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So...when you guys start placing your interrupt on your hotkey?


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i know you are eager to contribute but scan over the post and point out where i asked a dps to heal or healer to dps. this is a topic on interrupting and when a healer has a chance to they should contribute to the group.


now if you excuse me i have some brazilian sci-fi to upload.:D




But his point is valid. They have a job, just because they can do something else does not mean we ask them to. The same is with interrupts. It should be the DPS/Tanks job as they don't suffer for it in a way that can wipe a group in a tight spot.


At last someone who gets it


This just really sticks in my craw. So will you argue that a Merc or Ops DPS who doesn't help heal (i.e., "use their class abilities to the fullest extent") is being carried?


Personally, I'll NEVER ask for healing to a merc, operative or sorcery dps, that's my job. And the same apply to my interrupts when I heal, even though after this discussion, I dropped a couple of abilities from my quick bar that I don't use and reincorpored jolt (it can't hurt since I already use target of target) but it's not on my most used hotkeys, they are already occupied by other healing powers and definitely is in the bottom of my priorities.

Edited by metalfenix
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I dropped a couple of abilities from my quick bar that I don't use and reincorpored jolt (it can't hurt since I already use target of target) but it's not on my most used hotkeys, they are already occupied by other healing powers and definitely is in the bottom of my priorities.


to quote jim carrey from DnD:



team effort and one more has joined the ranks. :D

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Your server must have very bad players. I use it all the time, I also see ppl use it all the time.


In fact I bound it on my mouse scroll down button along with another attack macroed following. This is a VIP button for my enemy healers and Sage/Mercenary in WZ -- every 6sec interrupt. Both Sentinel & Vanguard are the King of Interrupt if talented.


PvE...... I don't care much, do you really need skill/interrupt to own the NPCs? I just watch TV & chop chop chop w/ my lightswords, it's boring & they die anyway.


Just one thing, why in the hell Sniper/Gunslinger can't be interrupted on some of their casting abilities??


And this is why macro's need to allowed in game. You are using hardware macros which are not available to all players. I honestly think everyone who complains about macros do this so they can have an advantage on others.


As for me, I have all mine hotkeyed despite i have a programmable mouse as do you. I don't use the macros though because to do what you are doing requires delays and my understanding is that against the terms of service. And I have spent way to much time playing to get banned for something such as this. On the other hand if in game macros were available I would use them in heartbeat.

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Healers have interrupts. They are instant-cast. When the bars align, one can interrupt a boss ability between heals. It honestly isn't that hard to switch targets. It just takes finesse. This is for Sage/Sorcerer from my experience, but it really isn't that hard to be on top of except by comparison to just spamming channeled heals.


Agreed. On my main healer, I'm the one that's assigned to do the interrupts on Li. It's as easy as tab 2 for me.

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I've only ever seen dps make statements like this. If a healer is doing the job of the dps by interrupting a boss ability, than it's the dps that is being carried. Healers that are actually doing what they are supposed to are doing nothing but healing, unless of course your entire group is grossly overgeared which is another story.


well now you have a healer saying it. DPs and Tanks should never have to use interrupts with a sage healer. It's as easy as tab, 2, or for others, push the mouse wheel button. For example, on Li, I see the little symbol on the tank for incinerate? tab, 2. EZ

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Just my 2 cents as a healer.


I have no issues tossing a interrupt into a boss fight as long as the group is following mechanics. If everyone is doing their job it isn't too hard to keep peoples health up and be useful in other ways. However, if the group is just face eating damage I wont stop healing to toss an interrupt in.


For me, in a good group it is pretty easy to tell if the boss has been channeling an ability and no one has interrupted it within a second or two I will stop cast and flip target to interrupt. Especially in pugs since a lot of times multiple people blow their interrupt cc at the same time because it isnt discussed prior to a pull.


HOWEVER, dont expect me as a healer to be your main source of interrupts. There is a reason DPS mauraders have a zillion interrupts. Aside from pew pewing, its a dps'es job to handle that.

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My interrupt is always the number 6, no matter what character I'm playing. If the character in question doesn't have an interrupt the next best thing is then number 6 (ie. with a Commando, Cryo Grenade is the best I have). If you have powers that can interrupt a devastating attack (which for bosses is pretty much any charged attack) you should use them whenever you can, whether you are tank, dps or heals. The game gives you interrupt abilities for a reason, not so you can just space them and make excuses for why you don't use them.



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Agreed. On my main healer, I'm the one that's assigned to do the interrupts on Li. It's as easy as tab 2 for me.

I think it's fine that you're doing this. But what's wrong with the tank or dps doing it?


When I heal LI the tank interrupts incinerate and the dps interrupts plasma arc. It's easy, they're already focused on the boss, it's no problem.


When I dps LI, the tank interupts incinerate and I interrupt plasma arc. It's easy, I'm already focused on the boss, it's no problem.


If it's so easy for you do to interrupts, why is it so freaking hard for the tank/dps to do it?

