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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New to the game - pessimism all around!


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Its ok if your a raider/pvper; I like to RP, customise my character, explore the galaxy and leave evidence I exist, So I'm kinda sat in a corner logging in for 10 minutes once a week at the moment, I don't care about new OPS or whatever they're called, I'd just like to explore the galaxy, wear what I want and build a house lol.
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What's with all the naysayers?


Armchair quarterbacks demanding that the game be tailored to their desires based on their vast knowledge of game design assumed to exists because they played a game. I mean, I can build a car from the ground up because I drive one....as I'm sure everyone can. ;p


Honestly, I'd rather have only one server if it were filled with old time players and I could come to the boards and discuss the game rather then reading yet another kid bloviating on and on ad-nauseum about his vast knowledge of video game design and rambling critiques of people who's knowledge far surpasses his own.

Edited by Blackardin
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The thing is when WoW was launched (just using WoW as an example) it was basically EQ1-lite (in playstyle)........... however it wasn't EQ1-Vanilla-lite, but rather it included most (if not all) of the things EQ1 had innovated and included from 1999 to 2004.


WoW didn't try to match EQ1-Vanilla, it tried to match EQ1 with 5 years of development, innovation and 4 or 5 expansions by that point.


If WoW had just tried to match EQ1 Vanilla, it may well have bombed. :csw_yoda:


Not really. What it did was to remove so many of the problems that EQ had (binding, corpse runs, long travel, over the top raiding, zero solo play, down time, camping etc), but it was nowhere near the development stage that was EQ1. The graphics were also sub-par compared to EQ, and still are. Wow was EQ-light because it was dumbed down to the level of casual player and not hard core (raid for 8 hours). I discussed this with Brad myself. In short, EQ was so different, so out of tune with the average player that it left the door open wide for Wow to step in.


Developement, as with this game, had nothing to do with it. The problem with this game is that players no longer just play, they feel that they are designers and have deluded themselves, based on their vast knowledge of the genre, into believing that a MMORPG could launch complete and completely polished. Basically no clue.

Edited by Blackardin
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Not me, of course. Just around me, it feels.




Everyone seems so pessimistic.


**snip** What's with all the naysayers?


Look, when you have a major patch announcement: Game Update 1.4 and,


The second entry is not even new textures for gear but re-colorized ones


Conquer the new Operation to obtain Dread Guard gear, the most powerful equipment yet!



The third entry is a teleport back:


Group Finder now allows you to return to your original location when you leave the group, so you can get right back into the action!


Then you know there's something wrong, seriously wrong and guess people are allowed to be pessimistic.

Edited by Deewe
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Look, when you have a major patch announcement: Game Update 1.4 and,


The second entry is not even new textures for gear but re-colorized ones



The third entry is a teleport back:



Then you know there's something wrong, seriously wrong and guess people are allowed to be pessimistic.


Why dont you fill in the blanks, because I dont follow your logic at all. I am not saying that people are not allowed to be pessimistic but that was just stupid.

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Best advise ignore the naysayers in the forums and just enjoy the game. My guild and I are still enjoying the game. Find a good group and play with them.


Good luck and have fun.


Jupp, this is the best advice. Just do what makes you enjoy your time gaming.


During a typical SWTOR-week for me there is time for 1-2 Ops, a few games of low-lvl-PvP on vent with guildies. Playing my alts for the story, JC or SW depending on what I feel like. A few dailies for repair-money. A little crafting and just traveling to planets I enjoy walking around in. Have been here since the beta but I've only got two lvl 50's. Always lvl my alts slowly, just enjoying the story until they are 50 and the story is over. Then they go into raid-mode and I start gearing them up for playing with the guild.


I always try to have something that I look forward to:

* Seeing the story for JC and SW, they have both been very good but in different ways. Have their personalities and legacies worked out already.

* Playing through "Terror From Beyond" with my guild.

* Getting a Orosquab, I really want that little bird. Will drag my friends and husband through it until that I get it

* Playing a tank-character. I have done healing and dps, would be so much fun to try being a tank. Might not be stellar but I would love to try one Ops with it at least.

* Getting a new character-slot so I can have a Chatar.

* Force-sprint for my JC, it would come in handy playing Hutball.

* HK-51, I'm getting the droid no matter what I have to do.


And jupp, that's pretty much the things that I'm really looking forward to at the moment. Find out what you think is fun and do that =) cheers

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Not really. What it did was to remove so many of the problems that EQ had (binding, corpse runs, long travel, over the top raiding, zero solo play, down time, camping etc), but it was nowhere near the development stage that was EQ1. The graphics were also sub-par compared to EQ, and still are. Wow was EQ-light because it was dumbed down to the level of casual player and not hard core (raid for 8 hours). I discussed this with Brad myself. In short, EQ was so different, so out of tune with the average player that it left the door open wide for Wow to step in.


Developement, as with this game, had nothing to do with it. The problem with this game is that players no longer just play, they feel that they are designers and have deluded themselves, based on their vast knowledge of the genre, into believing that a MMORPG could launch complete and completely polished. Basically no clue.


