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I quit playing, (Got Skyrim actually, Dawnguard was awesome) but I never shut my account off and some friends at work talked me into playing again.


The main reason I quit was because of how weak the Jedi classes were. I had a 48 Sentinel that though geared was so weak and well just crappy that I broke five mice because I slammed my fist down upon them in rage (never did that once playing Skyrim), one was an $80 Naga. So I deleted the Sentinel and quit playing, but as I said my account is still on.


My friends have told me that a lot has changed and I should try playing a Jedi again, but I look at this from the perspective of having a cheating spouse, you may forgive but you never trust them again.


So has anything really changed? Are the ranged players still overpowered and the Jedi classes wimps that no one wants or have they corrected the issue?


Frankly, all I ever wanted to play was the Jedi, and the fact that they were such a horrible class, well it enraged me, hence the demise of five mice. I actually broke one in half with my fist and as I said, this never happened once playing Skyrim.


So, i guess I've taken the long route to a simple question, are the Jedi still crap or are they fun to play now? Yes/No

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The game can be divided into two tiers of power. Tier 1, and Tier 2, with Tier 1 being the better tier.


Tier 1 damage: Marauders/Sentinels, Powertechs/Vanguards, Snipers/Gunslingers


Tier 2 damage: everyone else


Tier 1 healing: Sorcs/Sages, Ops/Scoundrels


Tier 2 healing: mercs


As for tanking, well that depends on a lot of factors. The tanks could be said to be more comparable.



What exactly made you think your character was weak if you've never had them at 50? Were you having difficulty on leveling mobs? If so the problem is likely you don't know how to play your character/spec/use your rotation.

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What exactly made you think your character was weak if you've never had them at 50? Were you having difficulty on leveling mobs? If so the problem is likely you don't know how to play your character/spec/use your rotation.


One of the main problems I had with rotation is that there are just too many buttons. I honestly don't understand the need for all of them and can't keep track. even putting then in order didn't help me because there are just too many, and just what is a 20% chance of a 4% bonus to a 50% increase?


What made me think my character was weak was this. Don't remember the planets name right now, it was a Prison, I was 48 and there were two 46 golds that I could not beat, couldn't even kill one of them. Tried Kira, tried Doc, nothing worked. Then in walks a 42 Commando, 42!, who wades trhough them like they were made of butter.


That's what made me think the Sentinel was weak...

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You should absolutey give sentinel/marauder another shot. Sentinel was my first class and I can kinda see where you are coming from, but everything changes once you get used to the rotation which realy is not more complicated than any of the other classes tbh. Also the spec matters I played combat for the longest time and have only changed to watchman for our ops team, but from my current experience i would say watchman has a lot more survivability compared to combat which should make lvling solo a little smoother.


I the end though little has changed in the class itself since launch. sentinels where very good then and they are still, it just takes a little getting used to and they only realy shine come end game.

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The game can be divided into two tiers of power. Tier 1, and Tier 2, with Tier 1 being the better tier.


Tier 1 damage: Marauders/Sentinels, Powertechs/Vanguards, Snipers/Gunslingers


Tier 2 damage: everyone else


Tier 1 healing: Sorcs/Sages, Ops/Scoundrels


Tier 2 healing: mercs


As for tanking, well that depends on a lot of factors. The tanks could be said to be more comparable.


I don't agree with anything you've said, really. This game requires more skill than people think, and it really shows when you play other classes as often as your main. I've had people bash me on my Mercenary for trying to find an EC group as a healer, then I get the group that's willing to take a chance on me and they always react the same way, "I didn't know Merc's could do any healing other than flashpoints..."


Then I queue as DPS on the Merc and out dps people in better gear than me on EVERY boss fight. (Using MoX)


On my Sage I also heal and occasionally DPS. I know I'm an above average healer, especially from others that I have seen struggle through content in this game as Sage/Sorcs, so I won't really go into Sage healing, because it's definitely easy if you play smarter not harder. As far as Sage/Sorc DPS, in campaign healing gear, I out dps'd a campaigned out Sentinel on 2/4 fights in HM EC. According to your tiered system, I should have never come close to sentinel dps, and he is one of the most competent gamer's I have ever played with.


