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Bioware must do this...


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They must cut the travel times on quests or.... add more quests into the game that are around the area so I dont have to spend so much time getting to the area I need to be to quest. The only thing WoW had an advantage questing wise, was that you could pick up 6-12 quests, ride maybe a minute to the general questing area and just go at it. My reasons for why I think they should put this in is not to make leveling faster but to make leveling have a better flow. I would even prefer if they just added a lot more quests with smaller travel distances and have it go at the same leveling pace as it is now. Just my personal opinion, I like to quest more than travel mile after mile. I am not hater just giving my honest opinion on how they could make the questing a little better and I plan to stay with this game for a while :)


Maybe on a side note, they need to get rid of Bonus quests and just make them terminal quests because they really are not bonus quests, if you dont do them the zones will out level you.

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They must cut the travel times on quests or.... add more quests into the game that are around the area so I dont have to spend so much time getting to the area I need to be to quest. The only thing WoW had an advantage questing wise, was that you could pick up 6-12 quests, ride maybe a minute to the general questing area and just go at it. My reasons for why I think they should put this in is not to make leveling faster but to make leveling have a better flow. I would even prefer if they just added a lot more quests with smaller travel distances and have it go at the same leveling pace as it is now. Just my personal opinion, I like to quest more than travel mile after mile. I am not hater just giving my honest opinion on how they could make the questing a little better and I plan to stay with this game for a while :)


Maybe on a side note, they need to get rid of Bonus quests and just make them terminal quests because they really are not bonus quests, if you dont do them the zones will out level you.


Or you could learn patience. There is no quest in the game that takes longer than a couple of minutes to get to, from whereever you got it. Quite often you'll have stuff to do on the way, but even if you don't? 2 or 3 minutes. Seriously. Clock it.


If you can't handle two or three minutes of travel time then I would advise you to examine possibly getting checked for ADHD at your next visit to your primary care psysician.

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Or you could learn patience. There is no quest in the game that takes longer than a couple of minutes to get to, from whereever you got it. Quite often you'll have stuff to do on the way, but even if you don't? 2 or 3 minutes. Seriously. Clock it.


If you can't handle two or three minutes of travel time then I would advise you to examine possibly getting checked for ADHD at your next visit to your primary care psysician.


Wow you are taking this like a personal offense, I gave my opinion in a respectful manner why dont you learn to grow up and treat some people with respect. Secondly you are wrong, in belsavis, it took me 6-8 minutes to get to one of my quests which is ridiculous. Finally, its not about patience, its about enjoying the game, running around is not fun and like I said in my post, I am giving my personal opinion/suggestion to make the game more ENJOYABLE

Edited by gunnerjoe
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OR, just enjoy the immersion of the world. More quests would mean each is worth less XP, meaning we would have to do more to get off the planet. What would be the point of a planet if all the quests were in the same area?


In this way you get off the planet at the same speed as what it is right now, the only difference is you would be spending more time doing something you enjoy rather than travel around a planet (that which in some cases looks the same everywhere you go, like Hoth)

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Wow you are taking this like a personal offense, I gave my opinion in a respectful manner why dont you learn to grow up and treat some people with respect. Secondly you are wrong, in belsavis, it took me 6-8 minutes to get to one of my quests which is ridiculous. Finally, its not about patience, its about enjoying the game, running around is not fun and like I said in my post, I am giving my personal opinion/suggestion to make the game more ENJOYABLE




6-8 minutes?

NOT 6-8 minutes!!!!!!!

Oh the horror and shame


And on a less sarcastic/more serious side

Learn to unlock the transports and it will be back down to 2-3 minutes!


You know, I read these no patient "young persons" complaints about time and have to laugh

Cant you just imagine their reaction to running from Freeport to Guk butt naked.

LOL, that could be (depending on how many mobs between point A and B) 15 minute to 30 minute run at times


And their complaining about 2-3 minutes!

LOL to funny

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Wow you are taking this like a personal offense, I gave my opinion in a respectful manner why dont you learn to grow up and treat some people with respect. Secondly you are wrong, in belsavis, it took me 6-8 minutes to get to one of my quests which is ridiculous. Finally, its not about patience, its about enjoying the game, running around is not fun and like I said in my post, I am giving my personal opinion/suggestion to make the game more ENJOYABLE


Zomg you travel 6 minute from point 1 to point 2?



