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Stupid Mandalorians


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Just being reading the Revan novel and apparently Revan told Canderous (after becoming Mandalore) to rebuild the Mandalorians so they could face the Empire and protect the Republic if they ever return


Few hundreds years later...


The empire returns and the Mandalorians join them :p

Guess that plan didn't work out.

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Just being reading the Revan novel and apparently Revan told Canderous (after becoming Mandalore) to rebuild the Mandalorians so they could face the Empire and protect the Republic if they ever return


Few hundreds years later...


The empire returns and the Mandalorians join them :p

Guess that plan didn't work out.


to be fair a lot can happen in 300 years

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True, but I doubt Revan was very impressed when he emerged from stasis. No wonder he went insane. :p




but thinking about it, revan might have thought the mandos would make a good ally agains the empire. but when the mandalorians were battle fit again, its more than likely the republic still considered them the enemy. hard to ally with someone tht dosn't trust you

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yes big oversight by Revan, he really should have considered how the republic would react to the return of mandalore , but i don't think he had any other choice really. well these are his choices as i see them


1) give the mask to his friend Canderous and hope he can take the mandalorians in a better direction


2) ask Canderous to forget he has seen the mask


3) kill Canderous


killing Canderous would be out of the question, even if its really the best choice, but hindsight is 20x20 and at the time Revan didn't know what would happen 300 years later. option 2 would more than likely just lead to option 3, how would that go down? "hey Canderous when you have finished staring at your dead wife, i got a favor to ask you. can you put mine and the republics needs over that of your ppl"


no i believe option 1 was the only really option Revan had

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Mandalorians are a people who don't follow every single word of a dead leader. It's not like when Canderous became Mandalore he immidiately sought the Sith out because Mandalore the Indomitable had allied himself with Exar Kun's Sith. Same thing with these Mandos. Now, they ally themselves with the Sith. During the New Sith Wars, there were Mandos who worked for the Jedi, and even later during the Legacy era they worked for the Galactic Alliance -- basically the Republic.


A lot can change in 300 years.

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Just being reading the Revan novel and apparently Revan told Canderous (after becoming Mandalore) to rebuild the Mandalorians so they could face the Empire and protect the Republic if they ever return


Few hundreds years later...


The empire returns and the Mandalorians join them :p

Guess that plan didn't work out.


Watch this if you haven't seen it already, it explains a lot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJwmBTmwJuk

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The Mandalore (called "Mandalore the lesser" I beleive) before "Mandalore The Vindicated" (the one in TOR) was an imperial puppet set up to trick the Mandos into fighting on the empires side. Mandalore the Vindicated offed the poser, but still remains in a cautious alliance with the empire, I'm guessing mostly because the Rebublic won't work with or pay Mandos.


Still,l I can imagine Mandalore might be planning a contengincy if working with the imps stops being profitable.

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I seen it already, it only adds to the irony - the mandalorians where far from prepared and most certainly not preserved. Still, maintaining the mandalorians over 300 hundred years is a tough job.


All that had to be done was become the Galaxy's greatest Warrior during a time without a current Mandalore, this might have happened a couple of times during that 300 years. The Mandalorians don't care about their own views, they follow Mandalore and his views. Their own culture is the reason why the Mandalorians are not affiliated with the Republic and why Mandalore the Preserver failed in his goal.

Edited by Tuscad
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The Mandalore (called "Mandalore the lesser" I beleive) before "Mandalore The Vindicated" (the one in TOR) was an imperial puppet set up to trick the Mandos into fighting on the empires side. Mandalore the Vindicated offed the poser, but still remains in a cautious alliance with the empire, I'm guessing mostly because the Rebublic won't work with or pay Mandos.


Still,l I can imagine Mandalore might be planning a contengincy if working with the imps stops being profitable.


perhaps the Mandalorians will turn on the Empire if they ever learn the truth

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  • 3 months later...
I was kinda pissed when I learned the Mandalorians sided with the Sith again during the TOR backstory. It would have been much more interesting if they had sided with the Republic for once, especially since they are historical enemies joining forces against a common threat. It would have also been interesting to see the tension such an alliance would have brought between competing ideologies and how the Jedi would deal with it.l But I guess that would have gotten in the way of the intentionally unoriginal theme they had going on for the game.
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