Tanking is another story altogether. If you play as a Guardian/Juggernaut, you will have a hard time with ae threat. Assassins/Shadows and Vanguard/Powertech's have a lot of ae abilities to help manage ae threat, Guardians/Juggernauts are more of a "tank the boss" tank. But, it's definitely not impossible to tank everything in the game as a Guardian/Juggernaut, you just need to find a way to group mobs together for your Smash/Force Sweep ability to connect as often as possible.


To the OP: Your Sentinel has been buffed significantly since the last time you played and I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised. But, those buffs aren't enough to carry you, you still need to know how to play your class.

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I don't agree with anything you've said, really. This game requires more skill than people think, and it really shows when you play other classes as often as your main. I've had people bash me on my Mercenary for trying to find an EC group as a healer, then I get the group that's willing to take a chance on me and they always react the same way, "I didn't know Merc's could do any healing other than flashpoints..."


Then I queue as DPS on the Merc and out dps people in better gear than me on EVERY boss fight. (Using MoX)


On my Sage I also heal and occasionally DPS. I know I'm an above average healer, especially from others that I have seen struggle through content in this game as Sage/Sorcs, so I won't really go into Sage healing, because it's definitely easy if you play smarter not harder. As far as Sage/Sorc DPS, in campaign healing gear, I out dps'd a campaigned out Sentinel on 2/4 fights in HM EC. According to your tiered system, I should have never come close to sentinel dps, and he is one of the most competent gamer's I have ever played with.


Tanking is another story altogether. If you play as a Guardian/Juggernaut, you will have a hard time with ae threat. Assassins/Shadows and Vanguard/Powertech's have a lot of ae abilities to help manage ae threat, Guardians/Juggernauts are more of a "tank the boss" tank. But, it's definitely not impossible to tank everything in the game as a Guardian/Juggernaut, you just need to find a way to group mobs together for your Smash/Force Sweep ability to connect as often as possible.


To the OP: Your Sentinel has been buffed significantly since the last time you played and I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised. But, those buffs aren't enough to carry you, you still need to know how to play your class.


I don't think you've actually disagreed with me there :p


Skill undoubtedly makes a huge difference in the game PvE and PvP wise. But also, without a doubt there are some classes which are slightly better and some which are slightly worse. I use the tier system, because as far as I can tell, those particular classes are in line with each other. The gap between the two tiers isn't huge, but its there.



To the OP, you're simply going to need to learn your rotation better. At no point in this game has a level 42 character been even close to the power of a level 48 one in terms of raw power. Try searching for an online guide on the class and spec you're using.

Edited by Vandicus
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I had a 48 Sentinel that though geared was so weak and well just crappy that I broke five mice because I slammed my fist down upon them in rage (never did that once playing Skyrim), one was an $80 Naga. So I deleted the Sentinel and quit playing,


May I suggest some anger management therapy?

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I quit playing, (Got Skyrim actually, Dawnguard was awesome) but I never shut my account off and some friends at work talked me into playing again.


The main reason I quit was because of how weak the Jedi classes were. I had a 48 Sentinel that though geared was so weak and well just crappy that I broke five mice because I slammed my fist down upon them in rage (never did that once playing Skyrim), one was an $80 Naga. So I deleted the Sentinel and quit playing, but as I said my account is still on.


My friends have told me that a lot has changed and I should try playing a Jedi again, but I look at this from the perspective of having a cheating spouse, you may forgive but you never trust them again.


So has anything really changed? Are the ranged players still overpowered and the Jedi classes wimps that no one wants or have they corrected the issue?


Frankly, all I ever wanted to play was the Jedi, and the fact that they were such a horrible class, well it enraged me, hence the demise of five mice. I actually broke one in half with my fist and as I said, this never happened once playing Skyrim.


So, i guess I've taken the long route to a simple question, are the Jedi still crap or are they fun to play now? Yes/No


Skyrim Dlc Hearthfire comes out this Tuesday for 400 microsoft points ($5 on steam), you get to build your own house and adopt a child. Nothing class wise in this game has changed as far as I am aware of.

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welcome back OP.


I really enjoy the game, and I think that if you take the time to learn the class again, you will probably enjoy it. Or you honestly may want to try another class instead.


When I first started playing. I rolled a jedi consular immediately (ran shadow). it was fun, but rotations were boring to me. i tried a guardian, and had a REAL hard time getting used to the rotation. i also was not a fan of the attack animations. went back to my shadow and played a bit more till I was used to the game. then tried the Juggernaut (sith version of guardian). it was still abit difficult, but i pushed through and persevered. once I got used to the rotation I loved the class!


