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This is not Star Wars


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This is Star Wars.. Most of the stuff about the game is totally canon and affects later happenings (including the movies) even if it wasn't planned when the movies were made it still is part of the story, and a good part at that.


If you only care about the movies you're missing out.

Edited by Pingonaut
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Lucas is creative, Lucas is smart, Lucas is rich because of these things. If I were him I wouldn't let just any retarded yahoo with a crayon and a roll of toilet paper write stories about my creation without exercising any control over it either.


And again... this is a decent adventure MMO, but I have yet to feel like I'm playing a Star Wars game when I play it. I don't see how any true Star Wars fan can say this feels right to them, and that's coming from someone that has two book cases full of EU books.


In my opinion...


Lucas jumped the shark when he abandoned his own story and replaced Wookiees with Ewoks. He choose cash over integrity, and was already richer than any human needs to be. I believe that is what the kids today would call an epic fail.

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In my opinion...


Lucas jumped the shark when he abandoned his own story and replaced Wookiees with Ewoks. He choose cash over integrity, and was already richer than any human needs to be. I believe that is what the kids today would call an epic fail.


becoming a billionaire, creating multiple companies that made and still make major contributions to and have helped shape the current industry, and creating an IP which has become a worldwide cultural phenomenon is an epic fail now?

Edited by Liquidacid
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To be fair, and I've began to voice my concerns on this, I think a lot of us can agree, 1-50 has a very 'Star Wars' feel to it. Everything has the look, there's the music and the visuals to make you think, 'Yes this is Star Wars.'


However the end game just almost flips it on it's head with strange armour designs and bizarre lightsabers. I mean, who thought making Jedi gear orange and green... then orange and blue?


I think they really need a slap on the wrists and be told to get back to the point of the game and stop making random sci-fi mash-up armours. I saw a picture just now about new 'dread guardian' gear or something. Well, to me it just looks like the same armour as before, but now it's red and black, and the trooper looks like someone who'd fight Iron-man in a comic book.


Please put the star wars back in the game BioWare. It wouldn't be so bad but we're forced to wear this unimaginative armour because you punish people who want to wear something different with absurd mod-transfer costs, and not allowing armour bonuses to transfer. It's killing me! :(

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I was talking to a couple of people about this game and tried to persuade them to sign up and play, but they said the game was "Not star Wars" i asked them to explain and they stated that to them star wars was Episode 1-6 and if the game was set in that time period they would be more than happy to join us all online. they were not interested in Luke, Leah Or Han Solo they just wanted to play Star Wars in the time line of the movies as this is Star Wars as they understand it.


I showed them the game and they said that this games story is too foreign from the original movies universe and this just seems like a space MMO with Light Sabers and Blasters.


This got me thinking, could this be one of the reasons there is such an exodus from the game is because people expected to play in the universe of Episode 1-6, but found that they where thousands of years before that and that all that they know as Star Wars is no where to be seen?


No. This is Star Wars. To me, Episodes 1-3 are "not Star Wars" either, based on your argument.


This game is "Star Wars" enough. It's sad that your friends have such little imagination.


The problems with this game stem from mismanagement, poor marketing, over-hyping, and an unrealistic expectation from the audience.

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becoming a billionaire, creating multiple companies that made and still make major contributions to and have helped shape the current industry, and creating an IP which has become a worldwide cultural phenomenon is an epic fail now?


I never said he was a bad businessman. I said he sold out his artistic integrity to sell toys. Not that Star Wars was Shakespeare to begin with, but it was well above where it ended up.

Edited by CosmicKat
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