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Exarr Kun vs. Vader


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One of but not the most. The most was Sidious, then was Vader. So what it really comes down to is what edge could he have had that Vader didn't? Did he know some secret that would have allowed him to have an advantage? If not and we go with Cannon and sheer strength, then yeah Vader wins. Edited by Reynaga
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Exar Kun was recognized as the best duellist of his day, he was also, besides the Emperor, the most powerful Force User of his time as well, his spirit alone wrecked the New Jedi Order and put Luke Skywalker in a coma, among other things, Vader doesn't really stand a chance against Prime Exar Kun.
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I watched the video and I have to agree with everything he said, except for one thing, which seems to be the one thing that everyone keeps forgetting about Vaders suit. It was made with sith alchemy, and every time he was hurt or defeated, the armour was upgraded. So I would say this fight would be a draw, in my opinion, with either both of them killing each other, or both carried away with heavily sustained damage.
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as powerful as vader is, he never terrorized the jedi from beyond the grave.


so even if vader beat kun to death that wouldn't be the end of it, kun would win in the end


Vader, as Anakin Skywalker, became one with the force and was able to appear as a force ghost. He did this naturally with no training or prior knowledge. Kun's method was a little more involved and wasn't as permanent as Vader's.

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This particular match-up is very interesting. Exar Kun is one of the VERY few people that can stand toe-to-toe with the Jedi and Sith of the PT and NJO era. Among these select few are Exar Kun, Darth Nihilus, and Vitiate. This battle comes down to Force power, imo. I consider Vader and Kun to be relatively close to eachother in Lightsaber skills, so the battle would come down to Force power.


Vader may be the Chosen One, but he never reached his potential. That being said, Vader still reached 80% of Sidious' power. 80% of the power of the most powerful Sith Lord in the galaxy. That is not something to sneeze at. Vader is incredibly powerful, but can he overpower Exar Kun? I think the more important question is: can he beat Luke Skywalker during the early years of the NJO?


Once we answer that question, we answer the question of Vader vs. Kun.


I don't think Vader could beat early NJO Luke, because Luke beat the Emperor and I don't think Vader could have. So I believe Exar Kun could come out the victor after a long and exciting battle. This is a battle that would be very interesting to watch.

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I don't think Vader could beat early NJO Luke, because Luke beat the Emperor and I don't think Vader could have. So I believe Exar Kun could come out the victor after a long and exciting battle. This is a battle that would be very interesting to watch.


G-Canon states that Luke Skywalker is the most powerful jedi in the galaxy so i think he could definitely overcome Luke.


Despite this, I think Vader would beat Exar Kun. According to Wookiepedia (not the most reliable source I know) Vader wielded more power than Yoda, one of the powerful force wielders in the history of the galaxy. I think the video underestimates Vader's force ability - no he can't use force lighting and other sorcery but through brute strength I think he could power through Kun's lightsaber defenses and once he starts doing damage he can easily win.


Still, it would be a very interesting fight.

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G-Canon states that Luke Skywalker is the most powerful jedi in the galaxy so i think he could definitely overcome Luke.


Despite this, I think Vader would beat Exar Kun. According to Wookiepedia (not the most reliable source I know) Vader wielded more power than Yoda, one of the powerful force wielders in the history of the galaxy. I think the video underestimates Vader's force ability - no he can't use force lighting and other sorcery but through brute strength I think he could power through Kun's lightsaber defenses and once he starts doing damage he can easily win.


Still, it would be a very interesting fight.


That first sentence of yours is a bit contradictory. But I fully agree that it would be interesting.. This isn't a fight that can be easily won by either side, however.

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Exar Kun overcame Luke when he was a fledgling Jedi Master, Exar Kun was also utilizing the powers of Kyp Durron to augment his own powers. Kun then spent the next few weeks trying to off Luke's comatose body and failing miserably every time. Fact of the matter is that it's debateable that Kun could have driven Luke out of his body like that without utilizing Kyp Durron's power, and even then he couldn't get Kyp to finish the job.



Finally, as strong as Vader was in the Force, I highly doubt he was as strong as Yoda, I doubt Kun was as strong as Yoda either.

