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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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Allow companion gear comparisons when using the GTN on one's ship. Currently, to review gear improvements for my companions I have to leave my ship and go to the GTN on fleet as they will not show up on the ship. This is a significant inconvenience for those of us that spent the cash to have that GTN on our ship.




2. Let me customize my ship maybe?


3. Find some reason for people to want to engage in Open World Pvp. I'm not going to bother with specifics, because people always tear them apart. But it's possible to incentivize this in a way that won't be easily abused, we all know it, it's just a matter of prioritizing it.

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1. Server transfers - This game is all about alts and legacy, but characters on other servers have their own legacy which doesn't bode well for all the re-rolls when this game saw worse days (I have high level toons on 4 different servers).


2. Cross-server ability (PvP and PvE) - This game doesn't have enough players to sustain without this.

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Adaptive mandalorian armors (cartel or normal stuff) for players.


Server transer. with cost or without it.


Sit in chairs.


Basilisk war droid mount (cartel ítem I suppose), SWG had one how We can't have one.


Macros please or something for the emotes, I want to have an special button for my /binoculars /datapad and /drink in my bars.



Please I don't have more ideas.

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1. Changed would be an option to move the damage fonts so that it can be seen on large operations bosses :) its a minor change i know but we can dream!


2. Fixed would be Inspect to actually work 100% of the time.


3. City / fleet / player hub that is less instanced and involves multiple levels we can actually walk up to ("stairs, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, basement"). Gives an mmo "city" feel.

Edited by paowee
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1) Legacy storage. Need that, there is too much going back and forth between characters for me now, especially with materials for crafting and sending legacy gear around with mods and such. And that's a lot of loading screens I sit waiting for.


2) Shared general chat in Fleet. I get so sick of missing out on LFM messages for ops especially because I am in the wrong fleet instance and I can't switch more than once at a time or I have to wait again.


3) Raise guild cap. 500 Just isn't enough to hold a decent group size with alts included. My current guild is 482/500 and recruitment has been stopped solely for that reason. We can't hold more people and need this at least doubled.

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1. At night there should be club music in cantinas (with lights and everything). Something similar to clubs in Mass Effect, also maybe remixes of current cantina tracks


2. Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik or other mini-game


3. More warzones, even with similar objectives but situated in different planets!

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1. Grind and time sinks. It should take a lot longer to complete quests than it does. Decrease the drop rate and/or increase the mobs to kill along the way. Or add more steps to a quest line. The anger that builds when something just wont drop makes the carrot taste better.


2. Faction grind that changes the outcome of a storyline. You should be able to chose a faction to join and fight for, then gain rep to continue the story with an outcome based on who you chose. Alderan would have been much better If I could have made my own choice as to what house to back and help control the planet.


3. A simple race track to race your mounts or race for new mounts like LOTRO has with horse racing. It wouldn't take too much to just add a race track and some stands on Tatooine somewhere. Then have players queue for races.

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1.) Environment more realistic, mobs actually clickable, not being allowed to move through mobs. More excitement.

2.) Actual make your subs worth who they are, not your CM buyers. There's a lot of us who have made the game WHERE YOU HAVE IT TODAY!

3.) Add a balance to PVP. Too much of a gear cap.

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1: Companion gear automatically level up


2: Gear Vendor on capital world with gear for all slots that scale to your level. (the gear sold on the vendor is always your level when bought, but do not level up with you and are of green quality)


3: Ability to change a companions' role - They gave each companion their own side story, yet made the combat require me to use specific companions depending on my role, which I think ruins the gameplay, if I wanted to experience the trinity system at all times, I would be grouped at all times.


This is pretty much what I want, I would prefer auto-levelling gear, but I know how much of a hissy fit crafters will make, cause they wouldn't be able to get 10-25k for something worth no more then 3-4k.

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1- Faction change. Since currently dark/light side points means nothing and it will make an epic storyline availablity.

2-PvP stat - expertise. Having a pvp stat is not working for any MMO. Simply scale every player in the warzone to the same stats or give everyone the same amount of expertise if thats easier and let pvp-oriented players to grind for visual options and respectible titles only.

3- More interactive planets. Such as making social, pve or pvp oriented events on any planet other than just Ilum.


and thank you for whoever is monitoring this thread :)

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1. L E G A C Y W I D E B A N K

2. Fix Codex. Broken since day 1

3. Crafting Dailies. I mean we have and END game grind for PvP and PvE, so why not?! A daily on each planets for high end mats of that planets level (ie. Dromund Kaas daily provide Level on purple mats, Corelia gives level 6 purples mats etc).

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This thread's been around awhile, here's my current list. :)


1. Server transfers. Hopefully both a "per character" service, for those that have characters spread out on different servers, and a "package deals" that include a transfer of your legacy and a set number of characters in the base price, for those that want to change servers altogether.


2. Same gender romance with Companions.


3. Character recustomization service (I know this is coming, at least) that includes additional customization options such as new hairstyles, complexions, tattoos, etc. Preferably ones that are in good taste and are well designed. :p

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