My god. Lemme adjust my seat for a second. I cannot believe this atrocity is happening in swtor.

Someone "must" call the cops!


PS. lol at kids with entitlement issues demanding respect on swtor forum. Made my day rofl.

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Zomg you travel 6 minute from point 1 to point 2?



My god. Lemme adjust my seat for a second. I cannot believe this atrocity is happening in swtor.

Someone "must" call the cops!


PS. lol at kids with entitlement issues demanding respect on swtor forum. Made my day rofl.


Sure, it sounds like a good joke but when you are lucky to get 2 hours off in a week like me 6-8 minutes of pure nothing wastes time

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Sure, it sounds like a good joke but when you are lucky to get 2 hours off in a week like me 6-8 minutes of pure nothing wastes time


If that's not hyperbole, you need to get some sleep now. You can die from lack of sleep if goes on too long.

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They must cut the travel times on quests or.... add more quests into the game that are around the area so I dont have to spend so much time getting to the area I need to be to quest. The only thing WoW had an advantage questing wise, was that you could pick up 6-12 quests, ride maybe a minute to the general questing area and just go at it. My reasons for why I think they should put this in is not to make leveling faster but to make leveling have a better flow. I would even prefer if they just added a lot more quests with smaller travel distances and have it go at the same leveling pace as it is now. Just my personal opinion, I like to quest more than travel mile after mile. I am not hater just giving my honest opinion on how they could make the questing a little better and I plan to stay with this game for a while :)


Maybe on a side note, they need to get rid of Bonus quests and just make them terminal quests because they really are not bonus quests, if you dont do them the zones will out level you.


Whilst I don't necessarily agree I understand your frustration sometimes.


I tend to pick up a load of quests and go out to do them all then someone unlocks another two quests taking me back to where I've just been (Corellia seems to do this alot). What I would say however it took until WotLK for this to happen in WoW, oh I remember those runs from Menithel Harbour to Stormwind at level 10 :)


I disagree entirely with your bonus quest point. I've found that if you do the bonus quests on all planets as soon as they become available you are usually at least 2 if not 3 levels above the next planet well into your 40's. My gunslinger and warrior did no FP's except Esseles/BT, no PvP and no heroic 2/4 and were never behind the curve, in fact my warrior missed out most of Nar Shadda. It actually depends on how much rested bonus you accrue, but if you often get quite a bit you can usually miss out a lot of a planet in the mid levels.

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I think we already have enough time sinks in real life, like an hour to go to work or school, waiting in ines, etc


They should let you reduce the time on quick travel even more so you can move freely through the planets, bu you still have to explore them the first time you get there.


In fact, I wouldnt mind if the cooldown of quick travel was reduced to zero

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I think we already have enough time sinks in real life, like an hour to go to work or school, waiting in ines, etc


They should let you reduce the time on quick travel even more so you can move freely through the planets, bu you still have to explore them the first time you get there.


In fact, I wouldnt mind if the cooldown of quick travel was reduced to zero


along with the amount of subscribers in game


You do understand the number one reason MMORPGs since WOW have failed is they are to easy and to fast to complete dont you?


Which brings us back to the WOW = McDonalds comparisson


You want a good meal you good to a real restraunt

You want a fast meal, you go to McDonalds


Id rather have a GOOD MMORPG then a fast one!


And all these copmplaints about time and spare time.

I played EQ (and got ultiple characters to 50) while working a full time job, a part time job, and attending night classes for computer programming


If you want to play, you will find times to play.

Its not up to any development studio to take YOUR SELF IMPOSED LIMITATIONS into account!


Sick of the Fast > Quality mind set in MMORPGs since WOW.

Lets go back to the pre WOW mind set of QUALITY > fast and sloppy.


PS: TOR has no time sinks! As someone else said, only way its faster if you just stand in one spot and never move while adventuring.

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I apologize for the way I responded earlier, OP. You're right, that was rude of me. I kinda took an unrelated frustration out on you and I apologize for that.


I still cannot agree with your post, though. One of the major things people have complained about in The Old Republic is that the worlds don't feel like worlds, they just feel like "places you go to do stuff". Our characters don't live in this galaxy, they just work here. It's a big problem, one we need to solve if the game is to have any long-term staying power, and throwing a bunch of additional quests into already cramped spaces will accomplish exactly the opposite of that.