Yes, absolutely it was. :)


It removed a lot of the "hard stuff" yes, hence the "lite".


However it included most every innovation EQ1 had made between 1999 and 2004 (Mounts, in game maps, Auction House, boats, instanced dungeons, etc., etc., etc.).


If WoW had just tried to match EQ1-vanilla it wouldn't have had ANY of those things and been a much, much, much lesser game (and probably would have bombed).

Edited by Goretzu
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I agree, before I started the game I would visit the forums and it feels like EVERY other post

Is a complaint/I quit/Bioware fails thread.


It's a good thing for some reason in game the community doesn't feel that way (most of the time) I've been lucky to meet some fun, nice players.


But honestly, the attitude of some current subscribers really hurts the game potential and they don't even realize it. I hesitated to subscribe just because of all the negativity I thought wow these people are miserable the game must be terrible.


Im happy I gave it a chance though. I guess some people don't realize you DO have the option to quit.


Interesting. I have found the same thing to be true with regard to those online and the peeps I play with. I am a member of two different guilds, one on the Imp side and one on the pub side, and if you were to poll guildies on both sides the game is a roaring success.


Occasionally I do see QQ in general regarding some in game mechanic or an unresolved bug, but when I'm chatting with random peeps about the state of the game it's all good.


The old rule of thumb applies I guess. The forums are the bastion of negativity and the vent for QQ. The reality outside of the forums is very very different.

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TOR has a lot of great features, but isn't really a step forward in the MMO genre. Their systems are very lacking compared to their competitors and this plus sub drops plus F2P transition plus a lot of the team leaving makes people worry about the future of the game.


what is a step forward in the mmo genre? Rift? The Secret World? GW2?


lol none of the above

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...and I see the exact opposite. Complaints in chat are the norm, rarely does anyone defend the game. There are a few rare game defense comments, but usually those folks get jumped all over so much they simply end up giving up and ignoring the detractors.


Yesterday the complaints about the 1.4 changes to wave, overload and stealth were non-stop. I haven't found anyone yet in the game that had anything positive to say about those specific changes, and on top of that they complain about the changes made in 1.2 or 1.3 (not sure which, I wasn't here for that.).


At any rate, perhaps it depends on which server you are on.

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...and I see the exact opposite. Complaints in chat are the norm, rarely does anyone defend the game. There are a few rare game defense comments, but usually those folks get jumped all over so much they simply end up giving up and ignoring the detractors.


Yesterday the complaints about the 1.4 changes to wave, overload and stealth were non-stop. I haven't found anyone yet in the game that had anything positive to say about those specific changes, and on top of that they complain about the changes made in 1.2 or 1.3 (not sure which, I wasn't here for that.).


At any rate, perhaps it depends on which server you are on.


Join a RP server. We're better than you.


...Atleast we don't complain as much...

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The issue here is that those players with a passing interest in the game, like the OP, are just fine with the game as-is. Those with a more invested interest, such as those players with max level characters who are now looking for challenging end-game content, or those players who are looking for complex game mechanics, see the flaws in ToR stick out like a sore thumb.


The game is great on the surface, the story can blow you away, and it's also very polished, and always was very polished, for an MMO. But that's all on the surface. The game lacks depth, which isn't noticed by newcomers. This leaves new players wondering what the deal is with the old hats who are already jaded by a game that's only a few months old.


A lack of depth, innovation, and complexity is the problem with ToR. It's fine while you're just playing through the stories and can be largely overlooked on your path to level 50, but once you try to get into the meat and potatoes of end-game (PvE and PvP alike) the problems start to become more apparent. You realize how tired these dated game mechanics are. It also helps if you haven't been exposed to older MMOs, and specifically WoW. We're tired of WoW, and ToR is definitely stuck in 2004 in terms of much of their PvE design (class talent trees, tank and spank bosses, etc.)



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The issue here is that those players with a passing interest in the game, like the OP, are just fine with the game as-is. Those with a more invested interest, such as those players with max level characters who are now looking for challenging end-game content, or those players who are looking for complex game mechanics, see the flaws in ToR stick out like a sore thumb.


The game is great on the surface, the story can blow you away, and it's also very polished, and always was very polished, for an MMO. But that's all on the surface. The game lacks depth, which isn't noticed by newcomers. This leaves new players wondering what the deal is with the old hats who are already jaded by a game that's only a few months old.


A lack of depth, innovation, and complexity is the problem with ToR. It's fine while you're just playing through the stories and can be largely overlooked on your path to level 50, but once you try to get into the meat and potatoes of end-game (PvE and PvP alike) the problems start to become more apparent. You realize how tired these dated game mechanics are. It also helps if you haven't been exposed to older MMOs, and specifically WoW. We're tired of WoW, and ToR is definitely stuck in 2004 in terms of much of their PvE design (class talent trees, tank and spank bosses, etc.)




So all the whiners are just real pro:s who have such a high demands no real company can meet them?

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I'll drop to your level for a moment and suggest the people who love this game simply have no taste and a blind devotion to (bioware/starwars).


Blah, trolling is a art, or so they say. The guy who I commented already said what you said, so your post was quite redundant.

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