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Will the stun-lock issue be "resolved"?


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So very, very wrong. I can personally name more than a dozen players (including myself) who are done with this game this evening BECAUSE of the lousy PvP. And I can bet we aren't the only ones leaving over it.


Resolve is a stupid mechanic put in place to band aid over out of control CC in PvP.


Not worth arguing anymore as next week will be the tell tale proof of whether people like it or not by how many are left playing after midnight tonight.


Your anecdotes are not evidence of anything other than you lack of a logical or supported position.


Resolve is a perfectly functional mechanic that does exactly what it was designed to do. The CC is not the problem with PvP, it is the out of control damage that is the problem. CC seems like a problem since you die so fast that you don't benefit from Resolve anymore.


You won't be able to use next week as the determinant. You will need to give the people who leave (which will be a lot, granted) time to decide if they want to continue with GW2 or revert back here. The same thing happened with Diablo 3, tons of people left and then a lot of them returned.

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Your anecdotes are not evidence of anything other than you lack of a logical or supported position.


Resolve is a perfectly functional mechanic that does exactly what it was designed to do. The CC is not the problem with PvP, it is the out of control damage that is the problem. CC seems like a problem since you die so fast that you don't benefit from Resolve anymore.


You won't be able to use next week as the determinant. You will need to give the people who leave (which will be a lot, granted) time to decide if they want to continue with GW2 or revert back here. The same thing happened with Diablo 3, tons of people left and then a lot of them returned.


the problem with resolve... it should be full after 1 stun. PERIOD. roots should not work if resolve is full. if its 2v1 or more why do the 2 get the advantage/crutch of stunning you until you are dead? no matter what happens in the game you will be in a 2v1 situation at some point unless you only q with buttbuddies.

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So very, very wrong. I can personally name more than a dozen players (including myself) who are done with this game this evening BECAUSE of the lousy PvP. And I can bet we aren't the only ones leaving over it.


Quitters will always be quitters. Personally, if you're gonna quit, then just quit, instead of having this need to blabber all that needless, ridiculous, whiney statement to the world, because unlike those dozen quitters, the rest of us know how the system works, and understands why it works that way.



Resolve is a stupid mechanic put in place to band aid over out of control CC in PvP.


Resolve is a simple and elegant mechanic that works very well.



Not worth arguing anymore as next week will be the tell tale proof of whether people like it or not by how many are left playing after midnight tonight.


Knock yourself out. :D

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the problem with resolve... it should be full after 1 stun. PERIOD. roots should not work if resolve is full. if its 2v1 or more why do the 2 get the advantage/crutch of stunning you until you are dead? no matter what happens in the game you will be in a 2v1 situation at some point unless you only q with buttbuddies.


You are supposed to die in a 2v1. This is not Halo, and you aren't Master Chief.

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You are supposed to die in a 2v1. This is not Halo, and you aren't Master Chief.


yes you are suppose to die in a 2v1. stunning makes it a guarantee unless you can stealth and run away. i don't play the sissy op classes. if you are suppose to die in a 2v1 why is such a crutch given to stun someone to death????????

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the problem with resolve... it should be full after 1 stun. PERIOD. roots should not work if resolve is full. if its 2v1 or more why do the 2 get the advantage/crutch of stunning you until you are dead? no matter what happens in the game you will be in a 2v1 situation at some point unless you only q with buttbuddies.


LoL, do you even listen to yourself ...


"...if its 2v1 or more why do the 2 get the advantage/crutch of stunning you until you are dead?..."


Because people who make stupid mistakes of being caught against two people deserve to die. That's PvP. This ain't Carebears countdown, friend.


If someone has a clear advantage over you, especially in numbers, either you match that condition or find your fight elsewhere. That's like, the basic of basics of combat.

Edited by kweassa
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yes you are suppose to die in a 2v1. stunning makes it a guarantee unless you can stealth and run away. i don't play the sissy op classes. if you are suppose to die in a 2v1 why is such a crutch given to stun someone to death????????


Do they need to stun you? No.


That means that if they are both using their stuns to burn you down, their stuns are now on CD and they are at a tactical disadvantage in the event 2 of your friends show up.


You aren't looking at the big picture.

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LoL, do you even listen to yourself ...


"...if its 2v1 or more why do the 2 get the advantage/crutch of stunning you until you are dead?..."


Because people who make stupid mistakes of being caught against two people deserve to die. That's PvP. This ain't Carebears countdown, friend.


If someone has a clear advantage over you, especially in numbers, either you match that condition or find your fight elsewhere. That's like, the basic of basics of combat.


did you not read? EVERYONE and i mean everyone has been in a 2v1 situation. defending a door. defending a turret. you are saying you have never been in a 2v1 situation and that proves you are a liar and have 0 credibility.

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yes you are suppose to die in a 2v1. stunning makes it a guarantee unless you can stealth and run away. i don't play the sissy op classes. if you are suppose to die in a 2v1 why is such a crutch given to stun someone to death????????


Words seriously fail me.


People like these, playing PvP. What are they gonna argue next? Being focus-fired is a crutch, so you should be protected from it? :rolleyes:

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Do they need to stun you? No.


That means that if they are both using their stuns to burn you down, their stuns are now on CD and they are at a tactical disadvantage in the event 2 of your friends show up.


