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Forced transfer to high pop. 16 slotted servers ?


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Don't forget the prior subscribers who come back to play for "free" (and brag in advance about it) and can't log on because they are in a 90 minute queue behind all the subscribers jumping the line ahead of them. :D


AND the best part...... since they have no subscription, they can't come here and rage post about the queues either. :p


There's a positive post for us subscribers , excellent and also don't forget when they log on , they will find half there items locked out and maybe some of their characters :).





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I hope they do the more slots before trying to do the force move. I'd rather it give me the chance to transfer off some toons before I'm suddenly hit with forced transfer.


If they do that , it would be cool , but it would be best to make the 8-12 characters on the destination server then you get 12 plus all your other characters on the same server , you won't get any locked out characters ( unless you have to change their names ) . That would be win win.





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If they do that , it would be cool , but it would be best to make the 8-12 characters on the destination server then you get 12 plus all your other characters on the same server , you won't get any locked out characters ( unless you have to change their names ) . That would be win win.






That too. But I was thinking this because I still have some lonely toons on the origin servers because there were too many to transfer to the destination. I log into them to see some things. Lowbie still on Tython, I am alone as the number at the top says 1. Good for not having to fight over chests and mobs but alone. lol


A near 20 Sith Juggy, alone on the fleet. Too depressing to see the number just at 1 so log out. But the destination has a same level Marauder so I can still get my Sith on.

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I have two level fifties and they are both well geared and viable in the current content and ready for new content when it comes out. I would rather be at where I am right now than to have eight level fifty alts running around in columi and tionese gear.
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That too. But I was thinking this because I still have some lonely toons on the origin servers because there were too many to transfer to the destination. I log into them to see some things. Lowbie still on Tython, I am alone as the number at the top says 1. Good for not having to fight over chests and mobs but alone. lol


A near 20 Sith Juggy, alone on the fleet. Too depressing to see the number just at 1 so log out. But the destination has a same level Marauder so I can still get my Sith on.


Yeah , their idea that the time spell between phase 1 and phase 2 be about 3-4 months wasn't the brightest idea ever. I too have 4 characters on an origin server 3 group and 1 solo and I am the only person an tatooine mostly. I know these transfers where supposed to group people together but my two origin servers weren't that empty before phase 1 and since phase 1 they are dead. It was the wrong approach , it backfired.


Anyways yeah I see why you would like to move them before now , here's hoping , but 21st of September is approaching fast.





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there aren't really 16 advanced classes... classes are mirrored so there are actually 4 classes (tho there are 8 class stories) and 8 advanced classes in total


8 makes perfect sense as it allows you to make one toon of each class on each side and one of each mirrored advanced class and is more than a lot of games give.... but if they want to give me 12 instead I'll sure as hell take it


You're right. Bioware should have saved some cash and just slapped the same story on the imperial and republic sides since there is no difference and really doesn't matter anyway. They should also understand that when HK comes out that we should just stick to one faction and not need one toon from each faction because, well what's the point?


I know that originally Bioware said the game was made for those who liked alts and story but really 8 is enough. I know that 8 is enough because this well respected and knowledgeable person in the forums said so... and who am I to disagree?


Obviously it is I and not the the person on the forum who said that there is really only 8 advanced classes that is right. I never should have set out to have a full array of toons on both factions... how foolish and misguided was I? Next time I try to think on my own I will ask first and then just obey before spending time having fun in my own way. After all it isn't about my play style and what makes me happy in the game I chose to play it's about the things that are obvious to others that I failed to take notice of.

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You're right. Bioware should have saved some cash and just slapped the same story on the imperial and republic sides since there is no difference and really doesn't matter anyway. They should also understand that when HK comes out that we should just stick to one faction and not need one toon from each faction because, well what's the point?


I know that originally Bioware said the game was made for those who liked alts and story but really 8 is enough. I know that 8 is enough because this well respected and knowledgeable person in the forums said so... and who am I to disagree?


Obviously it is I and not the the person on the forum who said that there is really only 8 advanced classes that is right. I never should have set out to have a full array of toons on both factions... how foolish and misguided was I? Next time I try to think on my own I will ask first and then just obey before spending time having fun in my own way. After all it isn't about my play style and what makes me happy in the game I chose to play it's about the things that are obvious to others that I failed to take notice of.


you seem upset... did you just now find out the classes are mirrored or are you just lashing out because you personally want more slots and the excuse that there are 16 advanced classes is incorrect?

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I pointed out that there aren't 16 advanced classes...


There are 20 advanced classes if you take into account the skill trees (8 advanced with 2 unique trees and 1 shared tree). There is a difference depending on the tree you specialize in ( small in some cases ). ;)

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There are 20 advanced classes if you take into account the skill trees (8 advanced with 2 unique trees and 1 shared tree). There is a difference depending on the tree you specialize in ( small in some cases ). ;)


skill tree =/= advanced class

advanced class = advanced class


point in tree's aren't permanent choices like class or Advanced class is.. you can respec and switch between them anytime you want or go hybrid.. so that's still just 8 advanced classes with 20 different trees between them...

