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Enrichment Tokens


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The Chevin Event was my first real Event so I am not sure about these two questions below. I am new to the game.


Do we get these for all events or just this Chevin Event that we just had?

I am wondering if we can save them for the next event or will they be useless after the vendor is gone?


Personally I think it would be useful if we could save them as there was not much that I could use them for in this events Vendor that I liked or my character needed.

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each event has its own sort of currency. the rakghoul event had dna samples, this one has tokens of enrichment. If you don't spend them all, I would hold onto them as the events tend to recycle (at least in other games). at the very least, they may be useful again at some point. if you have leftovers, you can just try and trade them to people who need more before the event ends.
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so far both events have had unique tokens. i would not plan on them being usable again. its always possible they may make them useful in some way at some point in the future, but your better off spending them or selling them if you can. Edited by jmnormand
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so far both events have had unique tokens. i would not plan on them being usable again.


There has been an indication that the Rakghoul Event Trader will make a brief reappearance, so I would hang onto those if there was something you liked in particular (and keep your eyes open because I'm not sure how long this will be available once returned).


With regards to this event, given the lackluster rewards *I personally enjoyed the event but can't find a good use for the rewards* I wouldn't bet on a return. Especially since the BW has essentially said the trader will be sticking around for "one week". I'm pretty sure this event is a one-time deal.


- Arcada

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Well that sort of sucks if they are only a one time use. I hope they become useful in the future. It would only make sense to use them in other events this way if you do not get to use them that you can still have use for them in the future. Especially sense this events seems to have only had some stuff for certain classes not others. Plus not everyone got to finish it and many will not have enough for what they want after it ends.


I really hope they look into reusing them or making them useful in other ways.

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It would be nice if they let you convert them like they did with Mercenary to Warzone Commendations and Ranked to Warzone Commendations. That way when a new event rolls around you can use the 8 Rakghoul DNA you had left over for the new event rather than it sitting in your ship for who knows how long.
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