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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Scrapper soundrel gear/spec build


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overconfident much?




he Eternity Vault (Hard) - Gharj

The Eternity Vault (Hard) - Infernal Council

Karagga's Palace (Hard) - Jarg and Sorno

Karagga's Palace (Hard) - G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator


Hmmm. "Glance rating"?


Makes me suspect it's flaky torhead data mining. But assume it simply means shield rating.


Darth Hater doesn't have this version, though it does list other Advanced Reflective Enhancements. http://db.darthhater.com/recipes/artifice/enhancement/


These have Shield rating (which I've at least heard of) rather than Glance rating. And no expertise so not PvP enhancements (they're not War Hero enhancements).


Of the versions it lists, only lower level ones (21 & 22) DO have a little crit as well as power and shield.


Versions you might use (26,27,28 - in addition to the early 19) are listed as simply end/power/shield.


If it is in the game, I don't like the waste of 51 points on Shield rating. I like even less the idea I should grind a bunch of raid bosses hoping for a 25-tier PvE enhancement to drop a few times.


To be fair, maybe it does exist. Though I haven't seen it, and I know I'm not going to use it . :)


edit: OK, let's say you win and I'll alter my statement: "Power/crit enhancements that I might conceivably use and am sure exist".

Edited by Wainamoinen
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overconfident much?




he Eternity Vault (Hard) - Gharj

The Eternity Vault (Hard) - Infernal Council

Karagga's Palace (Hard) - Jarg and Sorno

Karagga's Palace (Hard) - G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator


Well, that enhancement is functionally useless to a Scoundrel in the first place, so your point is dead in the water. For the sake of argument, however, I was referring to a straight swap from +crit +surge to +crit +power, which would be infinitely better DPS-wise, and such a thing isn't possible.


Since you love torhead though, this is the type I am referring to (you get a cookie if you can tell me if it actually exists or not):


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Please remember, this is for pve. Considering less than 5% of our damage comes from non tech abilities, it may be worthwhile to consider using relective enhancements when you have reached accuracy and surge limits. The shield is just because it is the only way to increase crit and power at the same time with enhancements.


The question is whether crit and power from the reflective is better yhan another 60 accuracy or surge.


The other option would be to increase accuracy beyond 130/140 and surge beyond 400. Neither of which I think is as effective as increasing power and crit.


Crit and power are functionally useless for scoundrels apparently, so pay no heed to me.


And to answer your question, I have no clue or care about the presence of that pvp enhancement. There is a 27 level +44 power +60 surge pve enhancement.

Edited by dipstik
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