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questions about relics


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I'm sure there are a few people who wont agree with this statement, but i love the pvp flat stat boost relics over the clickable relics and the proc relics. Its mostly because i have enough to worry about with my rotation and boss mechanics to remember, "Hey, my relic is off cd, i can use it again." I'd recommend going with 2 of the crit/surge pvp relics until your crit% is coming up to 37% then drop one for a power relic. I dont remember the exact stats on the tionese/columi sentinel gear, but i think it has a lot of power on it. Once you start working on black hole gear, you need to play around with mods and enhancements a bit to get an optimal amount of stats. But anyways back to the original question, i personally use the pvp relics on my BH/Campaign geared sentinel.
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Damage proc = steady increase in damage over whole fight. If you really want to go this way, it's kinetic/energy for Combat and internal/elemental for Watchman.


On use relic will give you boost during burn stages. Problem is, fights either don't really have them or have them so often that half of the time your relic will be not avaible for them.

That's why most people go with PvP relics providing passive buff. And I'm pretty sure power WH relics provide better boost than proc ones.


I I'd recommend going with 2 of the crit/surge pvp relics

Personally, I would avoid taking surge on relics. You'll get surge and accuracy capped from enhancements, implants and earpiece, as thay always have one or other.

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I'd start with two Battlemaster Relic of Boundless Age. With +103 Power each, they should be a nice boost in your DPS. At 550 WZ comms each, they should be fairly easy to get. Once you get the Battlemaster relics save your comms and get the War Hero relics that have +113 Power each.


With mods/enh you should reach the right numbers of crit & surge that you can focus power on your relics.


Hope that helps!

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Im having a similar delima. I just went watchman spec and I cant decide between:


Which should I opt for?


1. two war hero relics of boundless ages

2. one war hero relic of boundless ages and a campaign relic of dark radiance


Which is best for a watchman spec and why?

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