Edited by Khevar
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I think most the mud slinging is because people are trying to pin the issue down to a black and white X = Y scenario, in a game where there's enough variance and flexibility that just about any role can interrupt, given the right environment and skill/availability of interrupts (Merc is one of the rare exceptions).


So the real point boils down to role function, capability, and priority. to me, roles that are on the mob have top priority. those being DPS, then tank. DPS is first because, unless your dealing with very tight enrage timers (and you are on that line), then DPS is important, but not necessarily a time sensitive/critical element. basically, a DPS can drop off the boss and interrupt the easiest, without endangering the party.


the tank is actually pretty close to that as well. it's critical for the tank to watch threat and the healer and boss/mob placement, but threat in this game isn't so time sensitive that they'll automatically drop if they throw an interrupt in the mix.


Last in this list is the healer. whether they have ToT on or not, they will be the slowest to engage, and watch, and noticed the cast bar. can they do it? yeah. but they should be the last role to be expected to do it. I've have times where I've thrown an interrupt in the mix as a healer....and CC'ed multiple mobs....and done a ton of other stuff. But there have been times where I'm spamming the oh-crap-heal-them-fast-before-we-all-die buttons in hope we don't wipe. That's the last person you should expect to "always be ready to interrupt".


So, Can the healer interrupt? sure. can the tank? sure. can the DPS....but it's not like the DPS are solely responsible, nor should someone call a healer a slacker for not doing it. So it's really up to the individual group and the dynamics. If the group is brand new, and the DPS are taking a ton of damage cause they can't step out of the bad stuff...and the tank has bh/rakata/campaign gear on...I'd be asking the tank to interrupt as the healer is probably working their butt off to keep the stupids alive. but if you get into a situation like i had a while back...


Was in a Pug one time where we had 2 merc as DPS ( i was one of them), and the Jugg who was tanking had horribad lag...just long enough that he would see the boss cast just before it went off...so who was left? you guessed it, the healer. the good news was that both me and the other merc were experienced enough that we could back up the healer, so we'd throw in a few heals if it got bad, or the healer missed the interrupt (the jugg did get a few in, but wasn't a solid guarantee). it worked...but it was one of those rare times. i think statistically, most groups should expect DPS first, tank second, and healer in emergencies (or if bored).

Edited by Elyx
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When playing as a healer I don't find target of target terribly useful. I usually don't bother to enable it. I do however make the boss my focus target in tricky fights, which means I can always see what it's up to, and easily interrupt or otherwise cast at the boss as needed. And yes, I have been known to interrupt when it becomes apparent that the people who should be interrupting aren't doing it.


There are also busy fights with a lot going on where you might be the only person to even notice that an interrupt is needed - the mercenaries with lasoos in Kaon Under Siege come to mind.


Point is, though, my primary focus should be on heals, because that's the job I'm specced and equipped to do better than everyone else, and in most circumstances if I'm having to interrupt it usually means someone who is targetting the boss directly isn't doing their job.


Saying healers should be able to interrupt if their class and range permits and it's needed? Fair enough. We absolutely should and good ones do. Saying healers should routinely be interrupting when in most fights there are others better placed to do it? Inefficient at best. And if you haven't taken 30 seconds to agree who's going to interrupt incinerate and plasma arc before the fight even begins, you deserve it if you wipe.

Edited by Ms_Sunlight
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Not hard to understand the logic


interrupt= interrupted damage= no damage= no need for the heal= no waste of energy


heal=offset damage =use of energy


I never said healers should be the only ones interrupting, but if I hear "that cleave needs to be interrupted" or I see the flame sweep from Jindo on FE, I will try to interrupt it.


DPS might miss it because of slow reflexes/lag/range. Great DPS will always know to interrupt and look for it. Great healers will do the same.

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As an OP healer, the easily accessible spots on my keyboard are already reserved for healing and related abilities. I have heals mapped from 1 to 6, then the related abilities mapped to QERTF... I have interrupt placed at 9, which is not something I usually reach before someone else, so I usually don't bother.
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I've only ever seen dps make statements like this. If a healer is doing the job of the dps by interrupting a boss ability, than it's the dps that is being carried. Healers that are actually doing what they are supposed to are doing nothing but healing, unless of course your entire group is grossly overgeared which is another story.



Um - wait til you get into HM EC and the healer has to run around on Stormcaller/Firebrand dropping bubbles. Or how about the minefield where the healers are the only players left to CC the assault droids so they don't blow the raid up. How about when a raid member dies on a boss fight and needs to be revived? Personally if a healer cant do more then heal, then that healer is a waste of space. I do agree there are some fights where it makes more sense for a DPS to interrupt and the healer to focus on healing. But I disagree that the healers only job is to keep everyone alive. You don't know how many times I have seen healers die to mobs because they couldn't be bothered to use their knock back and stun/CC, then blame the tank for their own failures.


"Well I had to keep the tank alive, if I would have stopped healing to CC we would have wiped"

"But you were the only one that died..."

"That's because I healed before I died!"

"But you were dead for like a minute....Your CC is only a 2 second cast?"

