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Why P2W will ruin the game.


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P2W is a big issue and i wanted to put my 2 cents in. Basically, i think it will ruin the game because then all of the nooby 10 year old with rich parents will be able to pwn even the best players in pvp, be the best dps in ops, and do everything with their +300% damage boost gear that normal players wont be able to do. i do not believe any swtor player would want this, so all of you thinking it might be even a remotely good idea need to think seriously about the impact of p2w on normal skilled non rich players who just want to enjoy the game, including pvp and ops.
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EAWare made it clear that the game won't go P2W, but the first P2W item I see in a shop or whatever, I'm packing my bags. This MMO would turn out being worse than WAR, but right now to this day this game is hemorrhaging players and will be like the 2nd WAR.


It's sad. Even after WAR, EA hasn't learned from its first crock of s***. :(

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EAWare made it clear that the game won't go P2W, but the first P2W item I see in a shop or whatever, I'm packing my bags. This MMO would turn out being worse than WAR, but right now to this day this game is hemorrhaging players and will be like the 2nd WAR.


It's sad. Even after WAR, EA hasn't learned from its first crock of s***. :(


EAWare also said it wasn't gonna go f2p so soon.

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EAWare made it clear that the game won't go P2W, but the first P2W item I see in a shop or whatever, I'm packing my bags. This MMO would turn out being worse than WAR, but right now to this day this game is hemorrhaging players and will be like the 2nd WAR.


It's sad. Even after WAR, EA hasn't learned from its first crock of s***. :(


EA has said there will be blue level items available to buy for sub 50 classes. It's only going to be a matter of time until they do it for level 50s

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Life's not fair, nor is a video game. If they go P2W, so be it. If they stay F2P with cosmetics, so be it.


They have research and focus groups and marking reports - you don't. BioWare and EA will make the best decision based on the market's need, not your little gripe.

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Life's not fair, nor is a video game. If they go P2W, so be it. If they stay F2P with cosmetics, so be it.


They have research and focus groups and marking reports - you don't. BioWare and EA will make the best decision based on the market's need, not your little gripe.


Ohhhh EA will make the right decision which is why their stock has done so swell in the last 4 years. They went from trading $54 in early 2008 per share to $13.56 today.


EA made the right decisions.:D

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EA has said there will be blue level items available to buy for sub 50 classes. It's only going to be a matter of time until they do it for level 50s


where'd they say this?


also what precisely does that mean? it might just mean you might be able to buy blue quality purple lightsaber crystals

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EAWare made it clear that the game won't go P2W, but the first P2W item I see in a shop or whatever, I'm packing my bags. This MMO would turn out being worse than WAR, but right now to this day this game is hemorrhaging players and will be like the 2nd WAR.


It's sad. Even after WAR, EA hasn't learned from its first crock of s***. :(


WarHammer was a PvP game.


For all the **** it gets, it was honest in what it was, and presented itself as nothing but.

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where'd they say this?


also what precisely does that mean? it might just mean you might be able to buy blue quality purple lightsaber crystals




The major question about F2P; when any F2P project is announced or talked about is what's gonna be in the cash shop? Lets just put this question out there in as plain and as simple form as possible. What's your stance on Pay to Win?


Jeff Hickman: Pay to win is not something that we like. I don't want to unbalance the game by putting things out on the store that somebody can walk in on day one, buy and be the winner. Having said that, there will be some things that we put out in the store that do enhance power value in some way, but not at the top end. Trying to think of a good example. We may put a medium level blue piece of armor on the cash shop for example. We might do that. We haven't decided and we're still talking about this, but it's one of those things it is like … most players will have something better than this anyway, but if you don't here's the way that you can get a leg up to at least make you equal with the normal players. That is kind of where our thinking is at, but we are still discussing it. But we do not believe in Pay to Win.

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Life's not fair, nor is a video game. If they go P2W, so be it. If they stay F2P with cosmetics, so be it.


They have research and focus groups and marking reports - you don't. BioWare and EA will make the best decision based on the market's need, not your little gripe.


They also thought a AAA mmo didnt need a modern lfg tool, macros, combat windows etc etc etc.... I think Ea/Bioware have proven that they dont even have a vague clue about what people want in an mmo.


I dont think theyre stupid enough to go p2w but if they do it wont be worth arguing about, the game will be unrecoverable.

Edited by Mallorik
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P2W is a big issue and i wanted to put my 2 cents in.


Actually it's not a big issue at all.....it's a complete non-issue, as they've already said they will be very cautious to make sure F2P doesn't become P2W.