You aren't looking at the big picture.


in the event 2 of your friends show up. HAHAHAHAHA. you obviously are not looking at the big picture. you are looking at 1 picture.

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Words seriously fail me.


People like these, playing PvP. What are they gonna argue next? Being focus-fired is a crutch, so you should be protected from it? :rolleyes:


being focused is how teams win. that has nothing to do with a 2v1 situation and stunlocked till death.


i can see the trolls are here now that do nothing but disagree. buh bye

Edited by Slicktime
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did you not read? EVERYONE and i mean everyone has been in a 2v1 situation. defending a door. defending a turret. you are saying you have never been in a 2v1 situation and that proves you are a liar and have 0 credibility.


Yeah, everyone has been in such a situation.


The difference is, I know that being in a 2vs1 is a tactical failure on my part, or my team, and I deserve to die whichever way the 2 enemies see fit, and don't whine about it --- unlike you, who seem to fail to grasp the concept that "making stupid moves mean death" is an integral part of PvP.


People secure advantages in any way they can, and would disadvantage the enemy in any way they can. Finding and using something that could be an advantage -- whether be it a stun, or the environment, or numbers -- is again, the very basics of combat.


This is not a duel, and the enemy will do everything possible to kill you. If you can't accept that, and think its unfair, or enemies using their skill is some sort of a crutch, then you clearly don't have the right mind-set to PvP.


Simple as that.

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being focused is how teams win. that has nothing to do with a 2v1 situation and stunlocked till death.


i can see the trolls are here now that do nothing but disagree. buh bye


Are you pretending to be daft on purpose?


2vs1 is by itself a form of focus fire -- using double the firepower one would normally be able to withstand to kill someone quickly. Being stunlocked and getting overwhelmed in a 2vs1 IS focus firing.


Again, do you even listen to yourself?

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Yeah, everyone has been in such a situation.


The difference is, I know that being in a 2vs1 is a tactical failure on my part, or my team, and I deserve to die whichever way the 2 enemies see fit, and don't whine about it --- unlike you, who seem to fail to grasp the concept that "making stupid moves mean death" is an integral part of PvP.


People secure advantages in any way they can, and would disadvantage the enemy in any way they can. Finding and using something that could be an advantage -- whether be it a stun, or the environment, or numbers -- is again, the very basics of combat.


This is not a duel, and the enemy will do everything possible to kill you. If you can't accept that, and think its unfair, or enemies using their skill is some sort of a crutch, then you clearly don't have the right mind-set to PvP.


Simple as that.


so basically you are not man enough to do anything by yourself? you won't guard a turret by yourself or you will "deserve" to die. thats what you said. stunning someone isn't skill. its a poorly designed game mechanic and i refuse to use it like you do.


focus firing is not stunlocking. stunlocking means someone cannot fight back. focus firing someone can fight back.

Edited by Slicktime
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so basically you are not man enough to do anything by yourself? you won't guard a turret by yourself or you will "deserve" to die. thats what you said. stunning someone isn't skill. its a poorly designed game mechanic and i refuse to use it like you do.




this is priceless

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so basically you are not man enough to do anything by yourself? you won't guard a turret by yourself or you will "deserve" to die. thats what you said. stunning someone isn't skill. its a poorly designed game mechanic and i refuse to use it like you do.


I'd suggest you go and try reading up on the difference between a duel and a battle, and then come back and let's talk PvP. Hey, you refuse to use stuns? Knock yourself out. Meanwhile, if I ever meet you in the battlefield, I'm using every arsenal I've got, and not holding anything back. My prime existence as a soldier in that battle is to destroy my enemies.


At this point, everyone now sees the true nature of this discussion. Someone with a faulty, deranged concept of PvP, demanding everyone follow his own personal rules and preferences of battle.


Well, too bad, lad. That's your rules of engagement, not mine. I've got no rules (well.. except to not use bugs, cheats, exploits, hacks and stuff...). This is war.


...focus firing is not stunlocking. stunlocking means someone cannot fight back. focus firing someone can fight back.


So what happens after the enemies stunlock you? Tickle you with feathers? :D

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There is too much grey-bar CC in this game. Are there some L2P issues that peeps need to consider when dealing with their Resolve and properly utilizing their CC Breaker? Absolutely.


However, there is still too much grey-bar CC in this game and that's not good because it makes combat unfun. I actually have no issue at all with roots and snares. Grey-Bar CC, on the other hand, has to be kept at a minimum in order to maintain a high fun factor.


I actually enjoy the PvP combat in this game, but the ubiquitous amounts of CC in fights even gets me down sometimes.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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the only people that are ok with how resolve and stunlocking works right now are the people that need these op classes as a crutch to beat other people. stealth, stun, attack, stun, sometimes start getting your butt kicked so you stealth and run like a *****. very poor balance. only a loser that needs this crutch would deny it.


I'm not sure that claiming scrappers and concealment ops are OP classes is going to help the credibililty of your argument. I wouldn't mind being a little OP, once in a while.


But look, you're obviously not happy playing pvp. I've no reason to hold any ill will and would be happier if you were. My first impulse is that it would be good if you could work out how to play using the current system, but if you can't then you really would be better off doing something other than SWTOR pvp, rather than demanding changes to a system that works.

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