I tried an agent many many times, and i simply could not get into the skill rotation. I know that other people like it, so I know its not borked. But the playstyie obviously isn't suited to me.


Each class had it's own strengths and playstyles. perhaps you should just try a few others, and maybe its simply a different class playstyle that will appeal to you.


or try sith side. sometimes the animations themselves make a difference. I felt more comfortable on the Juggernaut then the guardian mostly due to how the skills flowed (Im a very visual person when it comes to stuff like that). you may play another class and eventually come back to your sentinel.


and on the DPS thing...every DPS AC in game right now pumps out enough DPS to fit in fine in the hardest stuff in the game. sentinels and their sith counterpart, the Maurader, are both highly valued in Ops groups for their damage output, as well as their group buffs.


So i say go for it! perhaps start a new one, try the sith version! dromund Kass is a great planet to try out...very dim and murky, has a great mysterious feel to it, and the ancient sith temple they are exploring and revealing has an awesome sinister/haunted feel to it! if you haven't tried sith side yet, I'd say roll a maurader. and read up on rotations. the maurader's rotation was a bit easier then my jugg's in many ways. but they do have allot of additional skills that aren't always used.but if you run into any hitches, post in the forum for that class and ask people for what they use and how they go about it. it may help out allot.

Edited by Elyx
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And this is why all the cries since launch for mara/sent nerfs have gone unanswered. Gotta balance for the lowest common denominator.


Good news OP: Sents are now the fotm OP class.

Bad news OP: sents haven't changed a bit, they were always awsomesauce. It wasn't the class, it was you. If you put in the effort to master it you'll be great, if not, you'll be breaking more mice.

Edited by aeterno
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Um...I'd suggest making sure you're playing your class correctly. When I was playing as a Smuggler Sawbones/healer, I felt the healing was a joke and the class was nerfed beyond all repair. Then, I took the time to research the class from the perspective of those who were enjoying it and succeeding with it.


Suddenly, I adjusted my playstyle and found the healing capabilities of the class to be quite good.


I've also played as a sentinel and it is very true: they're glass cannons. Yes, it takes some time and practice to get into a good rhythm: keeping your slow burns up, keeping up with your cooldowns, etc. They're designed to unload lots of damage, not take lots of damage.


I'm sure this isn't your intent, but it sounds a lot like "My class should be the most amazing ever whether it's PvP or PvE. All I should have to do is hit three buttons whenever and I dominate."


PS- You broke any $80 mouse? Geez, must be nice being able to go through mice like that...

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I've also played as a sentinel and it is very true: they're glass cannons. Yes, it takes some time and practice to get into a good rhythm: keeping your slow burns up, keeping up with your cooldowns, etc. They're designed to unload lots of damage, not take lots of damage.



Marauders would be balanced if they were true glass cannons. Problem is they have stupid amounts of defensive cooldowns. Remove undying rage or remove all the rest of their defensive cooldowns and you'd have a balanced glass cannon, together(including stealth) they give marauders ridiculously high surviveability. Effective stunnage turns puts them back in glass cannon mode but their ability to almost always have a strong defensive cooldown up makes them a bit too solid.

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I quit playing, (Got Skyrim actually, Dawnguard was awesome) but I never shut my account off and some friends at work talked me into playing again.


The main reason I quit was because of how weak the Jedi classes were. I had a 48 Sentinel that though geared was so weak and well just crappy that I broke five mice because I slammed my fist down upon them in rage (never did that once playing Skyrim), one was an $80 Naga. So I deleted the Sentinel and quit playing, but as I said my account is still on.


My friends have told me that a lot has changed and I should try playing a Jedi again, but I look at this from the perspective of having a cheating spouse, you may forgive but you never trust them again.


So has anything really changed? Are the ranged players still overpowered and the Jedi classes wimps that no one wants or have they corrected the issue?


Frankly, all I ever wanted to play was the Jedi, and the fact that they were such a horrible class, well it enraged me, hence the demise of five mice. I actually broke one in half with my fist and as I said, this never happened once playing Skyrim.


So, i guess I've taken the long route to a simple question, are the Jedi still crap or are they fun to play now? Yes/No


a helpful website i use for all kinds of info such as rotation, talents, and best in slot mods i use http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/ just pick your class from the drop down menu either PvP or PvE.