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Exar Kun overcame Luke when he was a fledgling Jedi Master, Exar Kun was also utilizing the powers of Kyp Durron to augment his own powers. Kun then spent the next few weeks trying to off Luke's comatose body and failing miserably every time. Fact of the matter is that it's debateable that Kun could have driven Luke out of his body like that without utilizing Kyp Durron's power, and even then he couldn't get Kyp to finish the job.



Finally, as strong as Vader was in the Force, I highly doubt he was as strong as Yoda, I doubt Kun was as strong as Yoda either.


Remember that Corran Horn aided Luke during this time, foiling Exur Kun's plans time and time again while Luke was in Coma by using his deductive skills, which Kun couldn't seem to get a handle, probably because he never had to deal with someone like that during his existence. It certainly wasn't because of power since in situations when Kun was faced 1 on 1 against any of the NJO members he always won.

Edited by Selvec
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Exar Kun overcame Luke when he was a fledgling Jedi Master, Exar Kun was also utilizing the powers of Kyp Durron to augment his own powers. Kun then spent the next few weeks trying to off Luke's comatose body and failing miserably every time. Fact of the matter is that it's debateable that Kun could have driven Luke out of his body like that without utilizing Kyp Durron's power, and even then he couldn't get Kyp to finish the job.



Finally, as strong as Vader was in the Force, I highly doubt he was as strong as Yoda, I doubt Kun was as strong as Yoda either.


Even though Luke wasn't in his prime then, it still is a pretty impressive feat for Kun.

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The real issue is experience. Vader killed 100s of Jedi with little to no experience with saber duels. Where as Kun defeated many Jedi who had trained and fought for years.


Not to mention kun was a master of sith alchemy. Quick jolt of lightning would quickly render vader suit useless

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The real issue is experience. Vader killed 100s of Jedi with little to no experience with saber duels. Where as Kun defeated many Jedi who had trained and fought for years.


Not to mention kun was a master of sith alchemy. Quick jolt of lightning would quickly render vader suit useless


Now your completely underrating Vader.


While I agree, Kun would win.


But Vader did in fact kill 100s of Jedi during the Golden Age of the Jedi Order. Meaning the JO of the PT would most likely dominate anyother JO before or after. And he wasn't even in his prime.

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Remember that Corran Horn aided Luke during this time, foiling Exur Kun's plans time and time again while Luke was in Coma by using his deductive skills, which Kun couldn't seem to get a handle, probably because he never had to deal with someone like that during his existence. It certainly wasn't because of power since in situations when Kun was faced 1 on 1 against any of the NJO members he always won.


Kun was going up against a bunch of force newbies, even if one of them was Corran Horn, then he got a few of his creatures slaughtered by a kid in diapers, I don't care if Luke was showing the kid how to do things, having your sith spawn slaughtered by a toddler is inexcusable.


For all of Kun's posturing he avoided a confrontation with fledgling Master Skywalker until he had young Kyp Durron under his influence and simply augmented Kyp's powers with his knowledge in order to take down Skywalker, even then he still wasn't powerful enough to get Kyp Durron to finish the job.


Let's face it Kun got taken down by a bunch of people that wouldn't have even been to the level of a Padawan in the Jedi Order's Golden Age.


Mara Jade was right, Palpatine would have considered Exar Kun to be a classic example of a failure.

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What that video forgot to take into account when it came to their martial skills is that (as far as I know) Djem So had not yet been invented when Exar kun was alive as such that style would seem like Shien to him but the differences (especcially with how much Vader specialized it to himself) would give Vader a serious edge over Exar Kun who used very classic Niman (duel blades or saber staffs along with unpredictablity is classic niman style Exar Kun was just really good at it) but vader would know this style and in fact this style was so ineffective in the clone wars the a majority of the practitioners were killed in the battle of geonosis the first battle of the war. So while Exar Kun is a very good Niman user his lack of knowledge of Djem So constitutes a weakness and since Niman has no real strengths to draw upon (part of the style) Vader's style would both confuse and just over power Exar Kun.
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Actually I saw this video on youtube on this. I think he did a good job on it and the result seemed reasonable.


Just one huge flaw, because of the rule of two Vader and Sidious was far more powerful then any previous Sith before them.Kun was very powerful yes but i think Vader was also a better dualist even in the suit.

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