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Irritating Newbie Mistakes


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Do not sit in chat and beg players to run you through a Flashpoint. Use Group Finder or find something else to do, because all begging will do is either get you on a lot of Ignore lists or cost you a lot of money.


or offer money if you beg for a run through people love when that :D

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I'm new to the game, as my username here makes apparent, but I have played Asheron's Call for 12 years, so I'm not completely illiterate. But really, I want information like the above contains I don't want to learn by having a bad experience with someone and then maybe losing that game friend.


This game more than Asheron's call seems to be less solo-able, so making enemies is not my intention.


The one thing this game lacks is sufficient documentation, I want to read write-ups on classes that go above and beyond the basic information contained on the "official page" which it seems all IGN has become lately. Where are these?


Why isn't your post in the form of a player write-up. I know I can search the Forums for these answers but the problem with that is you run a search and get 300 results with only 5 directly addressing the particular question, and I'm not going to read through 300 posts of banality to get 1 gem of information.


We need to create a more specific guide of information. Something like, Why I Like Slicing as a Crew Skill.... or the opposite, why Slicing Sucks as a Crew Skill. That's where learning happens when you can read a point/counter point to something everyone encounters such as, what Craft skills should I take? If someone had those write-ups I'd spend hours reading those so I don't have stupid questions posted on the forums. I'm ignorant, not stupid.

If your looking for something like that I suggest picking up The Star Wars Old Republic: Explorer's Guide it gives you the lowdown on every class including which stats you should focus on the most (For both Advanced Classes). It also provides maps of the mission areas of every planet (well at least through Illum anyway). This might help you in the long run and I play this game mostly solo and it is possible to get through it alone (but still fun to do Heroics, Flashpoints, and Ops with groups from time to time). I also encourage new players to ask questions or ask for help. I have been playing the game since launch and I still have to ask for help or questions when I don't know something. Like the author of this thread stated its better to ask about things you don't know then try something out hoping it will work and screwing over others when what you tried goes wrong.

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Another very important point is to not allow a single annoying player ruin your experience with a part of the game: it's very easy to get disheartened if the first time you hop into a Warzone or Flashpoint, ask for help, and have a more experienced player jump down your throat. There's always going to be a group of people who expects new players to submit a formal research paper before they're allowed to join into group content, and while those few might (unfortunately) be amongst the most vocal out there, they really are a tiny minority of the over-all player base. Shrug them off and remember that most folks in game are players just like you - decent, average people who are willing to help out if they have the time to do so.
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The OP should be included in every new players opening screen! My pet peeve as a pve oriented player are the objective / item of interest ninjas. It drives me nuts when I spend the time to clear the mobs and someone comes in and steals the cheese. Almost makes me wish for unrestricted open world pvp!
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I'd like to nominate this for inclusion among the Protips that display on loading screens, please.


I seem to find it helpful as an operative healer throwing down an explosive probe and orbital strike now and then if everyone is healed up. Why not take advantage of the slightly extra dps as long as you keep heals up? I shiv and backstab, corrosive dart to supplement my role as healer. I think it's stupid to not take full advantage of a good operative healer 's abilities.


I use cover sometimes in PvP, mostly in huttball to heal on walkways that also prevents juggs and marauders from leaping to me.

Edited by gentlepie
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lots of good tips for newb's :D

now 1 pro tip for Pro's: don't get mad educate! They are padawan to your master. All to often i'v seen new people bashed on for not passing in huttball...when it was their 1st time and they didn't notice a new skill on their bar (or the skill wasn't put on a hot bar due to full bars :D) If you see a player that doesn't pass ask if they know how to 1st, chance's are they will be like *ohhhh ok thanks for the help! and then all the sudden they start passing and make winning a tad easier :D or they already knew and are just going to do w/e they want...this happen's just remeber them for later in case you play huttball again...and quickly tell the group of their anti passing ways so they don't expect good play from them lol.

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lots of good tips for newb's :D

now 1 pro tip for Pro's: don't get mad educate! They are padawan to your master. All to often i'v seen new people bashed on for not passing in huttball...when it was their 1st time and they didn't notice a new skill on their bar (or the skill wasn't put on a hot bar due to full bars :D) If you see a player that doesn't pass ask if they know how to 1st, chance's are they will be like *ohhhh ok thanks for the help! and then all the sudden they start passing and make winning a tad easier :D or they already knew and are just going to do w/e they want...this happen's just remeber them for later in case you play huttball again...and quickly tell the group of their anti passing ways so they don't expect good play from them lol.


