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FPS Decrease Since the patch?


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I have experienced the same issue since today. Something I noticed as well is that temperature of my processor increased around 20 degrees. Before the patch it used to run constantly around 40C, now it gets to 60. It seems something was introduced in the patch that is really forcing the CPU. I hope they fix it soon!
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BioFail is at it again...it's NOT our computers.


So, to expand on this for a moment.....


Yes, clearly something changed with the patch.


Yes, clearly it is affecting some players, but not all players.


Hence.... it is (as is usually the case) an interdependency between some peoples computers and the lastest patch release of the game. Sorry, but your computer is a factor in the problem, otherwise every player would be seeing the same problem (which they are not). This does happen when you have tens of thousands of different computer configurations, drivers, and user applied tweaks and adjustments to their PCs.


And yes, they need to help resolve the issue for those that are impacted. Which, is exactly what is going on over in the Customer Support forum.

Edited by Andryah
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