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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. I would like day and night cycles on each planet. It makes it more immersible as if I was on the planet instead of a holodeck.


2. with #1, I would like some sandbox elements, like the ability to explore further out on the planet, venturing in to small villages with , let's say, small vendors with stims, misc things, med packs or other crafting materials that are planet specific for the crafting system.


3. With #2 With the expansiveness of an explorable planet, provide the ability to have housing, player housing and cities where we can put things, have storage, banks, furniture, a landing pad from our residence to the ship etc.. Mod station, crafting bonusus when using a crafting station in your home or ship.


4. with #3 items that we can collect, trophies, statues, paintings, gear, etc.


There are many more and I went over three. I apologize

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1. Character transfers to servers we WANT and MORE CHARACTER SLOTS per server.

2. New character customizations (hair, tattooes, makeup, gear, COLOR PALETTE to change gear)

3. Mini games that give us reasons to interact with one another or revisit earlier planets (pazaak, sabacc, pod/speeder racing, etc)


I like these three! :D

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1. Bioware follows up on just 50% of what they promised from before launch.. Incl. everything from "tons of content in the pipeline for the paying subscribers" to the much vaunted CE vendor updates..


2. Crafting that matters, this also includes any and all types of character costumization options.. Without having to pay a minimum of 100k for 1 piece of custom gear


3. Expertise removal


Bonus: Make legacy level matter.. All they did was make stuff availiable earlier and earlier, but still costing a minor fortune.. As it is right now, it's a poorly disguised money sink wearing the clothes of "progression and content". Most dissapointing new feature BY FAR..

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This is a really interesting feedback thread! Thanks to those of you posting your top 3's - keep them coming!


Thank you Allison for your post! From reading the 20+ pages so far, you start to notice trends and a consensus of specific wanted changes. These posts are very helpful ideas that I and I am sure others believe as well will help the game grow and be the best MMO on the market. SWTOR is a great game and has a great future! Just take these posts to heart, implement them where you can and you will develop a strong player base that will stay around for long time to come. IMO! :)

Edited by Darknessinme
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1. Chapters 4, 5, 6, ... of class stories


2. A combat lock flag - so that if I or my group is engaged in a combat there can be no interference from other players, friend or foe. If I choose to fight something too big for me I did it for a challenge, not to have some other player come along and blow it up because they don't want to wait for me to finish my fight.


3. A cast-iron no pvp flag, such that the only way I can be flagged for pvp is if I manually turn it on or I enter a pvp zone. At other times any action that I do that might affect a flagged player, friend or foe, should simply not affect them - damage, heals, buffs, whatever.

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1) Make the Operations a lot longer with at least 8 bosses and make HM and NM a tad bitter more difficult.


2) Add day/night changes to all planets. See LotR and WoW and how they do it, it is actually something pretty cool.


3a) Revamped Illum by now for world pvp.


3b) Add attunments to get in the operations. It adds extra content and makes people actually appreciate the place more having to work to get inside.

Edited by Bojangle
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Didn't read the whole thread so if I repeat anything that's already been said I'm sorry.


1. Guild databank, let us look for guilds, their members, their agenda etc ingame


2. class quest answers with linked consequences... if I choose answer A my abilities get a tweak to a certain direction and if I choose answer B I get another tweak. Maybe even go so far as to switch sides for a short period of time (spygame or some such) if you pick the answer to surrender or switch to the dark/light side.


3. socializing stuff in cantinas, add card games or any other minigames (remember the dabo table in STO?), it's nicer to sit with friends and play a minigame while you wait for that group finder to pop a group and it's also a chance to meet new friends

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1. 3D space combat


2. A better quest system (either something along the lines of what GW2 is doing or more so quest that aren't so generic such as quests that you have to do puzzle type stuff instead of killing/gathering x amount. Not saying I want every quest to be a puzzle, but just a mix between that and the kill quests)


3. Try to introduce the system that was used in the rakghoul event when it came to fighting mobs. the original mob starts off with no level and after you attack it, it's level adjusts to yours or just scale player's levels. This way all of the story content won't seem so linear for each class(and I know this can't be introduced now because the current planets are in a specific order for timeline purposes but going forward and as we revisit planets they can use this type of system). Because it is pretty weird how every class' story quest just so happens to send all of us to the same planet at the same time lol


I couldn't hold on to three lol :)

To have all gear moddable. There are some green SI pieces that I would love to have but can't because they aren't viable at end-game.

