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The thing I despise most about this game is...


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I want a 20gig game to load up instantly where ever I am.


Is that what you despise the most, or was that a counter to the OPs comment?


I would say I despise the gated on rails design of most planets. Taris is one of the worst offenders. I spent more time running around and less time actually playing the game trying to find the path to my next mission.


A close second would be the the almost total lack of customization allowed in the game.

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1) Lack of variety when you reach 50.

2) The cost of removing mods is about double what it should be.

3) Very little interaction between factions except for warzones.

4) PVP balancing is a bit off.

5) The game engine takes a big FPS hit at times.

6) Crafting can't help the character crafting. It is only good for creating items to sell to lower levels or creating items for future alts because the pace for leveling your character typically exceeds the pace you level crafting. Biochem is the lone exception.

7) Premades with vent are being pitted against random pugs in warzones resulting in massive QQ theads calling for wholesale changes when it all could be solved with proper matchmaking.

8) Warzones would be much more balanced with cross server queing.

9) The game is so linear that all players follow the exact same path for their respective classes.

10) The Galactic market is horribly conceived. The search functions are the worst I have seen in any MMO.

11) Tanks are not tanks. Shielding "white damage only" is the worst conceived tanking system yet. It could be resolved with augments that provide some resist to fire, internal damage, etc. Even a small resistance assist would go a long ways and I believe that proper balancing will never be adequately addressed until this issue is addressed. As it stands now, many tank classes are going strictly dps skill tree because of it. It is common for groups to go into heroics without a true tank because dps rules the day. If you can't tank em, you try to kill em as fast as you can instead.

12) Dual spec is handled by erasing and reallocating 31 points once per week. Another reason why tanks can't be tanks.

Edited by Sungas
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At the VERY LEAST there should be some kind of summon feature for groups. That way you can form a group and it doesn't take all day to find each other while you play the "where are the walls" game.


I believe they had something like this in beta :(

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Yeah supposedly they did, earlier on in Beta.


Why they didn't keep it baffles me, because it was a complaint I heard a LOT in-game early on.


They removed alot of good things in beta. Thats why I keep saying " since beta, ToR has removed more from the game then they added to it"

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Yeah supposedly they did, earlier on in Beta.


Why they didn't keep it baffles me, because it was a complaint I heard a LOT in-game early on.


James Ohlen said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "We want players to explore! The ability to summon limits this freedom"

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They removed alot of good things in beta. Thats why I keep saying " since beta, ToR has removed more from the game then they added to it"


they removed stuff so that they could put it back in at a later time and call it "new content"

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James Ohlen said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "We want players to explore! The ability to summon limits this freedom"


Explore? I love SWTOR but there isn't anything to explore. It's incredibly linear with hardly any exploration needed and if I do want to explore, I can't because everywhere I turn I run into 50 packs of mobs at once because this game has to many randomly placed mobs in random places.


On top of that, Space is a joke, ffs it's a Star Wars game. Take notes from SWG BioWare.

Edited by Dirtnose
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James Ohlen said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "We want players to explore! The ability to summon limits this freedom"




Why not just say "We want our players to hate playing this game!!! Any convenience feature or option only increases the level of gameplay joy...and we certainly do not want that."


Sometimes I wonder about these guys and their line of thinking. It seems to me like there were times where they did everything they possibly could to make sure this title would fall flat on it's face.

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Loading screens aren't that bad any more. Ever since I built this new computer about two weeks ago with a ssd my loading times have been dramatically reduced. However, there will always be some loading time due to loading other players. There are few instances where you load instantly and those are flashpoint and my spaceship. I often have to wait 20sec to over 2 minutes before every one loads into a flashpoint, which is more dependent on your hardware. Edited by Knockerz
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