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Resolve suggestion


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Seems like the current system is by time resolve is full your typically dead. I suggest that when resolve bar is fully it powers up ability called "pay back" which acts like current resolve immunity but is triggered as cool down ability by user at time of their choosing. This ability would persist through death.
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Seems like the current system is by time resolve is full your typically dead. I suggest that when resolve bar is fully it powers up ability called "pay back" which acts like current resolve immunity but is triggered as cool down ability by user at time of their choosing. This ability would persist through death.


Bad suggestion.

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theres only one solution to resolve. When Bar is full no form of CC can be used on you. Make it just like those pesky Assassins skill where my root is useless. Roots & Slows shouldn't build resolve but they should respect a full resolve bar and not work on you. But bioware wont change it because it be like admitting they failed.
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theres only one solution to resolve. When Bar is full no form of CC can be used on you. Make it just like those pesky Assassins skill where my root is useless. Roots & Slows shouldn't build resolve but they should respect a full resolve bar and not work on you. But bioware wont change it because it be like admitting they failed.


More like admitting you have failed yourself in understanding the reality of PvP. There's a reason to roots/slows not being counted as CC. Just because you don't understand its systematic necessity doesn't mean the rest of us don't as well.

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More like admitting you have failed yourself in understanding the reality of PvP. There's a reason to roots/slows not being counted as CC. Just because you don't understand its systematic necessity doesn't mean the rest of us don't as well.


I do understand there knowledge of it. But a root is a form of Crowd Control no matter how you look at it. If a class gets a skill that makes them immune to all forms of CC (including Roots) Its obviously bioware realizes roots are a form of CC. So there is no reason that with a full resolve bar i should be able to be rooted to die a miserable death in flames. Nor should I be able to do same to another player.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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I've said this before, but even though I'd prefer a straight DR on all CC, I'm fine with the basic resolve system. what bothers me is that the resolve white immunity bar can tick away WHILE YOU'RE STILL STUNNED. thus, the majority of your "stun immunity" can be spent...stunned.


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Yes there is a very good reason that snares&roots are not part of resolve and it has been stated clearly by the devs. With roots and snares on resolve melee would get too much time in weapon range (uptime) allowing them to do more damage then it's intended thus making them OP compared to ranged classes.


"Q: A lot of us that PvP have made adjustments to compensate for the resolve system right now. But do you have any plans to make adjustments to it in the future patches. For example in Huttball, we have to carefully learn how to control our stuns so we can keep them in a fire etc. It is also got to a point where even having a completely full resolve bar, I still get rooted or things like that.


A: We have two completely off the resolve system effects, those are immobilize and snare effects. The resolve system is designed as a visualized diminishing returns system so the idea is that you can actually see when people are able to be controlled, and that really is the design goal of it. The resolve system is designed to minimalize the amount of time you are stunned, put to sleep, and knocked back so it only provides immunity to knockback/sleep/stun. Snare/slow, root/immobilize are intentionally not using the resolve system because from a combat standpoint we designed these effects to be part of a kiting/anti-kiting game which is completely separate from resolve.


Some classes that don’t have the need to establish range or establish closeness requires these abilities as part of their rotation in order to do their damage and be effective. Root/immobilize – stop you from moving. Stun – stop you from acting. Don’t get confused between the two.


So to be clear, root/snare/immobilize/slow are not part of the resolve system. They do not build resolve and they are not stopped by resolve. That was by design. We are working on ways to improve the visualization of the resolve system and make it easier to understand. "


original link http://dulfy.net/2012/04/07/paxeast-q-a-day-2/


@ ssfbistimg You are actually asking that roots and snares become a deterrent in using other CC abilities. Do you want some cake with that too :cool:.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Seems like the current system is by time resolve is full your typically dead. I suggest that when resolve bar is fully it powers up ability called "pay back" which acts like current resolve immunity but is triggered as cool down ability by user at time of their choosing. This ability would persist through death.


