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Irritating Newbie Mistakes


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First of all, a correction to #2- only concealment/scrapper specced operatives and scoundrels should be acting like a melee class. If you're a healer or lethality/dirty fighting, you'll want to be in cover (popping in and out of it for the latter).


I would also like to add something that I somehow was cursed with twice in 1 day-



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Everything you added, Grim, very true and in total agreement. It's Saturday. I'm brain-lazy on weekends. I forget things. Maybe I'll post again here on Monday after I'm more capable of rational MMO and TOR-specific thought.


But that means you have to face the dreaded "Daystar"! It makes my skin go red - the horror :p


It was dreadful. There was this blinding shiny-yellow orb in the sky. Things were making noises in the trees. The air...it was so fresh...:eek:

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What is the most common RP server?


I'm on Ebon Hawk right now, it's pretty populous. I also hear good things about Ajunta Pal or Ajunta Mal or whatever it's called.


Hmm, maybe not that many good things, then.

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First of all, a correction to #2- only concealment/scrapper specced operatives and scoundrels should be acting like a melee class. If you're a healer or lethality/dirty fighting, you'll want to be in cover (popping in and out of it for the latter).


I would also like to add something that I somehow was cursed with twice in 1 day-





It's clearly stated Soresu is a tank stance, i don't have a tanking character, and i just started playing and even i've discovered this from inspecting random players aboard the fleet haha.

Edited by Vortunei
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It's clearly stated Soresu is a tank stance, i don't have a tanking character, and i just started playing and even i've discovered this from inspecting random players aboard the fleet haha.


well "tanks" keep claiming that shii cho form is a tank stance because it reduces damage taken. I tell them that a tank stance would also increase threat generation and shield chance. They ignore me.

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I love threads like this....if i knew back then what I do now....


Here's some more.


*Don't be afraid to ask in chat for a Heroic. Don't put it out there like you're looking for a group either. put it out like you ARE the group, and you just need a few more. you get much better response that way. a good example: "LF2M for HEROIC 4+ ,insert name of heroic here>" This is much more effective then "DPS LFG for HEROIC 4+ <insert name of heroic here>"


*Watch for Marks - often a tank or senior member of a group will "mark" things. These marks are used to tell who to hit when. Most often they are for a kill order, and for CC. they're easy to figure out....huge brightly colored shapes hanging over the head of a mob. a bullseye target....an orange blaster...green hilt...blue shield...these are player placed marks. If you are a CC Class, Make sure you announce it and let them know you're available to do so ( Hey tank, FYI, i can CC droids. mark one when you want me to). As you gain experience and get comfortable with it, you can start marking your own. as an example, I mark my CC with an orange blaster right away. make sure you let them know the reason your marking it though....others may think your CC mark is first kill. ("Hey everyone, the Orange blaster is my CC, don't hit it!")


*on that note...if you see marked targets, make sure you know why they are marked. and don't break da CC!


*up through the mid 20's or so, you can pretty much do any role your AC was made for (by the way, an AC is an Advanced Class. it's the role you choose when you hit level 10 and head to the fleet.) so if your a Juggernaut, you can probably tank an instance at lvl 20, even if your in DPS gear (if you know what you are doing). but post 20 or so it's not wise to do this unless you're talents are set up specifically for this. It places too much pressure on the other group members. same goes with healing AC's. once you get to your mid 20's, don't queue for a spec that you are not geared and set up to be.


*please communicate! if there are things going on in a group, it's okay to talk in chat! If you haven't been in that flashpoint before, don't be afraid to let peeps know. I've had better reactions from people in this game then many I've played in...most people are fine with you not knowing. but they won't be fine with you saying nothing, and then wiping a group because you didn't know the bosses special attacks. On that note....be open to helpful information. being snide or rude when people are offering advice doesn't help you...or them. This is, of course, if the advice is well intentioned and accurate. bad advice is simply....bad advice


*As you gain new skills with your chosen character, get out in the world and practice with them. I can't begin to tell you how often I've ran with people who have said stuff like, "Oh, is that my CC? I never knew what it did! (from a lvl 44 merc). Many skills may be very situational, but in those situations they are amazing. knowing what all your skills can do makes you a very well rounded player, and increases your skill level. Killing mobs does not increase skill. learning what your class can do and practicing it will.


*Practice situational awareness. this is probably one of the biggest skills that new players really need to improve, but rarely learn until much later on. It's an essential survival skill in high end Operations, and turns average players into exceptional players. and it's not that hard either. Plus, the upside is practicing S.A. can also get you better at your class (it forces you to stop the "skillbar stare" where you spend your entire session staring at your hotkeys waiting for skills to come back up). here's a few ways to get started on S.A.


1) when fighting normal mobs, get used to looking at other things in the environment. everything from other mob groups to plants or building or NPC's. let your eyes roam and start to track things. This may be difficult initially because your not used to knowing where your skills are on the action bars, but as you practice more, it will get allot easier to know without having to stare where your most common attacks are at.


