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Jaina Solo Trilogy Sword of the Jedi


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A new trilogy called Sword of the Jedi is being authored by Christie Golden, it takes place in 44 ABY after Fate of the Jedi. A release date has not been stated. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sword_of_the_Jedi_(trilogy)

The picture on Wookieepedia shows what I believe to be the senate building exploding.Thoughts on what might happen/what it is about?

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Yes there is a moon orbiting Coruscant its called Centex II. Darth sidious as the Supreme Chanc build a secret cloning center there. They used inferior Spartii clone cylinders and different DNA to make them. If you want to read in a novel the story you need to read the Republic Commando novels. If you want to do what kids call today as reading just go to wookipedia.

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My thoughts? I think that if this series draws any influence on Jaina's character from anything Karen Traviss got within ten feet of, it will suck. I think that if this isn't the first step in completely retconning that moronic hack's fapfiction out of existence in the Star Wars EU, that it will suck.
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Jaina is finaly getting her own trilogy, have to say I'm looking forward to it.


Better hope Traviss never gets wind of it, otherwise she'll spew out another bit of pathetic fanfiction killing Jaina off with a character she should have walked all over in under three pages "because she thinks Jaina is a bad jedi."**



***implying the hack that should have never been allowed to learn how to read or write likes any jedi characters at all.

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Better hope Traviss never gets wind of it, otherwise she'll spew out another bit of pathetic fanfiction killing Jaina off with a character she should have walked all over in under three pages "because she thinks Jaina is a bad jedi."**



***implying the hack that should have never been allowed to learn how to read or write likes any jedi characters at all.


let's not turn this into an author bashing book. Authors don't get to decide when major characters are killed, the publisher does. Mara was going to die one way or another, it's too bad her death landed with Traviss. She didn't kill the character, she just wrote the character's death. Mind you, Troy Denning wrote the death of 2 solo children so far, and R.A. Salvatore wrote the death of chewie. Why don't you flame those guys too?


The Star Wars series is effectively "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away". This means these aren't the verbatim non-fiction detail of events which have unfolded, but a series of stories which cover a period of time.

The history of Earth has been covered by numerous authors, some with conflicting details of events, and many who "killed off" important characters.


Yes, it's all fiction, but I like to take it more seriously. Still though, books, media, movies, they are all just retellings of a story, and so they won't always fit 100% together. Sometimes story tellers embellish, and sometimes the stories just aren't that great, but you just have to take some things with a grain of salt and look at the big picture.


Everyone dies eventually, Mara was one of those people. Did she make a stupid decision? Yes, was it as stupid as it was written? Possibly not. Do people want to read about immortal characters escaping death 5 times a year for 30 years? not really. I hope the publishers ask for more characters to be killed off.




Does Coruscant have a moon? It had at least 4 natural Satelites, Centax 1-3, and Hesperidium. 3 of which can be seen in planet shots of coruscant during the movies.


The largest moon (probably Centax 1) was destroyed by the Vong and turned into a ring system around the planet.


The other moons were pulled away from the planet some distance, but remained orbitting it. When Zonoma Sekot arrived in Coruscant's orbit, it destroyed the Rainbow Bridge (the remnants of Centax-1) and flung at least 1 moon out of the system altogether (probably Centax-3)


Coruscant now has 2 moons left, Centax-2, as well as Hesperidium (which is something of a resort moon).


It also appears that the remnents of the rainbow bridge eventually resettle in orbit around coruscant again, leaving the planet with a ring system again by 140 ABY



Also that does look like the senate building, so the story probably does have events occuring on Coruscant. Which is unfortunate really, given how much time has already been devoted to that planet. That said, Jaina's probably doing some sith cleanup there following the Abeloth event.

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Better hope Traviss never gets wind of it, otherwise she'll spew out another bit of pathetic fanfiction killing Jaina off with a character she should have walked all over in under three pages "because she thinks Jaina is a bad jedi."**



***implying the hack that should have never been allowed to learn how to read or write likes any jedi characters at all.


Someone is a little upset about Maras death. :p


At any rate Golden is writing it, so you don't have to worry.


EDIT: Traviss is a pretty soilid writer, Hard Contact was a very good book and she writes a firefight as well as anyone. Sure she wrote a lot of unpopular (and frankly downright nonsensical) things in legacy, I would say she is a good writer, but the wrong writer to write star wars materiel.

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snip snipt.


Only some hate her for killing Mara(Like me)


But most hate her for OPing the Mando's and completely making them look like gods.



Anyway, enough about KT. She can't get into any SW books since she was forced to resign.

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I am starting to get the feeling Jaina is going to become the next big thing in Star Wars and will most probably be written into being the best Champion of the Jedi and lightsaber duellist in the EU.


Hmm, Jaina and Ben.


I actually like Ben...allot.

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I am starting to get the feeling Jaina is going to become the next big thing in Star Wars and will most probably be written into being the best Champion of the Jedi and lightsaber duellist in the EU.


So long as she doesn't become better than Luke, I'm fine.

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I am starting to get the feeling Jaina is going to become the next big thing in Star Wars and will most probably be written into being the best Champion of the Jedi and lightsaber duellist in the EU.


I am glad. I thought she wasn't going to survive Fate of the Jedi, I thought Tahiri was going to marry Fel and train the Imperial Knights. All of the authors seemed hell bent on killing off all of the characters that Timothy Zahn had created.

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Am I the only one who noticed the cover of the book is yet another usage of the way-overdone "smokey decaying stuff flaking off of stuff semi-monochromatic filter" that's on everything from most modern console FPS covers to movie posters to, hell, Wheaties boxes at my local supermarket? "Guy/gal stands with weapon in an exhausted half-slouch stoically while things decay or crumble artfully around him/her" :rolleyes:


I'm skeptical about this particular book even if I haven't had a look at it yet. Strictly by first-look of the cover, looks like yet another clone of "300"'s visual style. Which was actually cool when it was new, but damn.

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What is it that Del Rey is doing now? Missing some context here.


I am guessing making a book revolve around a heroine or passing on the torch to a newer generation of Jedi (we don't know that though). Personally I am glad that Jaina is in the artwork and hope that she is on the final cover, I can only think of 1 other cover with her on it and that is a very bad thing (Invincible).

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I am guessing making a book revolve around a heroine or passing on the torch to a newer generation of Jedi (we don't know that though). Personally I am glad that Jaina is in the artwork and hope that she is on the final cover, I can only think of 1 other cover with her on it and that is a very bad thing (Invincible).


It's nice to have a female lead, really it is. I wish they went for a cover art style that wasn't a copy of, well, everything from Gears of War to Assassin's Creed and the stack of "vampire/werewolf seduces woman in high heels holding a knife of some kind" romance novels my ex-girlfriend used to have in her room.


I can stand stoically in a semi-monochrome backdrop slouching holding a weapon in a decaying landscape too. I'm so edgy.

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I am starting to get the feeling Jaina is going to become the next big thing in Star Wars and will most probably be written into being the best Champion of the Jedi and lightsaber duellist in the EU.


She already is. At the end of the war with the Vong Jaina is the First Sword of the Jedi Order. That means that even Luke thinks she's better with both lightsaber and overall tactics than he is. Hell, Jaina invented the tactics used to even the playing field against the Vong both in space and in personal combat.


Traviss ignored that, and made her some ignorant princess that had to be told how to fly a starfighter and use a comlink, despite being a higher scoring Ace than her uncle Luke and having a spot in Rogue Squadron.

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