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Spam report, ignore, and your account


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Last night on Ebon Hawk (Rep fleet), some dude was spamming a credit selling site, and I mean SPAMMING...like literally every second. First time I have seen this TBH, but anyway, I right click and report spam. Oddly enough, he was not automatically ignored, and I had to right click him again and ignore. Someone tagged for spam should be automatically ignored, IMO.


To make matters worse, 20 minutes or so later I log in an alt, and to my surprise, not only is the same dude still there, but he is not on my alt's ignore list. Seriously? First of all, if I ignore someone, I want them ignored account wide, and I want their alts ignored account wide. Secondly...WTH 20+ minutes later and GMs haven't removed this guy?!? God knows how long he was spamming before I logged in, how many other people reported him, or how long he continued spamming after I ignored him with my second character.


Really, there is no excuse for allowing someone to spam that long. You guys better clamp down on that crap before F2P launches, or even more customers will leave.

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I've been pretty unimpressed with the CS with regards to complaints about behavior. I got a couple warnings that I felt were deserved, but just finished serving a ban that I felt was wholly undeserved, and have not been able to get a straight answer as to what it was that I said that deserved the ban, I've been told it was generally inappropriate, but I can't get what was inappropriate about it as it was a self deprecating comment, and not harrassing or cursing.


Meh, I won't quit over it, but it has impacted my enjoyment of the game as I am not sure what I can say now that won't be risking a ban.

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So, you are complaining because you want to be lazy and click less? It's not like it is rocket science, report and ignore.


Seriously? The guy asks that /ignore be account wide and you call him lazy?! It's a GREAT suggestion. If I ignore someone, it's not always because they're spamming, it may be because the twit was a loot whore and I don't want to group with him again. This isn't 1980 and since my silly rocket boots pertain to every character I create, I don't see any reason /ignore can't as well.

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Think of it this way, if they work on adding this feature, their diverting man hours from something else. I'm going to log in to play new content and go back to content that was previously bugged but then fixed. I'm not going to come home from work and think, "Oh my god, the patch notes said /ignore is legacy-wide?? ZOMG WANT 2 PLAY NAO!"
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