Edited by darthldub
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I am actually surprised at people saying "a better quest system". ToR has the best one out to date. An actual story line with you being able to select responses. And not every quest is kill x amount. A lot of them have objectives. All other mmo's i just auto accept quests because there is no story or anything.


Those who want a better questing system I would love to hear then your ideas for a questing system that will level you 1-50 or 60 without having to kill x and bring back y etc.

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1. Horizontal Gear Progression


Tiered gear progression just results in ridiculous gear gaps and invalidating old content. Its one of the most stupid choices an MMO can make these days. Go for horizontal gear progression i.e. stats on all gear sets at level 50 are roughly the same. The uniqueness and reason to acquire the gear should be down to stat ratios and set bonuses.


2. Ilum Revamp


For ilum, you need: 1) bases / structures to capture and defend. 2) unique rewards for participating in open world pvp 3) a self-balancing mechanic. In other words, give people a reason, proper motivation and some way to keep it fair and it will be a success.


3. Cosmetic Clothing Tab


See LOTRO's costmetic tabs. In LOTRO you can have up to 6 entirely cosmetic looks for your character. Has no bearing on stats and is a really fun feature. It may seem like a little thing, but being able to truely customise your character WITHOUT gimping your stats (TOR's current problem...) helps you get attached to your character and thus less likely to quit. For example, my Dark V shadow is wearing a bright white dress with bananas stuck on it.....I look like an idiot and not at all how I want my shadow to look!

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hmmm interesting post


things id like to see fixed

1. lag issues

2. certain places you can get "stuck" that there should be no way to get stuck on.

3. remove speeder use on the fleet it just makes it too hard to use mailboxes and GTN or vendors trainers with some idiot is parked on top of it with a speeder.


things id like to see changed:

1. orange armor and all item modifications bound to legacy where you can send it to your other toons on the same server

2. make the balloon ride faster a 40 min path for the baloon ride is a little insane maybe 20 min for the round trip would be better

3. faster respawn times on some of the daily quest items such as the crates in the blaack hole dailies respawn rate is dismal and if its prime time its not even worth picking up the quest.


Things id like to see added:

1. companion story quests for each companion

2. ability to abandon companions we hate (skadge)

3. Matrix cubes be bound to legacy, so when your done with a cube you can send it or dissassemble it and send shards to someone in your legacy.

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I am actually surprised at people saying "a better quest system". ToR has the best one out to date. An actual story line with you being able to select responses. And not every quest is kill x amount. A lot of them have objectives. All other mmo's i just auto accept quests because there is no story or anything.


Those who want a better questing system I would love to hear then your ideas for a questing system that will level you 1-50 or 60 without having to kill x and bring back y etc.


Not saying to take the kill x and bring back y out, just saying to dilute them with other types of quests such as puzzles and such. Some games have these types of quests in them(maybe not MMOs but they don't have to give themselves a ceiling just because this game is a MMO). Just need something to make the quests not feel so repetitive. I'm not a game designer so I can't think of any specific ways right now(although if I sat down and thought I probably could) but they are and I'm sure they could come up with something lol.

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1. More sandbox features like working casinos.


2. Remove the cost to extract mods from items, or just charge us once to unlock each mod, for free moving from then on. 90% of the credits I spend are on customization and that's dumb. Maybe I'd like something left from my dailies money to buy a legacy box or two!


3. Fix lightsaber/vibrosword bugs. IE, dismissed companions' weapon blades left in the world or lit lightsabers in someone's belt. Or disappearing weapons during combat.

