. Just gonna play casual games forever and ever!


Yes SWTOR changed my life for the better; before SW:TOR i would play all sorts of video games non-stop but ever since i played SW:TOR i just don't want to anymore.

Infact i've lost 30 pounds because of this!!! :D

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