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Hahahaha. Listen all I gotta say is time is short and I dont have much break time ever anyway so 6-8 minutes of nothing stacks up


You do have a valid point and at the end of the day there is certainly a grocery list of things that BW Austin could/should have changed in order to make this game more appealing to players.


Unfortunately, regardless of the objectivity and level of respect you formulate your critiques with, they will typically only be responded to on these boards with blinded over-zealous fanboyism that would not understand the meaning of the term "objectivity" if you printed it in bold/caps on a muffler and shoved it up their tail pipes.


Going back to your issues, there's so much in the way of I/O psychology research and consultation done in video game design that strongly suggests you're barking up the right tree it is almost beyond dispute. But you're not going to find too many people willing to respect things like industry experts and analysis on these boards so I would recommend not posting here. We're talking about the same group of fans that still argue this game is a financial success, which is so incredibly laughable I do not even dignify those people with a response.


If you would like to post in a forum where mutual respect will be, for the most part, granted with intelligent/enriching discussion back and forth, I would strongly recommend you go to swtor on reddit.


As for your suggestion, it is an excellent one and I respect you for braving the waters of these forums to introduce it to the few of us respectful enough to listen. Kudos...




TL;DR You have a great idea, but I would take it to reddit...you'll find more intelligent/better discussion there.

Edited by Rezakh
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what other MMOs?


Done say Rift as Rift was much longer travel times associated to it


WOW, maybe your right there but its a case of "heres 2 super fast games", which one is faster so we can call the other slow"?


Definately nothing before WOW cause those games would make your head explode if you think TOR slow!


What 3 MMOs?

Im interested now


You sure like to fight me dont you? is it your duty to defend this game???


Anyway on to the topic

Ive played

1. WoW

2. Lotro



Lotro's zones were large but I had plenty of quests throughout the entire zone.

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OR, just enjoy the immersion of the world. More quests would mean each is worth less XP, meaning we would have to do more to get off the planet. What would be the point of a planet if all the quests were in the same area?


Immersion like mobs just standing around, not noticing me using a glowstick to turn their comrade 35 meters away into steaks? Immersion like clearing a tunnel to click on one item, then getting the fun of clearing out the tunnel again thanks to respawning?


Or they could make the missions give the same xp and players wouldn't have to do them all, meaning there would be at least SOME variety when playing an alt beyond the pathetically few class missions.

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Respect is earned, all im saying


So what you are saying is that I dont deserve respect? what did I do? I did not start this, I made the thread in a respectful manner and I am always up for discussion. You and a few other people just decided to whine and complain about this post in a disrespectful manner as if I attacked your family or something, its a game why dont you treat it as one...

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6-8 minutes?

NOT 6-8 minutes!!!!!!!

Oh the horror and shame


And on a less sarcastic/more serious side

Learn to unlock the transports and it will be back down to 2-3 minutes!


You know, I read these no patient "young persons" complaints about time and have to laugh

Cant you just imagine their reaction to running from Freeport to Guk butt naked.

LOL, that could be (depending on how many mobs between point A and B) 15 minute to 30 minute run at times


And their complaining about 2-3 minutes!

LOL to funny


Just because one game was even more inconvenient does not mean less inconvenient is the best solution. Some of these zones are huge and annoying to get around. And it does not help that bikes in this game move slightly faster than a Segway. I don't have a huge issue with the size of the world, but with the speed of the mounts.


Complaining about 6-8 minutes travel time is perfectly valid. It's a video game. I don't want to spend more than a minute or two getting from point A to point B. I'm trying to have fun and travelling around is not any fun.

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You sure like to fight me dont you? is it your duty to defend this game???


Anyway on to the topic

Ive played

1. WoW

2. Lotro



Lotro's zones were large but I had plenty of quests throughout the entire zone.


None of those had traveling times.

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You sure like to fight me dont you? is it your duty to defend this game???


Anyway on to the topic

Ive played

1. WoW

2. Lotro



Lotro's zones were large but I had plenty of quests throughout the entire zone.


Sorry mate but WoW 1-60 prior to cataclysm was way slower than SWTOR. If you disagree fine, but you are wrong, remember the mechanical yeti quest, the zelda quests (where you would auto log out when you arrived at your flight point due to inactivity).

Edited by mothear
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