Edited by Anakis
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Interesting. I just finished my second class story and am near leveling up my 3rd character. I think I'm on the verge of hitting the wall many players report after their characters are 50, fully geared, and have completed all class and planetary quests...


Here are some things that would keep me interested in logging in as my 50s.


1. More custom gear!!! - The Imperial Agent seems to have tonnes of different directions to go in re: gear. I just wish the same was of my consular and my inquisitor. How about some pants and colours that aren't completely drab!!!


2. Weekly / Monthly Mini-Events - Why should I log-in this evening as opposed to tomorrow or sometime next week? Exactly. BW needs to have mini-events or contests or weekly objectives that provide something unique. More custom gear comes to mind ;). This differs from your dailies and weeklies concept because I don't think this should be predictable; completing the mini-event/contest/weekly objective should have a different reward this week than next; and don't announce that reward in advance. Basic psychology folks, keep people logging in now because they worry they'll miss off on some cool stuff. All dependent on providing cool stuff of course. I know how much work it takes to create gear; I'm not suggesting you never offer these as rewards again. But just, mix it up a little (and you have an arsenal of unique gear you've already provided in events). I'm a few pieces away from having containment armor, for example. I'm sure getting a random chance to attain another piece would have me checking in on a daily basis!!!


3. Mini-games - I log-in to my sorcerer. Add myself to the group finder and PVP and wait. If I have stuff to do in between PVP sessions I stay logged in longer, period. Usually one interval deals with all my crafting crap, second three intervals are doing some of the space missions I like... then I get bored and log. So note isn't the PVP experience that turns me off, it just isn't enough by itself to keep me logged in (especially if I have to wait 5-10 minutes).


So more (and different) space missions, and how about some PAZAAK? Seriously, was a staple of KotOR and KotOR II and I'm flabbergasted this isn't in the game. If it is a concern about "on-line gambling", make matches a competition for Pazaak commendations which people can use to buy some neat crap ;).


- Arcada

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Not saying to take the kill x and bring back y out, just saying to dilute them with other types of quests such as puzzles and such. Some games have these types of quests in them(maybe not MMOs but they don't have to give themselves a ceiling just because this game is a MMO). Just need something to make the quests not feel so repetitive. I'm not a game designer so I can't think of any specific ways right now(although if I sat down and thought I probably could) but they are and I'm sure they could come up with something lol.

Well look at the questing systems on all the top mmo's. ToR's is by far the best. There are tons of heroic type quests which are fun mini instances, a lot of objective type quests which have cool cut scenes, etc. Not any of the other mmo's do anything like that. Heck I actually have a few other alts maxed level because I can handle the quest system and seeing each new story line also. In WoW I played since beginning of Vanilla and only have 1 alt who is maxed. I couldn't take doing it all over again. Only reason I had the alt was to play with people from work.


So sure it is easy for people to say, "New questing system" but no one seems to give any ideas of a better one. Why? Because if there was I am sure someone would have used it. This is why I think ToR has the best because you actually feel part of every quest and they aren't all kill x and get y.

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So sure it is easy for people to say, "New questing system" but no one seems to give any ideas of a better one.


I've always found this bizarre. Games often get criticized because "you just go to point X to get y and maybe fight some people".


Isn't that a staple of every single RPG??? Fallout 1/2/3/NV, System Shock 1/2, Skyrim, Baldur's Gate, the Bard's Tale...


These are the more unique of the RPGs and if you think about it... you always go to point x to get y and maybe fight some people.


Heck, that describes my job on a daily basis!!!


The fun is in unique environments, the challenge (yes, harder and more unforgiving games are better), and the rewards you get.


- Arcada

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1) When I am looking in and tabbing over inventory and I have my companion up in my my screen I want to see the difference in their stats when equipped not in mine.


2) Customization, any mods into any oranges with appropriate bonuses, the ability to change the look. I selected my toon as a cyborg and over did it. Wish he had a little less, but I can not change appearance so I put a mask on his face so I don't have to look at my borg... err I mean toon.


3) LFG for Heroics

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