"You guys are bad, I'm going to go find a group with a tank that can actually hold aggro!"

Edited by whyzerman
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as a healer i have to interupt all the time, people just dont bother because they are used to games like WOW where they can use addons to do it for them and tell them when to ... so they focus on using their abilities in a certain format one after the other, without really knowing why.

Some kid somewhere told them this was the rotation and they obeyed without actually learning their class or understanding why they do it.

"to do top dps as a blah blah blah, press these buttons now. The DPS meter is king" sorta thing.


To change it, BIO must remove any form of this sort of practise ... no addons, no macros, no fascility for using weird keyboards/mouse, no DPS meters and not make the bosses way to hard that you require these addons to have a chance. If the boss is too easy for you, take off some of your gear, remove your addons, take some guildies who arent in your top echelon, remove your special keyboard/mouse, remove your macros and keybinds .... plenty of ways to make teh boss a tough challenge. BIOWARE cant be expected to know every little cheat you intend to do.

That way, players have to pay attention to what theyre doing.


otherwise, its the healer doing the interupts and not healing .. then you die and blame the healer cos you werent interupting and they had to.

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as a healer i have to interupt all the time, people just dont bother because they are used to games like WOW where they can use addons to do it for them and tell them when to ... so they focus on using their abilities in a certain format one after the other, without really knowing why.

Some kid somewhere told them this was the rotation and they obeyed without actually learning their class or understanding why they do it.

"to do top dps as a blah blah blah, press these buttons now. The DPS meter is king" sorta thing.

Addons do not "do it for them." Addons in WoW are essentially nothing but alternate ways of displaying information. The player still has to manually press the button.


To change it, BIO must remove any form of this sort of practise ... no addons, no macros, no fascility for using weird keyboards/mouse, no DPS meters and not make the bosses way to hard that you require these addons to have a chance. If the boss is too easy for you, take off some of your gear, remove your addons, take some guildies who arent in your top echelon, remove your special keyboard/mouse, remove your macros and keybinds .... plenty of ways to make teh boss a tough challenge. BIOWARE cant be expected to know every little cheat you intend to do.

That way, players have to pay attention to what theyre doing.



No comment.


otherwise, its the healer doing the interupts and not healing .. then you die and blame the healer cos you werent interupting and they had to.

Sorry, a healer that doesn't do anything but heal more than likely lacks situational awareness and I wouldn't want one with me in an Op.

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You guys advocating healers use Target of Target are giving bad advice. Want you want to say is FOCUS TARGET. Make the boss your focus target and if you see a cast bar that you don't think will be interrupted, hold down Focus Target Modifier and hit your interrupt.


Now, what is pure awesomesauce, is when you, as a tank, use the LFG and get thrown into a Flashpoint with 2 dps commandos and a healer commando. Good luck interrupting!

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You guys advocating healers use Target of Target are giving bad advice. Want you want to say is FOCUS TARGET. Make the boss your focus target and if you see a cast bar that you don't think will be interrupted, hold down Focus Target Modifier and hit your interrupt.


Now, what is pure awesomesauce, is when you, as a tank, use the LFG and get thrown into a Flashpoint with 2 dps commandos and a healer commando. Good luck interrupting!


tomatoe = tomato. also i did post that scenario but was called silly by a few that did not subscribe to helping on interrupt duty. i noticed after a few pages of ppl liking the idea of interrupting they went away. :(

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You guys advocating healers use Target of Target are giving bad advice. Want you want to say is FOCUS TARGET. Make the boss your focus target and if you see a cast bar that you don't think will be interrupted, hold down Focus Target Modifier and hit your interrupt.


Now, what is pure awesomesauce, is when you, as a tank, use the LFG and get thrown into a Flashpoint with 2 dps commandos and a healer commando. Good luck interrupting!


Why not use both? That's what I do with my healers.

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Sorry, a healer that doesn't do anything but heal more than likely lacks situational awareness and I wouldn't want one with me in an Op.

The thing that bugs me here is the attitude about it. I have a dps, healer and tank. I've dpsed through Denova and I've healed it as well (haven't tanked it yet). I'd like to consider myself a decent player, and have had plenty of success in ops as well as pugging flashpoints.


As a healer, I have no problems whatsoever doing interrupts if they are needed. Heck, when I pug HMFP I tend to do a lot of interrupting as the others in the group seem to miss it.


THAT SAID, when I tank or dps, I interrupt at every opportunity. I would never expect the healers in my group to have that responsibility when it's SO EASY for me to do it instead.


When I heal, and the other tanks/dps are doing interrupts it makes my role easier. Your comment about lacking situational awareness is a bit snide. Couldn't you just as easily say that the tank is lacking "situational awareness" if they can't interrupt? Or the dps? As a tank, interrupting LR-5's incinerate is easy-breezy. Casts every 12 seconds, main interrupt on a 12s cooldown. BANG.


If I couldn't interrupt incinerate, and expected the healer to do it, I would consider myself a crappy tank. Doesn't mean the healer shouldn't be ABLE to do it, but why are you EXPECTING the healer to do it.

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