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Most epic heroic Huttball moment ever?


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Where you get the Ball while 4 enemies stood around you was nice ... But that is your most epic Huttball moment in all yor time playing swtor ? Man i'm sorry for you xD


I will not say that mine is better but do you know thes moments where the whole enemy team is near the Ball carrier and kill him... Then all of their team jump down while i stand there just to catch the new ball carrier in the right moment and let him die in the flames .... After that i walk slowly over the line and make a point ... The faces of the enemy team i would like to see then :)

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Watch until about one minute in.




My best moments include:


  • Tanking 7 people as a marauder to jump to a player I just killed in the pit and score
  • Stopping 6 people in a fire pit with intimidating roar
  • Rooting the ball carrier with full resolve 1 step from the goal line as a Carnage Marauder with Force Leap, Ravage, and Deadly Throw
  • Running past 8 people using Carnage perdition to score (in less than 15 seconds)
  • Pulling people to the edge in the end-zone when a Juggernaught has the ball in the pit


You have to get into the 50's bracket to experience some of this. The lowbies bracket is incredibly lacking skill to make these situations or make them noteworthy.

Edited by Yeochins
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It was pure luck, but it was still pretty awesome. Ive had better, but none i caught on video. I still cant figure out what the rest of my team was doing.


I welcome some epic huttball stories.

Edited by Kraegore
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Was in a Huttball with no score for either team, enemy team decides to turtle in their endzone with the ball at about a minute left. I and another person go and focus fire the ball carrier, and AoE the heck out of them. The other guy didn't have a good angle on the ball carrier, he had jammed himself in the corner behind the pillar thingy so I moved up enough to still have LoS, killed him and caught the ball. My husband is watching me(laughing probably) as I'm running away with the ball, yelling at my computer "****, I got the ball, I have to run. Wait, *** happened to the ball, I just had the *beep* thing, stupid *beep* bugs!!". This is at about 15 secs. left, I hadn't realized I had been standing in the goal line when I caught the ball, so I had scored and we won LOL
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Was in a Huttball with no score for either team, enemy team decides to turtle in their endzone with the ball at about a minute left. I and another person go and focus fire the ball carrier, and AoE the heck out of them. The other guy didn't have a good angle on the ball carrier, he had jammed himself in the corner behind the pillar thingy so I moved up enough to still have LoS, killed him and caught the ball. My husband is watching me(laughing probably) as I'm running away with the ball, yelling at my computer "****, I got the ball, I have to run. Wait, *** happened to the ball, I just had the *beep* thing, stupid *beep* bugs!!". This is at about 15 secs. left, I hadn't realized I had been standing in the goal line when I caught the ball, so I had scored and we won LOL



Haha that one is pretty good.

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My most epic moment is when the score was 5-5 and and the enemy had the ball in our endzone area. A marauder was 5 meters from scoring when I force leaped, master striked, and then a crippling throw. I effectively rooted him long enough to kill him. We then went to score with under a minute left. I felt like a bad ***. Plus I got 7 mvp votes ;DDD Edited by Lightzzoutt
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My best moments include:


  • Tanking 7 people as a marauder to jump to a player I just killed in the pit and score
  • Stopping 6 people in a fire pit with intimidating roar
  • Rooting the ball carrier with full resolve 1 step from the goal line as a Carnage Marauder with Force Leap, Ravage, and Deadly Throw
  • Running past 8 people using Carnage perdition to score (in less than 15 seconds)
  • Pulling people to the edge in the end-zone when a Juggernaught has the ball in the pit


You have to get into the 50's bracket to experience some of this. The lowbies bracket is incredibly lacking skill to make these situations or make them noteworthy.


Hmm. most of these sound like a fishing story lol

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You have to get into the 50's bracket to experience some of this. The lowbies bracket is incredibly lacking skill to make these situations or make them noteworthy.


I have played in the 50s bracket plenty, im just killing time on my marauder before Guild Wars 2. I don't really see much of a difference skill wise to be honest. I have yet to find an MMO that actually has competitive gameplay in randomized battlegrounds at level cap. It is always gear based.

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I'm a Jedi Guardian, spec Defense; a couple of months back I entered a match with 4 Republic and a full team of Imperials. The game starts the shutdown sequence and there we go: we move head on, 20 seconds left to the end of the match. We get to the middle. I leap to an enemy close to the ball, immobilize him and capture the sphere; 15 seconds left. I keep running forward, using every Cooldown I have; 10 seconds left. I notice some enemies engaging my allies, who are far back, and I have about 4 people on me: I keep going and jump in the pit, about 20% hp remaining; 5 seconds left and there I stick to the wall: by the time an enemy Warrior charges me, the game ends. Republic wins.

