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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Event is over, what was your haul?


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Spread across 3 servers, I got 3 Bowcasters (2 rifle, 1 sniper), 2 Lobalots, 5 speeders, 2 full Bloodguard outfits, 2 extra Bloodguard helmets, 2 extra bracers, 11 red sparkle powders, and I made 3.3 million credits selling some of my remaining tokens (1 million on one server, 2.3 on another, the third server is dead). My lowbes will never go wanting.



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Spread across 3 servers, I got 3 Bowcasters (2 rifle, 1 sniper), 2 Lobalots, 5 speeders, 2 full Bloodguard outfits, 2 extra Bloodguard helmets, 2 extra bracers, 11 red sparkle powders, and I made 3.3 million credits selling some of my remaining tokens (1 million on one server, 2.3 on another, the third server is dead). My lowbes will never go wanting.




wow, im sorry. you need a vacation after all that. take a week off.

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I completed the event with 7 out of 8 characters (my level 13 sage couldn't make the trip).


7 lobelots (5 purchased 2 found)

1 each of the Trooper bowcasters

1 full set of Sand people Armor

many miscelaneous pieces of Sand people armor (mostly Gloves Belts and Wrists)

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6 bowcasters (1 of each flavor, for the skins not the mods)

1 lobelot

1 full set of the sand people gear

2 speeders

and some sparkle powder in change.


Really enjoyed running the event on 4 different toons. The Bounty Hunter in the bonus area was a real challenge for my level 24 Agent.

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- Title and free pet on 5 toons

- 1 busted speeder

- 1 lobelot pet

- 1 full Tusken Raider set (can't wait till this and my full containment officer set become legacy bound)

- 1 legacy bowcaster (that I smuggled some columi mods into so my Sniper get's a big boost at 50 :D)

- Sold comms to make ~600k credits

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wow, im sorry. you need a vacation after all that. take a week off.


Thanks. I think I will. There's this book I've been wanting to read (Stephen King writing as Richard Bachman's Blaze). I think I'll do that.


Oh yeah, BTW, I completed the event with 9, almost 10 (servers shut down before I could finish) characters.



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It's over? Thank God... maybe now they will start fixing servers.


I didn't bother with that failure of an old school style, camp your crate, MMO quest. I couldn't even make it to Nar Shaddaa.


It was such failure on such an epic level. I'm glad it's dead.


I get a dollar every time someone uses epic and failure in the same sentence. This site alone has made me a billionaire.

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Well across 2 servers ( Ebon hawk 7 characters , Rubat crystal 4 characters ) I basically obtained enough barrels and blasters for all 16 advanced classes for the weapon or barrels ( even though I have made only 11 of them up to now ). Here;s the list and I have a dilemma I need help with at the end of my post. Finished the event on 8 characters ( 6 on Ebon and 2 on Rubat ).


2 x Sniper rifles ( lev 50 )

2 x sniper rifles ( lev 34 )

7 x blaster rifles aim ( lev 50 , 1 was a gift for m1-4x from a friend )

2 x blaster rifles aim ( lev 34 )

3 x blaster rifles cunning ( lev 50 )

3 x blaster rifles cunning ( lev 34 )

2 x full sandpeople outfits ( 1 per server )

16 waist bands and 16 belts ( 8 of each for each server )

1 x burning speeder ( a present from a friend )

1 x rare pet ( found it yesterday in my 3rd crate of the day :) )


I have 360 tokens left and cannot for the life of me work out what to do , been reading up on all the companions but there is conflicting reports to who uses what. I read vette is best suited to her twin pistols , would lt pierce like a rifle ? What about corso ? does he want 1 ? Is he any good at level 34 and 50 ? What about Kaliyo and/or Lt Felix or t7-01 ? I don't want sniper rifles for companions though just the ones that use blaster rifles. My other option would be to get another 8 wrist bands and 8 belts for 8 of my companions on 1 server which costs 320 tokens.


Overall it was a great event , with a few bugs. Ebon hawk was a little busy to farm crates though and we only found out on the last day that you could send tokens cross faction , we prefered the imp side of nar shadda ( coreilla sector beign my fav ). Also someone accused me of grieving on the first day , to which i replied no but they didn't believe me. Rubat was an easy place to collect them crates.


Can someone help me chose please ;/.





Edited by BadOrb
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The event was cool. I don't think they should make it where one person gets it and you just keep clicking. Yes for groups, but it took away from the event for me anyways. Overall was a fun little thing. Just glad they add things like that. Would like to see some holiday events though too would be fun. Just major ones like Christmas, Thanksgiving, maybe Halloween and maybe do something fun for New Year's. Grated it came out in Dec so we'll see.
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So the only content in how many months isn't for a lot of players (or characters-given that you had to be level 30+ or have high-level friends to really participate). The event was tailor-made for griefing (dozens of players frantically clicking the same objects in one area? No potential for problems there!)


If the rewards were meant to be cosmetic why have the bowcasters at all? Did the Chevin buy out a clearance sale on Kashyykk? Why have gear for 2 classes and the rest can go spin?


It failed if it meant to reward players equally-I know, in 6 months pistol users might actually get an event for them-if any are still playing.


It rewards players equally. It rewards characters less so.


Then again, I have a feeling that you're the type that will spin anything into a negative, so it's really pointless speaking to you.

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I have yet to get anything from it other than XP. I have all these Enrichment Tokens and still can not buy anything. I do not group much so my Social is still not even 1. Plus nothing in the vendor appeals to me. I wonder if we can save our Enrichment Tokens for another event entirely? I might have to ask that somewhere separately.
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Holy crap! Some of you really went all out. I thought I had a decent haul, but not in comparison to some of you. lol!


I should have done more as I did enjoy it. The bosses were great, the turret fight was cool and the Casino "flight" made me laugh every time. Hec, the droid race was even fun. I ran with mine every time just to make sure. lol


BTW, tried my new 50 lev caster on my trooper today. Outstanding! Replaced the crystal, augmented it and it has replaced my autocannon.


That lobelot pet... Why not make it bind on legacy as well?


Great work guys!

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7 characters with title (3 Chevin titles and 4 Republic titles) and questline pet

2 speeders

1 Assassins Touch (50 sniper rifle)

1 Blaster Rifle (50 cunning)

3 Blaster Rifles (50 Aim)

1 Sniper rifle (34 sniper)

1 blaster rifle (34 aim)

1 Lobelot

1 full set of Sandpeople armor

1 additional head and chest of sandpeople gear


Multiple head aches from bottle necks and box farmers (I actually didnt farm boxes, I just grabbed on each character till Vandraykes was finished. Some characters required 10 boxes to do that, others required in area of 30 boxes to acheive the finish)


To quote Mr Macky in South Park

"Box farming is bad, M'Kay"

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