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Players with only 1 character


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It has nothing to do with the legacy system. In mmos ive always had only one character which I focus all my attention to. This is a playstyle i thought was common among mmo gamers , but not for this game Im assuming? :eek:


It's not. Alting is all but expected in most MMOs. Certainly in this MMO.

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I had my main and alts names picked out before the game even came out. I love alts and I love my main. I like the versatility of being a DPS or a Healer. I have two DPS one merc range and one warrior melee and two healers one sorc and one operative. I liked the different stories. My main is almost full campaign. I need hat, earring, implants, and boots, I never win the roll for them. Someday they will be mine!!


My husband on the other hand liked having one character his main a merc healer. It took him a few months to even make a second character, a tank assassin. Then a few months after that he made his third a ranged DPS sniper. He's now working on a warrior class purely for that last buff. It's been 3 months and he finally got it to lv 28.


I say play how you want to play. If legacy perks are not a big deal to you then enjoy your main. If you are not having fun then it might be your guild as someone else said. My guild is awesome we raid, do events, and PvP. There is always something to do on the calender.

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I would like to find out if there are other people who only have 1 lvl50 character and dont want to create more? Or am I the only one left in this game?


I have to say.. my patience for updates is running out so im close to /unsubbing atleast for a couple of months


I've basically stopped playing full time. Although the reason I play only one characetr these days - even when I was a 15 hour a week player - is because the PvP gear grind REQUIRES it.


I'd love to play other alts willy nilly, except as a personally conpetitive PvPer, that's impossible to do at 50 without weeks and weeks of grinding, per character.


it's why I'm mostly playing GW2 now. it's all skill, no gear grind.

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I think there some good reasons to roll alts in this game compared to other MMOs.


1. Improve your main character with cross-class buffs and increased Presence.

2. Experience different class stories, companion dialogs and romances.

3. It doesn't take an enormous amount of time or grinding to get a character to 50, even if some of the planet and side missions can feel tedious after you've done them once or twice already.

Edited by RAVM
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Well I used to have only 1 lvl 50, but because of guild needs leveled a second one but I hate it and rarely play it...Also leveling one on rep side but Ive completely burned out at this point and hate leveling alts so instead I reactivated my WOW account and Im playing GW2 as well...bioware forcing me to level alts if I want hk 51 companion really pisses me off
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I had one main toon in SWG, i focused all my attention on making him awesome, I actually rolled a second toon just so i could drop officer stims on my own roof, so that my main would be ready to hit the ground running everyday, all day.


The difference here is that end game content is lacking, I am on an RP server at the moment and regret it all the time because chance encounter pvp is 100% not there. Meaning its fleet and warzones all day every day.


(i rolled RP because i didnt know much about the pvp server thing and heard about a maturity level difference, SWG did not have this and it was a new concept to me. Plus i wanted to RP. But with out chat bubbles I just cant get into the social stuff)


In SWG there was just so much more i could do with ONE TOON. You could even change both faction and class, so never really a reson to grind out a second toon. You could experience the entire game with one character


In SWTOR if i want the class buff i have to roll more toons and if you want to experiece everything you have to roll more toons.


All the end game gear and stuff does not take that long to obtain and mostly anything above the BM gear IMO is useless because its just the 4 warzones over and over, wins their are teamwork based anyway.

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i have no intentions of making an alt and then grinding valor 100 lol

besides , i picked the one and only class i actually enjoy so....


No doubt, i have 1 main toon basically, but i do roll alts. This unlocks a ton of stuff. Not just the class buffs but also i have both the light side and darkside legacy unlock unlocked.


Plus the storyline is the meat of this game so its fun to play them. I just take it real slow with the alts. I had a level 20 sage healer that had not even stepped foot on coruscant, i just played him in warzones occasionally when i felt like doing something different.

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I am not sure that alts are a requirement. Sure, there are many benefits from rolling them as previous posts have mentioned. But, if your play style is to only run one toon, period, then that is your play style. There is no fault in that. If you haven't found the end game content to keep you interested, well, that is what it is. BioWare would love for you to re-sub. But if you don't they won't need to file for bankruptsy.


After all that, your original question was, are there any more players like you? Sure there are, but why do you ask? Are you looking to do a head count? Are you looking for someone of like mind to run with? Do you need help getting gear, participating in HM FPs, or Ops? The mere fact that I have 4 alts does not prevent me from helping you and your one toon participate in end game content. Are you max geared yet, I won't pretend to know what that is these days, something like all Black Hole or Campaign gear (maybe)? Point is, whether I am a Soloist or an Altoholic is irrelevent. I will be more than happy to assist you in any way I can, as many other players will as well.