I've had many exciting moments in Huttball but this is possibly the most memorable.

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This happened yesterday in the 1-49 brackets:


We were in a pug and an assassin on my team was going towards the end zone with me as back-up (I'm a L17 sniper, he was L35 somewhere). Four enemies were coming down from the spawn zone, while we were on the ramps, waiting for the fire to stop. So we clashed into them, he was just running and I flashbanged them, allowing the score to happen.


I set up shop and targeted the sorc, the assassin caught on and we focused him down, while the other three were still blinded. by the time they came out of the mezz, the second one was already halfway dead. I'm specced into the middle tree, so my grenade is pretty powerful and quick on the cooldown, so I started weaving that into the rotation. Finally the third one died, along with my comrade assassin and I started with 80% health against the last one who was around 75%.


I kited the hell out of him, going towards the heal while spamming my attacks on the move. Finally I killed him off, but by then the other two came back and I died.


But it was awesome to see someone who just doesn't attack anything but there was cooperation without communication.


During that same match, I was standing on the upper ramp in front of their entry point to it. 3 guys came out of the spawn point and I was standing tall, shooting like a cowboy. By the time they got to me, I Detonated them into the pit. it was a funny sight to see, for me at least.

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Two guys at our score line in huttball, 5m away from each other, dude is standing in our score line, other dude passes to him, at the exact moment the guy clicks to pass to the dude in the score line I leap to the guy he passed to and literally in the last milisecond as the ball landed I intercepted it and reset it. I was like 30m away so they must've been like where da*** was he
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Two guys at our score line in huttball, 5m away from each other, dude is standing in our score line, other dude passes to him, at the exact moment the guy clicks to pass to the dude in the score line I leap to the guy he passed to and literally in the last milisecond as the ball landed I intercepted it and reset it. I was like 30m away so they must've been like where da*** was he


Haha i actually tried to do this in the video in my OP, but it was on cooldown :(

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I was in a Huttball match where 3 or 4 people had quit because "our team sucked" although they were replaced with someone new so we did have a full team. We were down 2-0 with less than 1min left. I was at middle when we scored, grabbed the respawned ball and made my way to the goal. Force leap, push, force leap, guardian leap and I was near the goal line with 15 seconds left. All the cc in the world was thrown at me and my healers were burning mana like crazy trying to keep me alive. Like walking through quicksand I made my way to the goal line and crossed with 0 seconds left to tie the game. Not sure how but we were given the win. I assume because we were the last to posses the ball.


The best part was being in fleet after the match and letting the 3 or 4 people know that they walked away from a win. My absolute most favorite hutball moment and it came with a group of pugs against a premade.

Edited by Hyryu
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It was epic, heroic, and had a tragic ending. The game was tied 1-1 or 2-2, something like that. I saw the Scoundrel stealth to our side as the ball carrier went down into the pit. Knowing this I watched for where he would stand. As soon as he popped out of stealth I used Force Charge on the Scoundrel to intercept the ball. I think there was about 1 minute 20 seconds left, victory is but assured!! I'm running with the ball I see a full health Assassin in stealth, before I die throw the ball to him but he did not pop out of stealth. Ball goes to mid, the opponents get it, 40 seconds left, heals are spammed, we lose. I was so annoyed
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I was in a Huttball match where 3 or 4 people had quit because "our team sucked" although they were replaced with someone new so we did have a full team. We were down 2-0 with less than 1min left. I was at middle when we scored, grabbed the respawned ball and made my way to the goal. Force leap, push, force leap, guardian leap and I was near the goal line with 15 seconds left. All the cc in the world was thrown at me and my healers were burning mana like crazy trying to keep me alive. Like walking through quicksand I made my way to the goal line and crossed with 0 seconds left to tie the game. Not sure how but we were given the win. I assume because we were the last to posses the ball.


The best part was being in fleet after the match and letting the 3 or 4 people know that they walked away from a win. My absolute most favorite hutball moment and it came with a group of pugs against a premade.


Are you on the bastion now? I'm 100% positive I was in that match. I was the Sentinel

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Ranked Warzone back when they first came out. The group we were against had 4 Dps pyro's and it was tough to score. They got an early score to take the lead 1-0, and with 15 secs left we had it almost on their goal line. My teammate threw it to me, and despite being in the center it went to one of their low hp powertechs with around 8 seconds left. Because he was low health he threw it away, and my reaction as a carnage marauder was to predation and catch it. I just made it to the edge of the circle and got an insta score with 6-7 seconds left, and our teammate picked up the ball @ mid to win 1 to 1.
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Let me start by saying this was not me, but it was someone on my team.