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I don't agree with anything you've said, really. This game requires more skill than people think, and it really shows when you play other classes as often as your main. I've had people bash me on my Mercenary for trying to find an EC group as a healer, then I get the group that's willing to take a chance on me and they always react the same way, "I didn't know Merc's could do any healing other than flashpoints..."


Then I queue as DPS on the Merc and out dps people in better gear than me on EVERY boss fight. (Using MoX)


On my Sage I also heal and occasionally DPS. I know I'm an above average healer, especially from others that I have seen struggle through content in this game as Sage/Sorcs, so I won't really go into Sage healing, because it's definitely easy if you play smarter not harder. As far as Sage/Sorc DPS, in campaign healing gear, I out dps'd a campaigned out Sentinel on 2/4 fights in HM EC. According to your tiered system, I should have never come close to sentinel dps, and he is one of the most competent gamer's I have ever played with.


Tanking is another story altogether. If you play as a Guardian/Juggernaut, you will have a hard time with ae threat. Assassins/Shadows and Vanguard/Powertech's have a lot of ae abilities to help manage ae threat, Guardians/Juggernauts are more of a "tank the boss" tank. But, it's definitely not impossible to tank everything in the game as a Guardian/Juggernaut, you just need to find a way to group mobs together for your Smash/Force Sweep ability to connect as often as possible.


To the OP: Your Sentinel has been buffed significantly since the last time you played and I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised. But, those buffs aren't enough to carry you, you still need to know how to play your class.


in HM EC, i saw a sith/jedi is easy to tank boss,

ae taunt trash is not that important in endgame raid,

most mobs r CCed,

and sith/jedi have higher hp and many useful abilities than BHs.


for dps, ppl like rdps than mdps,

i dont know why, cause my mdps cleared 4/4 hm ec,

but ppl still like rdps,

they said that is easier,

and ppl still said this game is too easy???

then why a mdps bother ppl??

cause ppl r sux cant handle it with mdps?


lots of internet kids said this game is too easy or others how bad, and how good they r,

but when u demand those kids to start form a HM EC group with PUG, then they said they only do that with guild mates,

lies, because they scared, cause they dont have skills to lead a PUG to clear 4/4 hm ec.

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in HM EC, i saw a sith/jedi is easy to tank boss,

ae taunt trash is not that important in endgame raid,

most mobs r CCed,

and sith/jedi have higher hp and many useful abilities than BHs.


for dps, ppl like rdps than mdps,

i dont know why, cause my mdps cleared 4/4 hm ec,

but ppl still like rdps,

they said that is easier,

and ppl still said this game is too easy???

then why a mdps bother ppl??

cause ppl r sux cant handle it with mdps?


lots of internet kids said this game is too easy or others how bad, and how good they r,

but when u demand those kids to start form a HM EC group with PUG, then they said they only do that with guild mates,

lies, because they scared, cause they dont have skills to lead a PUG to clear 4/4 hm ec.


It really bothers me when people request RDPS. It's like why, the healers too crappy to heal an extra 40k damage in the boss fights? I don't care, if my guild is running a pug through HM EC, we take the first person to reply to our call in General chat. We've even carried brand new 50 dps through hm ec and gave them the campaign pieces that drop.

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a helpful website i use for all kinds of info such as rotation, talents, and best in slot mods i use http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/ just pick your class from the drop down menu either PvP or PvE.


Noxxic really helped me as well. I had a less effective rotation earlier but after reading up a bit it got better. Still haven't tried whacking at a dummy and looking at it afterwards. It's on the to-do-list. But yes, it's a great site. And for lvl:ing a JK Sentinel, watchman worked very well for me. Started that spec on Tatooine and it made life much easier.


It really bothers me when people request RDPS. It's like why, the healers too crappy to heal an extra 40k damage in the boss fights? I don't care, if my guild is running a pug through HM EC, we take the first person to reply to our call in General chat. We've even carried brand new 50 dps through hm ec and gave them the campaign pieces that drop.


That's great, sounds like a nice guild, happy to hear that you treat your pug-people well.

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Oh please, my first character was a Sentinel. I leveled him with Kira as companion for most of the time and I had little idea what I was doing at times. Still I got through it quite nicely. If i did it again with the right companions and my current knowledge/skill of the game I would breeze through it.
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