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Dear Bioware,


I am purposefully writing this in a new thread, because I know it will have to be seen by a mod.


You handling of the server queue situation is appalling. I do not care what your reasons are, at no point is it reasonable to expect anyone to wait in 4-6 hour queues to log onto a server.


You put our guild here. People started pouring hours into characthers before the queue problems got out of hand (Albeit this happened by the second day). You cannot expect us to scrap our champs because you have ballsed things up, and start splintering our community, throwing away our investment.


Let's be honest, that's why we haven't got a real answer to this. You've messed up. You knew how many pre-order keys went out, you know where you places guilds, you know how many people you bought online in stages. You should know what the server loads would be like.


I could have excused 1 hour queues. 6 hours is insane.


Either that or you are being completely dishonest about the fact that this early launch program is actually a glorified stress test/beta of live servers. Which is why you're perfectly ok to let us suffer.


Now that you've already got my money so I could get in this pre-order, theres not much I can do. Other than this ****** plea for someone to come to the community with something meaningful.

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Being smacked down appears to be something you enjoy.


Also, you are aware they're working this right? And bringing down the servers tonight for some fixes.


Shame you chose kneejerking over waiting.

Edited by Daeborn
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Dear Bioware,


I am purposefully writing this in a new thread, because I know it will have to be seen by a mod.


You handling of the server queue situation is appalling. I do not care what your reasons are, at no point is it reasonable to expect anyone to wait in 4-6 hour queues to log onto a server.


You put our guild here. People started pouring hours into characthers before the queue problems got out of hand (Albeit this happened by the second day). You cannot expect us to scrap our champs because you have ballsed things up, and start splintering our community, throwing away our investment.


Let's be honest, that's why we haven't got a real answer to this. You've messed up. You knew how many pre-order keys went out, you know where you places guilds, you know how many people you bought online in stages. You should know what the server loads would be like.


I could have excused 1 hour queues. 6 hours is insane.


Either that or you are being completely dishonest about the fact that this early launch program is actually a glorified stress test/beta of live servers. Which is why you're perfectly ok to let us suffer.


Now that you've already got my money so I could get in this pre-order, theres not much I can do. Other than this ****** plea for someone to come to the community with something meaningful.


You arent even paying for game time yet stop your crying. Also proof of your mythical 6 hour queues.

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About to be closed and removed?! I better post in it quickly.

Seriously though, they are doing a balancing act. I bet in 2 weeks things are fine. If not, then you have every reason to complain. Now, not so much. Also, I would like to see proof of the 6 hour queue as well. My worst was 2 on Jung Ma. I just went into my living room and played a little Dark Souls with the wife for a bit. Man that Bed of Chaos is a pain.

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I think this problem is very likely to go away on the official launch date. It's likely that the server's population caps are artificially low during the EGA to prevent all the head-start players from filling up a single server. By artificially capping the servers during EGA they keep the players who got the early start spread out across all the servers a little more evenly to ensure that there are experienced players on every server that can help the new-comers on the 20th when the game officially launches.


This is a common strategy for MMO launches though.

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I think this problem is very likely to go away on the official launch date. It's likely that the server's population caps are artificially low during the EGA to prevent all the head-start players from filling up a single server. By artificially capping the servers during EGA they keep the players who got the early start spread out across all the servers a little more evenly to ensure that there are experienced players on every server that can help the new-comers on the 20th when the game officially launches.


This is a common strategy for MMO launches though.


There is no room for logic in a QQ thread.

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About to be closed and removed?! I better post in it quickly.

Seriously though, they are doing a balancing act. I bet in 2 weeks things are fine. If not, then you have every reason to complain. Now, not so much. Also, I would like to see proof of the 6 hour queue as well. My worst was 2 on Jung Ma. I just went into my living room and played a little Dark Souls with the wife for a bit. Man that Bed of Chaos is a pain.


I remember with EQ2 came out. There were queues, long waits, crashing zones and worse yet. Full rollbacks for over a week or two. And I do mean going from lvl 15 to 10 again rollbacks.


People are either inexperienced or just crying to see who can be the loudest.

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Hello Everyone,


We understand that the queue issues are frustrating right now. We will be closing this thread in order to keep the discussion in a few ongoing threads where it can be found quickly.


Please continue the discussion in any or all of these threads:

Regarding server queues (an official post has been made in this thread)

Server queue - grace period

Free transfers in the future?


The above linked threads contain most of the feedback on the queues and related topics.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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