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Game enhancements, 5 hours work or less!


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Remove speed from speeders and put it on skill instead, like it is in WoW. To explain... When you get a faster speeder riding skill, ALL speeders you currently own get upgraded to that new speed.


Why? To explain... Star Wars doesn't work like that. A T-16 SkyHopper isn't going to go as fast as a X-Wing. A Swoop is going to likely be faster than a hunk of junk Speeder.


What you are proposing is making an AT-AT as fast as an AT-ST. It just doesn't make sense.

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I've seen many things coded in less than five hours however the development cycle itself is rarely ever under 5 hours. Typically things get bucketed into less than or greater than 40 hours. Under 5 hours would be extremely minor changes, typically cosmetic or updating a view/function. I'm sure the dude is just talking about development so cut him some slack.
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Where exactly? Because any software engineer that has ANY experience whatsoever wouldn't declare absolutes without having any knowledge of the code, and certainly anyone who has worked on any enterprise level project realizes how complicated the entire process can be to make what seems a trivial change.


ITT: people who coded in college or are entry-level at their first job


Please stop talking as if you have a clue, it's embarrassing.


Bioware programmers are some of the most experienced you can find in the industry. You bet they've made the implementations as abstract and easy to expand upon as possible.

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Uhhh, same could be said to you, it takes significantly less than 5 hours to implement all the things he suggested. The UI can be a bit tricky, but everything else takes about 10 minutes for an experienced programmer.


Software engineer here. Just sayin'.

No, you're not.


Software engineering is defined as an attentiveness to process. If you knew the first thing about software process you'd know that 10 minutes of code - if it even is 10 minutes of code, which is laughable anyway - requires requirements changes, design changes, documentation changes, code review, and QA testing.


You are, at best, a wannabe hacker who's probably never worked on a serious project, probably never worked with a team bigger than you and two buddies, and definitely doesn't deserve to call himself an engineer. Programmer? Maybe. Developer? Unlikely. Engineer? You don't even know what the word MEANS.

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Soooo, since things are complicated it is wrong to wish for improvements... :eek:


No, but claiming it will take 5 hours or less to implement these "easy fixes" is simply absurd for anyone with the slightest programming knowledge (and absolutely bonkers for anyone with more indepth knowledge of big programming projects).


EDIT: I've experienced first hand what some "easy fixes" that's been hastily programmed has done to big project programs and games, believe me, they more often than not create more problems than they fix if they aren't planned and worked through properly, which takes a whole lot of time, weeks or possibly months, rarely if ever hours or even days, and that's with very experienced programmers.

Edited by WereMops
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Lol, Visual Basic. Is this 1996?

Heh, you laugh but there is still no shortage of kids that call themselves programmers and when you ask what they know the answer is invariably VB. :p


Please stop talking as if you have a clue, it's embarrassing.


Bioware programmers are some of the most experienced you can find in the industry. You bet they've made the implementations as abstract and easy to expand upon as possible.

While probably true, then how do you explain the lack of so many basic, simply features in the game still?

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I'm no expert, but i've done my share of programming and i'd have to agree that some changes wouldn't be too hard to implement, and that is solely ASSUMING they have competent programmers who actually structure their work and don't dick around.


I fail to see where it becomes difficult to change the process of moving UI elements around, they currently have static locations, give them globals and call it a day? (Yes there's other things to take into account - but hey, I personally would be over joyed with even a half assed mini patch to make me happy for now, i'm playing on 3 24 inch monitors and have my windows popping up on different screens at their own will which is outright annoying).


Obviously it's a top quality and paid for game, so they have to take their time and like others mentioned document what they've done, and they have to be huddled into their little groups and work on their own independent parts of the game as the slave masters command them to.

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Uhhh, same could be said to you, it takes significantly less than 5 hours to implement all the things he suggested. The UI can be a bit tricky, but everything else takes about 10 minutes for an experienced programmer.


Software engineer here. Just sayin'.


Unless you are writing internal tools, the effort to make a change other than obvious bug fix is no where near 5 hours.


The actual development might take less than 5 hours but the investigation into a solution and then the documentation will easilty take 3-5 times the development time. Then there is the priority setting effort, than sync'ing with test team and community team.


Just sayin'..

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I'm no expert, but i've done my share of programming and i'd have to agree that some changes wouldn't be too hard to implement, and that is solely ASSUMING they have competent programmers who actually structure their work and don't dick around.


I fail to see where it becomes difficult to change the process of moving UI elements around, they currently have static locations, give them globals and call it a day?



Please, for the love of all that is holy in software code... Put the keyboard down, and slowly back away.

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Originally Posted by Caelrie

Remove speed from speeders and put it on skill instead, like it is in WoW. To explain... When you get a faster speeder riding skill, ALL speeders you currently own get upgraded to that new speed.



No thank you. Don't need another game's money sink.


Actually this avoids a money sink since you don't have to buy an upgraded mount when you train to the next riding level

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Ok it won't be easy to add these things and i know that... however i do agree with the top two posts that these things should be allowed. The right click can be a real pain at times (also very helpful in other ways though) the mail needs an update atleast letting us check it on our ship. I say yes to the top two posts and make more orange items in the game or let us have an appearance tab because alot of the green and blue items are really awesome but we can't keep using them once the stats become worthless.
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My "5 hr" fix would be to stop knocking me out of the "auction house" screen when my companion comes back from his mission.


This next fix isnt a huge pain but it would be nice for them to look into why when I am questing/fighting and my companion supposedly returns from his own mission he doesnt alway actually appear and I have to summon him


To the off topic people

Quit being so literal and derailing this thread.


The OP probably didnt mean 5 hrs literally, it probably is just a reference as to a short "easy" fix as opposed to one that that requires changing the whole game mechanics.


And even if he did so what.......he is correct there needs to be changes.


If I was a Dev and came to this thread maybe looking for peoples complaints/feedback I probably wouldnt go past the first page because of all the derailing fighitng and name calling.

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