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What items do YOU want to see in the Cartel shop?


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LOTRO was sub at one time, right?


It was. As a matter of fact, I was playing it at the time. server pops weren't dwindling...but they weren't growing leaps and bounds either. I was actually unhappy with the decision, but after they did it I changed my mind. It added mroe to the game. more players came in to try it out and found they liked it. we saw more content more often, and the cash store purchases helped out a great deal in many ways.


the only gripe with it I had was the way they advertised it. it ruined the immersion for me to have a little coin sign on every purchasable element in the game. But once I realized that it was much like quest icons...a game based marker that you visually tuned out after awhile...I had no objections. And this last year they opened up more servers then I had ever seen them open since late SoA days (early first release). this was AFTER the f2p conversion, well after. so even well aged into the f2p process, they were increasing their numbers and having to add servers. now, the game is also very well designed (I think ToR could learn quite bit from them), but still...


If anything, LotRO is a perfect example of a very SUCCESSFUL conversion to f2p. they're going on a few years now, and are still trucking along with a solid fan base. My hopes are actually that Bio learns from them, and makes similar smart decisions, and doesn't go the way that EA was going originally.

Edited by Elyx
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This might be a repeat, but now that we have new information on the great things in the shop, Id like to add a few to the list.


Some of these items may already be in the market, if so I will remove them from the list.


Direct items to be added


- 24 hour speeder rental (in game time, total time of use) 75 percent speed increase

- Purchase new ship at level 50 (Change ship)

- Free mod extraction (one use, one piece of armor)

- Instant full health revive, one use, can be cast on others, can be used in combat (but only once), unlimited outside combat

- One use condition damage resistance buff (reduces or eliminates damage to gear on death)

- Color change to chest (limited by current textures available, later add dark and light versions)

- Redesign any character once (race and sex locked, can redo features and body style)

- Convert any piece of armor to empty orange armor piece.

- Name change

- Legacy name change

- Server transfer

- Convert single bound item to legacy bound


Suggestions to improve overall system


I would actually like to see cartel coins earn-able in the game. I would suggest that commendations be convertible to Cartel coins at the rate of 10 per day, maximum 100 per month. Only subbed players could earn cartel coins in this way.


This allows a small cartel coin bonus to players per month in addition to the 500 already offered, and a way to get rid of commendations that you will never use.


I would also suggest a buddy match reverse buff. It would reduce your level to a static amount temporarily, allowing you to join up with other players at or near that level and run flashpoints and content without harming their Xp earning ability...call it a mentor item. Your level would return to normal after a certain length of time, or if you cancel the buff or travel to an open PVP area/engage in PVP.


I would like to see the ability added to purchase a dual spec option...a second spec build that you could activate at any time. Both your spec and your bar setup would be saved for each spec set.


Suggestions to add certain types of armor


Since you already have the proper jacket for the smuggler, I would suggest you add the following items..all available at level 1


Pilot's Overcoat - medium armor - orange gear - for knights

This provides a plain white robe. I would recommend you add a plain black version for the Imperial side (on the Imperial side it is an open coat style robe with red accents...)


Would also be nice to add this as an adaptive item with white, black and grey versions, maybe even dark red. Doing so would probably be wildly popular, as many seem to ask for this type of plain robe quite often.


RD-13A Raider helmet - heavy armor - orange gear - for troopers

Riveted Chestguard - heavy armor - orange gear - for troopers

A helmet and armored chestpiece early on would be preferred, and this provides that look.

Blast guard helmet - heavy armor - orange gear - for BH

Assault Chestguard - heavy armor - orange gear - for BH

A helmet and armored chestpiece early on would be preferred, and this provides that look.


Adding the helmet as an adaptive item would be great for Sith as well.

Edited by LordArtemis
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-Barber shop - change look and hair, and body type and name/// possibly race

-More unique looking armor pieces that are not seen in the game previously, and make them iconic as well to existing characters in the game or lore. However, preferable if iconic gear was rewarded through quests relating to iconic figures.

-Change hilt of lightsaber look and offer a lot of different looks. Think Malgus lightsaber and how it looks like an axe at the base and how that kind of addition can begin to make lightsabers look very unique.

-Allow for access to different sound pitches from masks to be in our control/bought

-Unlock AC - and free switching

-dye system



-Allow for legacy to use other persons companions for end game


-dye system

Edited by VegaPhone
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What do I want to see in the Cartel shop?


1. Even though he does not exist yet in this timeline.... Dooku's lightsaber hilt. And his fighting style.:cool:


2. Anddd... I know this will never happen but, the ability to see my enemy lose a limb or something of that sort when they die (even if only I can see it.) This would last for only the duration of the death sequence.


3. More swoop bikes and vehicles


4. Gungan Punching Bag or target practice dummy

Edited by Tomb-Stone
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Barber shop, it would be nice to start out with no scars then give my character scars to show how rough the battle to the top was.


Until we have hood toggle it would be nice to see some duplicates sets one with hood up & one with hood down so we can either do our own toggle, or choose the set we want with the hood we want.


A vendor droid that sold items people really want but gave you a cut of the credits would be awesome (should cost a lot of coins so it's not so common it's useless though)

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SWTOR released less than a year ago with a subscription model. It is going F2P less than a year after release. How much more doomed could this game be?


DDO, LOTRO, STO, and AOC all released as subscription games, went f2p more than a year ago and are still alive and kicking. DDO and LOTRO are doing well enough that there are full expansions being released for both titles. STO has published 3 or 4 fairly major content updates since its F2P launch. Age of Conan seems to be in a holding pattern.


SWG never had an f2p relaunch. EQ is an ancient game, and so is EQ2. If those games shut down in a year or two, it would be a surprise, but not a big one.


COH was also an old game that went f2p.


If they could get 7 years out of SWG, even after the mass exodus of players caused by CU and NGE, I think they can get another 3-4 out of TOR.

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