I am not trying to be rude, although it may sound that way a little, I am just trying to understand your question. The way this thread progressed, it should have been labeled "Why I run Alts!" While most folks here have given great reasons for running alts in SWTOR, you have no desire to do so. So, what exactly is it you are looking for? There is no need to run alts, just a need to be entertained (that's why we 'play games' online). If you are no longer entertained doing what you are currently doing in SWTOR, either you need to change what you're doing in SWTOR or go find something else to do. If GW2 is fun for you, then great, go play GW2. Those of us who find SWTOR to be entertaining (whatever our play style is) will still be doing this, until it's no longer fun.

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I only have one character right now but thats because I wanted to lvl my smuggler to 50 before I made a new toon. I find that when you have more than one you are more valuable to your guild and other players. Which in turns provides me with more grouping options. At least thats what Ive observed.
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I am not sure that alts are a requirement. Sure, there are many benefits from rolling them as previous posts have mentioned. But, if your play style is to only run one toon, period, then that is your play style. There is no fault in that. If you haven't found the end game content to keep you interested, well, that is what it is. BioWare would love for you to re-sub. But if you don't they won't need to file for bankruptsy.


After all that, your original question was, are there any more players like you? Sure there are, but why do you ask? Are you looking to do a head count? Are you looking for someone of like mind to run with? Do you need help getting gear, participating in HM FPs, or Ops? The mere fact that I have 4 alts does not prevent me from helping you and your one toon participate in end game content. Are you max geared yet, I won't pretend to know what that is these days, something like all Black Hole or Campaign gear (maybe)? Point is, whether I am a Soloist or an Altoholic is irrelevent. I will be more than happy to assist you in any way I can, as many other players will as well.


I am not trying to be rude, although it may sound that way a little, I am just trying to understand your question. The way this thread progressed, it should have been labeled "Why I run Alts!" While most folks here have given great reasons for running alts in SWTOR, you have no desire to do so. So, what exactly is it you are looking for? There is no need to run alts, just a need to be entertained (that's why we 'play games' online). If you are no longer entertained doing what you are currently doing in SWTOR, either you need to change what you're doing in SWTOR or go find something else to do. If GW2 is fun for you, then great, go play GW2. Those of us who find SWTOR to be entertaining (whatever our play style is) will still be doing this, until it's no longer fun.


Primarily I just wanted to see if there are other players out there like me who are still playing and only have one character because of the playstyle or any other reason

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I always have one supermain character, which I focus on, read up on, min/max on, etc. However, I usually roll a couple of alts just for fun, and in SWTOR just to enjoy more storylines. I don't take these characters very seriously, and I don't care if they ever reach lvl 50 or get the best gear ingame. They're purely for entertainment.
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I have only one character. Level 50 Vanguard Tank and I love playing him.

It took me about 27 attempts and experiments.. before I finally discovered that this is the character best for me..


Now, I try to create new characters ...at least to have a second crafting skill, but I just don;t have the same enjoyment from the other types of classes.


The Trooper is just too cool.

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i'm the type of person where i have to try every single class at least once in order to figure out which ones i like the best. even if i find a "main" class to play, i always have a couple alts around because playing the same class all the time is boring to me. i like variety. this is the first MMO i've played that actually rewards this kind of behavior which makes me feel very much at home. i have 8 toons, 5 of which are level 50. i can't wait til they give us more character slots so that i can make more and experience the class stories in different ways.
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I have three 50s and various alts at various levels, but when I play the alts I usually get bored pretty quickly. I've seen all the planets on both sides and know most of the quests like the back of my hand so it's just grinding without the fun and excitement I had with my first few characters, discovering new plants/quests as I went along, etc.
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i'm the type of person where i have to try every single class at least once in order to figure out which ones i like the best. even if i find a "main" class to play, i always have a couple alts around because playing the same class all the time is boring to me. i like variety. this is the first MMO i've played that actually rewards this kind of behavior which makes me feel very much at home. i have 8 toons, 5 of which are level 50. i can't wait til they give us more character slots so that i can make more and experience the class stories in different ways.
Same here. I wish they'd make legacy cross server, especially since they took out unique legacy titles which negates the only logistical problem. I currently have 14 toons, 8 over on Jung Ma, and if legacy were cross server I'd have all of the races unlocked, but I can't bring myself to delete one of my Jung Ma toons to roll the races I have yet to unlock on that server. And yes, I know I could just purchase it, which I did with Human, but 500k is one thing, 1.5m is another...
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I have 1 SIth inquisitor Sorcerer Level 50, 1 Jedi sage level 50 and 6 alts at level 37 that will never get to level 50.


I finished the story missions with all of them. I also unlocked all the companion's affection with all of them. I just don't like any of the other classes. And to be honest the Sage I have it only in case I need it to unlock HK 51 with a character from the other faction. Otherwise he will stay there collecting dust. (Not a fan of attacking throwing pebbles at enemies.)

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