2) Once your comfortable with 1, then start moving your camera around while your fighting. the default for camera turn is Left click and hold it down. this allows you to pan your camera without moving your character. practice the same visual skills from #1, but this time do it on things behind you and to the sides as well as the front. Get used to knowing whats behind you, and how far away it is.


3) Once your comfortable with 1 and 2, you can start the advanced training. this involves taking all the data you visually gleaned from one and two and proactively planning possible scenarios based on this information. yeah, you probably wont be forced to "act" on this information when playing solo, but once your grouped up, you'd be amazed at how much better you are at responding to things once you can get this down.


an example: you are fighting a mob, and in your execution of #2 you notice a silver mob coming up behind you (some random patrol). being proactive, you decide to save your 4 second stun instead of using it on the mob your currently on. you wait until just as that patrolling mob gets in range, spin around and whamo! stunned just long enough for you to finish off the first mob. without being proactive, you would have been blindsided by that mob, and often in those situations, with 2 big mobs hitting you, you would die. but by being proactive, you saved yourself, and looked really cool in the process!


I know that last one was lengthy, but I can't even begin to tell you how many people I've ran with that have wiped the group due to simple lack of situational awareness (were talking stage 1 or 2 here, nothing fancy.). those that break CC, leap at the wrong mob, spam AoE's and break everything, ignore the uglybad pounding on your healer...all these things are simply lack of situational awareness. Practice it...it will make you look like a pro (when all you really did was look around and think for a second). on the flip side...when you are aware, and being proactive...and working with others that are being proactive as well...its an amazing feeling (what teamwork was meant to feel like), and really makes the grouping effort worth it.

Edited by Elyx
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Another one, mainly on the pvp heavy planets, and warzones-


even if you see an opposing player, keep looking around and (if possible) stealth scanning for other players. Don't want to be ninja'd while that guy is standing off in the distance looking threatening.

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If someone says "Spacebar" or "Skip" in flashpoints they want you to push the spacebar and skip through the cutscenes. You're not obligated to, of course.


Yeah as annoying as waiting for the 100th time for cutscenes people do have a right to experience the content in the game.

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Yeah as annoying as waiting for the 100th time for cutscenes people do have a right to experience the content in the game.


This is not what I considered an Irritating Newbie Mistake and any who do fail to see cutscenes as opportunities for chow runs.

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well "tanks" keep claiming that shii cho form is a tank stance because it reduces damage taken. I tell them that a tank stance would also increase threat generation and shield chance. They ignore me.


Those who are saying Shii-cho form is a tank stance just because it has damage reduction has not taken the time to read the discription of Soresu form.


Shii-Cho Form - DPS Stance


Enters a balanced lightsaber form, increasing all damage dealt and reducing all damage received by 3%.


For those that claim that Shii-cho form is a tanking stance, the "reducing all damage received" in this form is for when you accidently pull aggro and lets you not get pummeled to death by getting one shot and if you haven't noticed, is HALF of the damage reduction of Soresu form.



Soresu Form - Tank Stance


Enters a defensive lightsaber form, reducing all damage taken by 6%, increasing armor rating by 60% and threat generation by 100%. Soresu Form also increases shield chance by 15%. While active, taking damage builds 1 focus, but all Strike abilities generate 1 less focus. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.

Edited by haliy
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*As you gain new skills with your chosen character, get out in the world and practice with them.


This applies to companions, too. Once you acquire a new companion it's a very good idea to go to a slightly lower level area/planet (so you won't have to contend with the meddlesome issue of dying) and see how their skills mesh with yours. Watch them, turn on all their abilities and note their auto-rotations, etc. It'll help a lot.


(nice post Elyx :) that little paragraph is my limit this morning, need caffeine and then it's off to play)

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And speak up if you don't!


Yes! Don't let the other group members intimidate you. If they really want to beat the boss, they'll take the time to tell you what to do.


Another suggestion: Keep in mind that the range of a lightsaber attack is 4 meters. If you running along the road and see a Jedi fighting, using your knock back is NOT helping! :rolleyes:

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Yes! Don't let the other group members intimidate you. If they really want to beat the boss, they'll take the time to tell you what to do.


Another suggestion: Keep in mind that the range of a lightsaber attack is 4 meters. If you running along the road and see a Jedi fighting, using your knock back is NOT helping! :rolleyes:


Yes, using knockbacks around melee classes (like, say, your tank) does nothing more than negligible damage and irritation for everyone else in the group.

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Yes, using knockbacks around melee classes (like, say, your tank) does nothing more than negligible damage and irritation for everyone else in the group.


Though knockbacks can be wonderful on bridges. I took out a lot of Elite droids on Directive 7 by pushing them over the bridge.

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Everything you added, Grim, very true and in total agreement. It's Saturday. I'm brain-lazy on weekends. I forget things. Maybe I'll post again here on Monday after I'm more capable of rational MMO and TOR-specific thought.


