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Will Quitters Ruin PvP for the F2P Crowd


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As many of you know we have a twofold problem with quitters.

  • They are cowardly, and if in a losing match, they will blame their team or Bioware, and then sit on defensive medals
  • If they see their team is losing, they will blame their team or Bioware, and click [Leave Warzone] rather then try


A great solution to the quitter epidemic can be found here that is not a penalty.

However, at this point it's clear there is no penalty or solution coming.


So I ask you. When new players come into the game via the F2P model, they will, for the most part, be new to SWToR. New players, except for quitters in their delusional minds, are generally undergeared and new to PvP. This will be a lot for the quitter to deal with. It will be especially hard for the quitter because he is just as likely to get a team of F2P opponents to walk over if he quits his current match and re-enters the queue. (The quitter isn't in it for competition, he loves playing against teams of undergeared people because it enforces his delusions) This will lead to the quitters walking out on F2P players constantly.


Being that the F2P player has no real investment in the game, I think PvP will be a constant stream of people walking out on him or sitting on defensive medals. This will be a terrible first impression and they will not stick around.


Many quitters will respond with the "l2p" "Call out incs" "No one listens" "Play for objectives" "I pay to have fun," so bear with me in discussing this issue. For some reason the cowards are adamant in defending the ability to bail on their team

Edited by richardya
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I love how you reference your own thread as being a great solution, when it's absolutely horrible.


Because you think forcing quitters to play with quitters is too harsh?

Yet you have no problem with quitting?

So in essence you feel it's ok to quit on others but not ok for others to quit on you?

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Because you think forcing quitters to play with quitters is too harsh?

Yet you have no problem with quitting?

So in essence you feel it's ok to quit on others but not ok for others to quit on you?


Science your logic is just epic.

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Considering the F2P person will be greatly out geared, they will be the ones most likely to "bail on their team".


My god... could we be facing an influx of F2P quitters?

Should they consider a charge for allowing F2P to quit warzones?

I will call Bioware right away and get this straightened out.

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Chain stuns are not enough for you?

Now you must insist on controlling the behavior of another to suit your own needs by crying for punishments?

Seriously this is a GAME played for FUN, this is not employment, indoctrination camp,or some perverted Xfacor baddie playtime session supreme.


What ever definition I hold as fun for my personal pleasure without violating the EULA or TOS @ that moment is not nor shall it ever be up for review and or consideration by you or any one else.Please grow up and get over it already.

If the WZ is NOT fun I am NOT staying,


I pay and play for #1,I do not pay for you,why should I play for you?

This isn't some job that one MUST have too stay for,it is a GAME!

You want WZs with a bailer penalty then play RANKED !!!

Solution is already in effect.

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Chain stuns are not enough for you?...I pay and play for #1,I do not pay for you,why should I play for you?.....This isn't some job that one MUST have too stay for,it is a GAME!


These quitters are amazing. They pay so they have a right to ruin the game for others. Cry about getting stunned and then quit?


I wonder if these quitters ever get 17 friends together for a baseball game and then leave after the first inning and screw them all over? Why not, they are not slaves to the other players.


Quitters, hate playing with them hate playing against them. Give them their own Queue.


Considering the F2P person will be greatly out geared, they will be the ones most likely to "bail on their team".


Not really, Quitting is a character flaw. If the F2P is a quitter he will quit regardless. If a quitter has F2P in his group it's just a new excuse to quit.

Quitter tip - Quitters always inspect their teammates when entering a match so they have an excuse ready if the team goes down early. They are always ready to get those defensive medals at the first sign of trouble. It's what being a proud coward is all about. LOL "Why feed them medals" Quitter


Regular warzones are there for casual players who dont have to worry about finishing the match or not,.


Fascinating, I will start quitting if my team goes down 1-0 in huttball or 2-1 turrets in CW. What you said is quitter mentality and if everyone had it there would be no pvp. The quitter feeds off of regular players so that he can have pvp. Without normal players every match would end within 2 minutes and PvP would end.

Edited by richardya
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Given the fact that you must have x number of medals to get anything at all from a WZ the reaction is perfectly understandable.


If my team has lost the match then yeah i'll go farm defender medals so I at least get something for the time.


want people to quit doing that then make every match worth the time and effort.

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As many of you know we have a twofold problem with quitters.