Huttball is where you learn which people on your server played sports in high school.

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As a side note, once you hit LVL 50, you receive a free set of PVP gear at the PVP terminal on your fleet. Depending on how your character is geared at/close to endgame, this gear can blow away your current stats; all you have to do is claim it. Do us all a favor, claim it. It might be PVP, but if it is an improvement across all of your stats, it can be used for PVE until you get better gear.


Wow, I had no idea this was "free". When I hit 50 with my first toon, I went and bought the full set of recruit PvP gear for the upgrade to my leveling armor. Having never PvP'ed while leveling, I always avoided the terminal. I will check this out on my next 50.

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4. If you're in a group as a tank or dps then never forget about your healer. They can't keep you healed if they're dead. If the whole group wipes and the healer was the first one killed then you did something wrong so don't turn around and blame the healer for it.


Too true. In fact, I think all new would-be tanks should play through as healer first. That way they can understand what's going on, rather than spend their time screaming abuse at the healer for not healing them enough. (Advice to new healers: don't take crap from whining tanks).

In my experience, 90% of the time the healer (and thus the team) fails because the rest of the team fails to protect them, and they end up running around like decapitated chickens or spend all their heals on themselves just to stay alive.

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Don't sell your orange gear. You can level this all the way up to 50. Just keep up to date with the item mods.


If your looking for a good way to make cash go for slicing, treasure hunting, scavenging. People will always by your matts.


Make sure your companions are in just as good gear as you, this helps loads. I try to keep at least 2 of them in purples. Although I did get caught out half way through the story. I won't spoil it, let's just say one of my companions I got stuck with,through no choice of my own was just running around in his underpants in a certain part of the story!!

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First off I just wanted to thank you guys for the information, after a long hiatus due to illness I find myself once again starting out relatively new at this whole thing so this page is appreciated. A little caveat to the new players that even though alot of this is common dog information that will make your life easier, you have to bare in mind that not everyone has the kind of common courtesy that this page insinuates; case in point...


So I roll a smuggler and life is grand with me being a thorough bastard in each and every one of my conversations but I take great pains to be conscientious of other players and try to ensure that I don't 'steal' mobs or loot, so far so good. I finally come to a mission where it requires me to overrun a scavenger encampment and take a piece of their loot so I clear out the mobs and while I notice there are other persons there I think to myself 'Self they won't take advantage of the situation so just keep doing what you are doing' I was wrong. When I address this as, and I quote, a '******** move' they essentially tell me to pound sand and that it's first come first served even though I cleared out the mobs.


Now I have one of two options; I either take their advice and run a muck ruining peoples days or keep doing what I am doing, I chose the former but the temptation is there to develop bad habits because of some jakehole screwing you over, so I guess my best advice is to stay the course and not fall into a trap that will hurt you in the long run as you level; after all if a friend were to jump off the bridge on Droumond Kass it doesn't mean you have to right?


In any event thanks again, the information here has helped

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I am enjoying this thread. The info is great for newbs and nOOBs. The OP has a unique forum personality which is thoroughly enjoyable as well.


I always help people, but; very few newer players are willing to search the forums or use that helpful little tool called Google. Disheartening at times. What a lot of the new players cannot seem to grasp is that even with all the time spent to help them- they need to help themselves. Been happening a lot more lately. The info is out there to be found. It is how I did it- and this game is my very first MMO. I've had help along the way, and my guild has refined my techniques immensely; but I invested time scouring the web looking at arguments and counter-arguments for just about everything. I still have a long way to go, but I can contribute well in any group.


Observation noticed from way-back, and this still happens: Players not equipped well for their level. I always click on other players to see how they are geared- mainly curious to see how I stack up. Many times the ones inspected are drastically lower in hit/health points than I am. I would like to think I am an SWTOR God and thus it is natural for me to be 5K over anybody else at my level; but nobody would believe that. It comes out there are many toons running around into their 30s and 40s without relics, a lot of times with no earpieeces and implants. Maybe a helpful little cutscene tag can be made of that. Something along the lines of equipping relics will gain you significant boosts to your stats and help your survival regardless of class. I know I was scouring the GTN for each of my characters until I could 'finally' fill the annoying empty spots on my characters and companions.

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