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Deception PVP Video


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Hey guys, a few of you may know me from my madness video, which should still be on page one of the forums, but I've finally completed my deception pvp video. Still in the process of uploading, but it should be done.... soon. I wanted to show people that if you play deception right, it can be really good. Just yesterday, I pulled 660k in a voidstar, in a pug, just queueing with a dps operative. Both of us can pretty much shut down a whole team by killing their healers within a few seconds. It may be a "lone wolf" spec, but even lone wolves can help out in team games. Please give me good feedback on the video, and not "YOU PLAY DECEPTION LOL NEWB YOU SUCK I WILL ROFLPWN YOU WITH MY 23/1/17" because if you do, you are an ***hole. NO 23/1/17 ALLOWED IN THIS THREAD. PERIOD.



Upload process almost complete, except for the video to be up shortly after this post goes up.

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First of all, your video quality is amazing (I can't say the same for my own), and I really like your choice in music for the video.


When it comes to play however, I have a few criticisms. The video was a little too long so I didn't watch all of it, but from what I saw there was no rated footage at all, which is a HUGE difference from regular. You weren't presented any real challenge in the video and when you were, you were shut down, which is a huge flaw in the spec. Personally, anytime I see a voltaic slash spinning around I find the healer he's on and spike, stun him after 2x VS, and he's totally useless. Don't look at numbers as a measure of viability, look at what you're ACTUALLY doing for the team and improve on that. I noticed a lot of running around killing in times where it wasn't necessary and your team would've benefited from having you elsewhere. This loses games in rated, and is the staple of the "lone wolf" idea. Sure, you got a 5k crit, and killed a full war hero sage that wasn't kiting or doing anything right in the first place, but what were you doing to help your team score? In that instance, not much. I'm not saying you're a terrible player, but your judgement and decision making could definitely use improvement (such as casting whirlwind, popping CDs when it's totally unnecessary...) Don't look down on 23/1/17 because it's a stronger spec, especially for rated. By all means, have fun with deception, but don't assume that anyone who uses 23/1/17 is a FOTM reroller that's taking the easy way. That's my two cents.


On another note...what do you use to record, I WANT IT!

Edited by InariOkami
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If you want to see crazy ninja caps and stuff, watch my madness video. I just made this one to show ridiculous damage and crits. There is a decent voidstar clip though where I do have some decent team action, but I didn't get a lot of decent team moments in those warzones, I did get a couple of goals and such, but those were off camera. I used fraps to record, set at 1080p, and I render the videos at 2048x1152 to get rid of black bars on the screen. I have nothing against 23/1/17, but most people who play that spec condescend against me, and it's really annoying :mad:

but watch the ENTIRE video, please. The first voidstar clip was a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't have much practice with the spec. Same for the final alderaan clip, it was from that same time period. My madness post is still on the same page as this, by the way.

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first of all. great video and a fine performance(great music too!)


secondly personally i think voltaic slash looks awful :-( and in a game where i think almost everything is right, thats a harsh critism!


finally i know you said dont mention it but the versatility of (they shall not be named hybrid spec) is so optimal for wzs and particularily objective rwzs.eg hutt. wud you rather have a dps assy on your team? or a carnage spec mara? who will rip the faces off anyone in the same timezone :-S


final fight - my main is a mara( yes waiting for the nerf!) full (and mostly) optimised wh. my alt is an assy who i love. but realise they have no fear factor.


when a healer has a mara on them they mention it. when they have an assy. well they might.


overall - make voltaic look cool. buff us cos im a whiner forum poster and i say so. :-D

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Might be seeing a lot more Deception Sins with these new changes for 1.4


You will at first, but the best changes for the Deception tree are low tier talents that Madness and Darkness can take advantage of making them even stronger and again shadowing the Deception tree.

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