A marauder is carrying the ball over their pit, gets knocked off and is in the middle of fighting 2 enemy players with about half health. Hes about 20 meters from their side of the pit.

Enemy Sniper/ops or whatever pops cover up on the edge of the pit and starts firing down at our mara who is loosing health fast, and pops his 5 sec tank skill. He throws an intentional interception to the sniper in cover, who jumps out of cover right away to run with the ball..... THEN our BRILLIANT mara force leaps to him, smashes his brains in, and scores.


That was the best/smartest thing ill ever see in hutball im sure. It was a pre-50 match.

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Let me start by saying this was not me, but it was someone on my team.


A marauder is carrying the ball over their pit, gets knocked off and is in the middle of fighting 2 enemy players with about half health. Hes about 20 meters from their side of the pit.

Enemy Sniper/ops or whatever pops cover up on the edge of the pit and starts firing down at our mara who is loosing health fast, and pops his 5 sec tank skill. He throws an intentional interception to the sniper in cover, who jumps out of cover right away to run with the ball..... THEN our BRILLIANT mara force leaps to him, smashes his brains in, and scores.


That was the best/smartest thing ill ever see in hutball im sure. It was a pre-50 match.


This one is the winner. That's awesome.

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i have two moments of awesomesauce in huttball.


1 was in a ranked warzone. with <2min to go, we were tied. i managed to get the ball on the enemy half, and had an open path to the goal. i had a sorc teammate ahead of me. as i crossed the fire pit, i threw to an open spot in the endzone. in the same moment i got yanked into the upper fire pit by a powertech, which gave the effect of me throwing the ball in mid-air. my sorc teammate used force speed to get under the ball, and he caught it for the winning score.


the 2nd was in lowbie pvp on my sniper. i had queued with 2 friends, and we were down 2-0 with about 2:30 left on the clock. our teammates were basically useless, but we hadnt been able to get a good pass chain going without it being broken up by pulls/knockbacks. we finally got 1 score, which left the other team way out of position. with about 40s left we grabbed the ball and worked it forward, managing to put it in the endzone. we scored with about 10s left, and i was hanging in the middle. i popped entrench right next to the ball stand, and was clicking as much as i could to make sure i was able to grab the ball right away. i watched 2 or 3 opponents try to use stuns and knockbacks on me right before the ball spawned, but with my CC immunity i was able to grab it with 5s left, for the win.


huttball is one of the few bright spots in this game, it really can be fun when you have two evenly matched teams duking it out

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I've had tons of epic moments but one that come time mind happened a couple of weeks ago.


The score was even, 2-2, and time was running out.


My team was all dps, brawling our way to the ball carrier, the other team had a tank and healer so it looked like they were going to win by holding on the ball in their pit.... One after one my team mates die so I tell them "Ok I got a plan but you got to trust me on this one, intentionally die then go to our pit, one of you stand ready at the ball spawn" and they all did. The clock showed 26 seconds left...


I ran to the ramps above the ball carrier, you see they made a fatal flaw while defending their ball carrier, they stood in the open and not under the ramps... When the fire pit started flaming up I pulled the ball carrier to the pits and stunned him, their powertech was fast to respond and pulled me down to them as the ball landed in my care. They stunned me and pounded away at me as the clock ticked away...


I just barely had time to hit my shields as I landed among them, powerless to do anything as I saw my health going down, I thought for sure that they'd kill me and get the ball but by a twist of fate I came out of stun for a split second before I died, long enough for me to punt the ball and for my team mates to pick it up and run to our pit, the clock showed 4 seconds left, all enemies were in the opposit pit, victory was ours!

Edited by Nomerath
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Nah I've ot you all beat. At 50 before server transfers, I was in a pug with a friend vs a premade of Tue best guild on the server, that I am now a part of, they scored early on and the game was deadlocked 1-0 until the last 15 seconds, I managed to get the ball and guardian leaped to my friend on their center ramp, I got half way down it and was stunned to full resolve, as I used my resolute, they continued to root me, as this was happening, my friend force sped to the goal,i passed him the ball with 3 seconds left, I swear everyone stopped and watched the ball soar through the air. He received the pass with 1 second left, we won 1-1 as the game ended because we had last possession of the ball. That moment is forever engraved in our brains.
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My husband is watching me(laughing probably) as I'm running away with the ball, yelling at my computer "****, I got the ball, I have to run. Wait, *** happened to the ball, I just had the *beep* thing, stupid *beep* bugs!!". This is at about 15 secs. left, I hadn't realized I had been standing in the goal line when I caught the ball, so I had scored and we won LOL


That's ace, made me smile.

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