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Actually it's not a big issue at all.....it's a complete non-issue, as they've already said they will be very cautious to make sure F2P doesn't become P2W.


Yeah. EA promises are solid gold, man. You can take 'em to the bank. :rolleyes:


Either way, Pay To Win, when it inevitably occurs - my money's on a month out from F2P launch, when their massively overinflated expectations aren't met - isn't going to ruin anything. You can't ruin a ruin, and this game was ruined the second they made their engine choice, or the decision to try and create a story-based MMO, or to release without basic MMO functionality, or to instance everything, or to invest hundreds of millions of dollars with a first-time MMO team, or to...well, you get the idea.


A game drops 70% of its subscribers in its first seven months of operation, it's ruined. Anything you do after that is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

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A game drops 70% of its subscribers in its first seven months of operation, it's ruined. Anything you do after that is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


Rift lost almost 70% of it's subscribers in the first 6 months after launch. Yet it continues to do well. same for this game.


Significant subscription loss is the norm for MMOs now days.


Deal with it, and stop using it as a metaphor for "ruined".

Edited by Andryah
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Rift lost almost 70% of it's subscribers in the first 6 months after launch. Yet it continues to do well. same for this game.


Significant subscription loss is the norm for MMOs now days.


Deal with it, and stop using it as a metaphor for "ruined".


The difference is that Rift actually is doing well.


TOR, by EA's own admission, is not. When the very company that produced the game calls it both a disappointment and a miss, I'm not sure why even someone as ardent in their devotion to the cult as you would continue to insist that everything's peachy.

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The difference is that Rift actually is doing well.


TOR, by EA's own admission, is not. When the very company that produced the game calls it both a disappointment and a miss, I'm not sure why even someone as ardent in their devotion to the cult as you would continue to insist that everything's peachy.


that or it suggests EA's board where idiots who expected a game with the same number of subs as WOW.


BTW that quote hardly says they're going F2P, they're saying "at the MOST we' might toss some decent but not better then you can get in game, gear in for the lower levels"

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I love Mad Libs!


Why ____ will ruin the game.


Choose your own adventure!


A) Snails

B) San Diego

C) Leap Year

D) Bob Ross' Happy Little Trees

E) Bingo Night at the VFW

F) Casual Sex

G) Epson Printers

H) Australia

I) Higgs-Boson Particles

J) Grape Kool-Aid

K) Jay Leno

L) Free To Play

M) Severus Snape

N) Battletoads

O) Global Warming

P) Left-handed Hunchbacks with Prominent Birthmarks

Q) Carburators

R) Teenagers

S) Apple-Cinnamon Cheerios

T) Flesh-Eating Viruses From Space

U) Pharmaceutical Greed

V) Skin Cancer

W) All Seven Dwarves

X) Hula Hoops

Y) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Z) Your Face


*Breaks out the vuvuzela in celebration of yet another prognosticative Mad Lib!*

Edited by Uruare
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P2W is bascially the same as being able to pay to access God-mode in Team Fortress.


Imagine how "fun" that would be (either no one would play OR everyone would be in God-mode 24/7, either way it would completely suck).


There is no "good" P2W, it quite simply destroys games. :csw_yoda:

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Rift lost almost 70% of it's subscribers in the first 6 months after launch. Yet it continues to do well. same for this game.


Significant subscription loss is the norm for MMOs now days.


Deal with it, and stop using it as a metaphor for "ruined".




Rift has pumped out a vast amount of contents, including really big (upcoming) things like in world Guild Housing and RvRvR.


SWTOR has maybe equalled in it's first 9 months what Rift put out in it's first 2-3 months. :(

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"why P2W will ruin the game"



Go back and search every other Why X will ruin the game thread and see if it happened.





To be fair, they did happen.


It may have escaped your attention but the game lost subs faster than Usain Bolt clocked world records.

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Rift lost almost 70% of it's subscribers in the first 6 months after launch. Yet it continues to do well. same for this game.


Significant subscription loss is the norm for MMOs now days.


Deal with it, and stop using it as a metaphor for "ruined".


Rifts budget was low enough that they can afford to do well on 300k subs. ToRs budget was high enough that 300k subs puts them deep in the red. Its not about how many subscribers you have. Its about how many subscribers you have vs what you need.


I would hardly say that ToR is doing well. I know you love the game but its not doing well, just because you love it.

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To be fair, they did happen.


It may have escaped your attention but the game lost subs faster than Usain Bolt clocked world records.


That's the thing, plus does anyone really have good things to say about say STO version of P2W? :confused:

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