  • They are cowardly, and if in a losing match, they will blame their team or Bioware, and then sit on defensive medals
  • If they see their team is losing, they will blame their team or Bioware, and click [Leave Warzone] rather then try


A great solution to the quitter epidemic can be found here that is not a penalty.

However, at this point it's clear there is no penalty or solution coming.


So I ask you. When new players come into the game via the F2P model, they will, for the most part, be new to SWToR. New players, except for quitters in their delusional minds, are generally undergeared and new to PvP. This will be a lot for the quitter to deal with. It will be especially hard for the quitter because he is just as likely to get a team of F2P opponents to walk over if he quits his current match and re-enters the queue. (The quitter isn't in it for competition, he loves playing against teams of undergeared people because it enforces his delusions) This will lead to the quitters walking out on F2P players constantly.


Being that the F2P player has no real investment in the game, I think PvP will be a constant stream of people walking out on him or sitting on defensive medals. This will be a terrible first impression and they will not stick around.


Many quitters will respond with the "l2p" "Call out incs" "No one listens" "Play for objectives" "I pay to have fun," so bear with me in discussing this issue. For some reason the cowards are adamant in defending the ability to bail on their team


Im sorry but no matter how much you cry about quitters who leave warzones, they are still 100% better for your team then the quitters who stay and farm defender medals. So please for the love of God start trying to fix these losers first. I would rather have 3 people rage quit then have 2 losers who quit and stay to farm defender medals. Atleast with the quitters who leave you have the chance to get someone to replace them who will try.

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As many of you know we have a twofold problem with quitters.

  • They are cowardly, and if in a losing match, they will blame their team or Bioware, and then sit on defensive medals
  • If they see their team is losing, they will blame their team or Bioware, and click [Leave Warzone] rather then try


Dude, they are just dont want play with baddies, ungeared noobs.


Its very sad, what there is not Arenas in game - without any objectives, - where players can show their own skill without depending from random moronic teammates.

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Im sorry but no matter how much you cry about quitters who leave warzones, they are still 100% better for your team then the quitters who stay and farm defender medals. So please for the love of God start trying to fix these losers first. I would rather have 3 people rage quit then have 2 losers who quit and stay to farm defender medals. Atleast with the quitters who leave you have the chance to get someone to replace them who will try.


Yeah I find it more annoying when someone gives up and does nothing than have someone quit and have the spot filled right away.


I just can't wrap my head around how someone gets so butthurt over this issue. I think out of the 10 or so warzones I partake in on a daily bases I may get 1 or 2 games where someone quits, no where near enough for it to get on my nerves.


I have also quit a game or two before...I just want to watch the world burn.

Edited by cycao
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As many of you know we have a twofold problem with quitters.

  • They are cowardly, and if in a losing match, they will blame their team or Bioware, and then sit on defensive medals
  • If they see their team is losing, they will blame their team or Bioware, and click [Leave Warzone] rather then try


A great solution to the quitter epidemic can be found here that is not a penalty.

However, at this point it's clear there is no penalty or solution coming.


So I ask you. When new players come into the game via the F2P model, they will, for the most part, be new to SWToR. New players, except for quitters in their delusional minds, are generally undergeared and new to PvP. This will be a lot for the quitter to deal with. It will be especially hard for the quitter because he is just as likely to get a team of F2P opponents to walk over if he quits his current match and re-enters the queue. (The quitter isn't in it for competition, he loves playing against teams of undergeared people because it enforces his delusions) This will lead to the quitters walking out on F2P players constantly.


Being that the F2P player has no real investment in the game, I think PvP will be a constant stream of people walking out on him or sitting on defensive medals. This will be a terrible first impression and they will not stick around.


Many quitters will respond with the "l2p" "Call out incs" "No one listens" "Play for objectives" "I pay to have fun," so bear with me in discussing this issue. For some reason the cowards are adamant in defending the ability to bail on their team


F2P isn't going to change pvp at all. It will still be unfair and unbalanced as it always has been since this game first came out.


As for the thing about quitters. Obviously you've just been on a winning team every time you've played b/c if you are like me and keep getting stuck on the team with mostly recruit geared ppl you'd wanna sit somewhere and farm defender medals too!

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I love how you reference your own thread as being a great solution, when it's absolutely horrible.


lol I got a good chuckle over that as well!


Hey, when no one else will give you props, guess the only thing to do is make a new thread to give yourself props!

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