How about they just correctly scale HP and Armor Rating for each new gear tier so that players actually live long enough for their Resolve to matter?


Band-aids don't fix problem, they just hide them while you hope they go away.

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i've said this before, but even though i'd prefer a straight dr on all cc, i'm fine with the basic resolve system. What bothers me is that the resolve white immunity bar can tick away while you're still stunned. Thus, the majority of your "stun immunity" can be spent...stunned.



this is what is being ignored!

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this is what is being ignored!


You are supposed to eat the first RECC, then use your breaker on the second RECC. You used to actually be able to live long enough for that intended method to work. Now you don't.


The Resolve system still works just fine, the problem is that damage outpaced mitigation.

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You are supposed to eat the first RECC, then use your breaker on the second RECC. You used to actually be able to live long enough for that intended method to work. Now you don't.


The Resolve system still works just fine, the problem is that damage outpaced mitigation.


LOL you just proved my point that RESOVE IS BROKEN!

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I think the resolve bar thing can stay exactly as it is, but just reduce all durations for CC effects in the game to half what it currently is.


CC Times (or at least those of the 60 seconds CCs, like the Sage's Force Lift or the Shadows Mind Maze) have already been cut in Warzones to about 8 seconds, just long enough to plant a bomb in Voidstar (if you're quick).


What they need to do is reduce the Cooldown on the CC Breaker to about 30 seconds for PvP. Most classes have 2 or 3 CCs with an average Cooldown of between 30 and 60 seconds but you only get 1 CC Breaker and it has a cooldown of 120 seconds, as resolve (even when used properly) only grants 8 seconds of stun immunity and 2 players with decent CC Rotation can keep CCs going almost non stop, it's no wonder some people get stun locked to death and grow increasingly frustrated with resolve or demand the Operatives get NERF'd again (oh btw I play as a Guardian, so I;m not a heavy CC player myself :p)

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CC Times (or at least those of the 60 seconds CCs, like the Sage's Force Lift or the Shadows Mind Maze) have already been cut in Warzones to about 8 seconds, just long enough to plant a bomb in Voidstar (if you're quick).


What they need to do is reduce the Cooldown on the CC Breaker to about 30 seconds for PvP. Most classes have 2 or 3 CCs with an average Cooldown of between 30 and 60 seconds but you only get 1 CC Breaker and it has a cooldown of 120 seconds, as resolve (even when used properly) only grants 8 seconds of stun immunity and 2 players with decent CC Rotation can keep CCs going almost non stop, it's no wonder some people get stun locked to death and grow increasingly frustrated with resolve or demand the Operatives get NERF'd again (oh btw I play as a Guardian, so I;m not a heavy CC player myself :p)


The issue is that people will bring up with second CC breaker is that it will make Melee classes (e.g. Sentinels/Marauders) Op. Which is why I suggest second CC breaker (but only in event you get full resolve). Which everyone seemed to hate.


Given that... I really like the idea of not starting countdown of Resolve until AFTER stun wears off. Seems crazy to give you immunity while you are stunned. Seems like minor, fair tweak.



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CC Times (or at least those of the 60 seconds CCs, like the Sage's Force Lift or the Shadows Mind Maze) have already been cut in Warzones to about 8 seconds, just long enough to plant a bomb in Voidstar (if you're quick).

imo, that's too long. one stun to cap a node? that's bogus. now, if you start capping and a teammate CCs, then yes, that should last long enough. but that's cuz you cleared the node of enemies in the first place. reinforcements not getting there in time/respawning. delay them all you want. but getting a node on one CC cuz the guy's breaker is down due to the plethora of CC in this game? iunno. that seems cheap to me. besides, even if the defender has a breaker, you have 2 ppl with 8s CCs, that's an auto cap. it's bad design.


edit: i've never lost a node to 1 CC though.

Edited by foxmob
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