Edited by Liquidacid
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ya but the tree's aren't permanent like class or Advanced class is.. you can respec and switch between them anytime you want or go hybrid


For me, until they have dual spec there are 20. It gets cost prohibitive to respec after a while and this game has enough credit sinks as is. :)


Edit: and another reason why people may have so many alts.

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For me, until they have dual spec there are 20. It gets cost prohibitive to respec after a while and this game has enough credit sinks as is. :)


lol then stop respecing so often... if you avoid doing it for like a week the cost drops back to 0...


my point is saying there are 20 so we need 20 slots is the same as me saying I need one slot for one character of every class of every species in each gender... my point was 8 is the least that makes sense if they want you to be able to experience each class story and advanced class with the least number of slots... any more are a bonus

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lol then stop respecing so often... if you avoid doing it for like a week the cost drops back to 0...


my point is saying there are 20 so we need 20 slots is the same as me saying I need one slot for one character of every class of every species in each gender... my point was 8 is the least that makes sense if they want you to be able to experience each class story and advanced class with the least number of slots... any more are a bonus


I know what you mean. I am being a tich contrarian ( man the forums a slow today, no?).


I could counter with: but, but, .. if I have an alt of each tree I can switch to the needed role faster (man talk about alot of work have 20 level 50s lol). :D

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One could say there are only 4 true classes and I can see some validity in that viewpoint...but it is just a viewpoint.


Smuggler and Agent are mirrored, so are Trooper and BH (so they are unique in appearance and story only, the specials are the same though they have different appearances and names, they are very similar in how they work) and of course there really is just two jedi users, Jedi and Sith. Why the classes are split up so much is beyond me, I could have seen it in advanced classes but to have two full force classes seemed silly.


One could also say that there are 16 unique classes if they want to count all of the classes and the advanced classes as well. Again, its a viewpoint, an opinion, and a valid one.


So really there is no need to argue about this, since both sides have validity. At least from my perspective.

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I know what you mean. I am being a tich contrarian ( man the forums a slow today, no?).


I could counter with: but, but, .. if I have an alt of each tree I can switch to the needed role faster (man talk about alot of work have 20 level 50s lol). :D


lol... eh them upping it to 12 is nice tho... and I'm sure once the Cash Shop hits they will sell more as those are big sellers in most games... I got a buddy in STO who has 47 character slots, they are all full, and that game only has 3 classes which all share 90 percent of their skill trees...

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You're right. Bioware should have saved some cash and just slapped the same story on the imperial and republic sides since there is no difference and really doesn't matter anyway. They should also understand that when HK comes out that we should just stick to one faction and not need one toon from each faction because, well what's the point?


I know that originally Bioware said the game was made for those who liked alts and story but really 8 is enough. I know that 8 is enough because this well respected and knowledgeable person in the forums said so... and who am I to disagree?


Obviously it is I and not the the person on the forum who said that there is really only 8 advanced classes that is right. I never should have set out to have a full array of toons on both factions... how foolish and misguided was I? Next time I try to think on my own I will ask first and then just obey before spending time having fun in my own way. After all it isn't about my play style and what makes me happy in the game I chose to play it's about the things that are obvious to others that I failed to take notice of.


+1 :)


i can't believe I made the terrible mistake of playing on two servers with the hopes of making 16 advanced classed characters , o dear. Now we find out we are going to have 12 character slots , o what shall I do , are they bringing 4 new classes out ? I'm really confused now and might unsub. I really thought there was 8 classes per faction I feel depressed now.





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you seem upset... did you just now find out the classes are mirrored or are you just lashing out because you personally want more slots and the excuse that there are 16 advanced classes is incorrect?


we dont need an excuse for having alts the game alows us to have 50 char . i have 25 char so i am within the limit.

i am a altoholic and have 9 left on dead servers all i want is to have all my char on a healthy populated server.

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If you have more than 12+ non-disposable characters, *and* want to create a new one, I don't think the paying for character slots is that bad. After all, you're getting A TON of mileage out of the game.


It's actually scary to think people have 12+ non-placeholder characters.

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If you have more than 12+ non-disposable characters, *and* want to create a new one, I don't think the paying for character slots is that bad. After all, you're getting A TON of mileage out of the game.


It's actually scary to think people have 12+ non-placeholder characters.


I don't think paying for 4 extra slots for one ( cathar ) is value for money , especially when 16 ( or 50 ) characters are free. It's makes no economical sense , just so I can run around looking like a humanoid cat. Also don't forget we could have 8 characters per 2 servers ( 16 ) for free before this forced move.





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