Ah crapola! And I was trying so hard not to sound like a self righteous arsehole :( I was trying to add coherent, constructive codicils from a new TOR but old MMO perspective. Oops?


I'm very much a newbie (but hopefully never a n00b!) as I'm still learning this game (give me 6 months, I may have a clue then!). In the mean time I'll watch for misunderstandings that could be avoided - I had no idea what "CC" meant until someone clarified. I've never raided in an MMO, I've always been about the PvE content so truly haven't a scooby where end game is concerned!


It was dreadful. There was this blinding shiny-yellow orb in the sky. Things were making noises in the trees. The air...it was so fresh...:eek:


The horror! :eek: How can anyone inflict that on a rational being?! They ought to be exterminated :mad:

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Though knockbacks can be wonderful on bridges. I took out a lot of Elite droids on Directive 7 by pushing them over the bridge.


Sometimes that doesn't work. I know in a couple Flashpoints I've Force Pushed enemies off of drops and they just come back.

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Lol @ number 2...


There has been a few times where an operative was sitting back sniping/explosive probing with me on my sniper during boss fights. Made me chuckle but I made sure to give them some info on their class.



"Sometimes that doesn't work. I know in a couple Flashpoints I've Force Pushed enemies off of drops and they just come back. "


Yeah you definitely have to be careful with knockbacks in some places...hate when mobs bug out especially when it would only take a few seconds to kill them.

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I'm still new to MMOs, so I'm always looking over the forums for help & advice. There's been a LOT of good stuff from a LOT of good people, but this thread has been just about the most helpful one I've followed so far.


I'm at level 35 & have soloed most of the time, but I accept offers to join groups (mostly pairing up) when I'm asked (even though I get terrified of royally screwing things up). I always enjoy it and everyone I've joined up with has been real nice & helpful. I don't know anyone else who plays SWTOR, so I haven't participated in any FPs or operations because I'll probably screw those up for everyone (realizing I'm just making it worse for myself as I level up).


So, as a newb, I just wanted to give you guys a big collective "Thank You" for your help here & ingame and also a big "I'm Sorry" for the irritating things I've probably done to some of you out there.


Please keep the great insight & advice coming!

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Just one thing I wanted to add.


Sometimes, you will meet a nice level 50 willing to run you through flashpoints. Now, you have a couple jobs that will make things easier for the nice level 50.


1. Loot all the things. This is especially true if it's a medium level flashpoint like Boarding Party, Foundry, or pub equivalents. The level 50 will be busy killing, but if you loot things that they kill it will be a nice bit of extra credits for both of you.


2. If you are a healing class, heal. There is no need to heal the 50, since they will be resisting almost all the attacks, but you should keep an eye on your own health. This even holds true for dps specs of classes that can heal. So dps mercs, sorcs, and ops, look at your health bars.


3. If you are at a reasonable level for the flashpoint, feel free to help out. Once the 50 has aggro, feel free to pick off the normals and weaks that are attacking the 50. Leave the strongs and elites for the 50 to handle, though feel free to do a bit of damage to the higher tiers if the 50 has clearly got their attention.


4. The 50 is being extremely nice to you by running you through a flashpoint with little benefit to themselves. If you get yourself killed or if your loot does not drop, do not take it out on the nice 50.


5. If the 50 is running more than one of you, practice proper group etiquette. Tanks, protect the lowbie dps and healers if they have aggro. Healers, watch the health bars of your fellow lowbies. And everyone, for the love of the force, do NOT roll need on something that isn't an upgrade for you.

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Just one thing I wanted to add.


Sometimes, you will meet a nice level 50 willing to run you through flashpoints. Now, you have a couple jobs that will make things easier for the nice level 50.


1. Loot all the things. This is especially true if it's a medium level flashpoint like Boarding Party, Foundry, or pub equivalents. The level 50 will be busy killing, but if you loot things that they kill it will be a nice bit of extra credits for both of you.


2. If you are a healing class, heal. There is no need to heal the 50, since they will be resisting almost all the attacks, but you should keep an eye on your own health. This even holds true for dps specs of classes that can heal. So dps mercs, sorcs, and ops, look at your health bars.


3. If you are at a reasonable level for the flashpoint, feel free to help out. Once the 50 has aggro, feel free to pick off the normals and weaks that are attacking the 50. Leave the strongs and elites for the 50 to handle, though feel free to do a bit of damage to the higher tiers if the 50 has clearly got their attention.


4. The 50 is being extremely nice to you by running you through a flashpoint with little benefit to themselves. If you get yourself killed or if your loot does not drop, do not take it out on the nice 50.


5. If the 50 is running more than one of you, practice proper group etiquette. Tanks, protect the lowbie dps and healers if they have aggro. Healers, watch the health bars of your fellow lowbies. And everyone, for the love of the force, do NOT roll need on something that isn't an upgrade for you.


Do not sit in chat and beg players to run you through a Flashpoint. Use Group Finder or find something else to do, because all begging will do is either get you on a lot of Ignore lists or cost you a lot of money.

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