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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lower the cost of War Hero and other Higher end gear.


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I had to buy a full set, then buy 7 Extra Hats and & 7 extra Boots to have the Mods and Enhancements I wanted. So enjoy the grind mate. It wouldnt be so bad if i didnt have to keep wasting comms on BM gear to get the extra sets of Boots & Hats


I made the same point earlier in the thread about additional time buying multiples earlier in the thread, but reading this just gave me an idea:


why shouldn't war hero mods and enhancements follow the same rules as campaign mods and enhancements? That is, if all you wanted was power and surge enhancements (for instance), how about implementing a system where you can learn a boe schematic through reverse engineering (recipes that would require buying pvp crafting boxes to craft)? And keep the armoring pieces (just the armoring pieces) unable to grant a schem, meaning you have to grind for one complete gear set.


This way nobody's getting their gear anywhere close to "for free," but there remains an alternate method for a guild to gear up enough to have a go in ranked. Plus, it would be very healthy for the economy as the few pvp craftables currently go for exhorbitant rates on GTN.

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That statement is inherently flawed in that people are innately statistically different in terms of skill alone. Some people have faster reflex times while others are like snails. Some show uncanny judgement while others are dunces. Some have a tendency to support better than others.


If we partake in this foolish notion of absolute equality in every condition, then we must first abolish all classes and make them into one single class, exact same capabilities. Then, we somehow neuter physical and mental capacities of individual players and only that way is this stupid notion achieved.


In reality, innate differences in personal performance can be developed through training so each and everyone has at least a reasonable chance of matching the other in physical/mental skill (unless serious disabilities). Hence, people take for granted that such differences are to be rectified through personal effort -- it is what makes people set goals and work for it.


Same with gear. Gear is not a set class segragation. Ultimately everyone arrives there, provided they invest in more or less similar time. It's not as if only the top 100 people have access to it, unlike in society where it is systematically impossible for everyone to become millionaires. EVERYONE has access to it at an EXACT equal price set.


All you need is the patience and effort to get there. The motivation to get stronger, more powerful than the other, to prove oneself the winner in the contest.


There is no rewarding people who have not earned it, and that's PvP.


My first post and probably last one, however, since couple of posters failed to spot fallacy in reasoning let me highlight it.


The equality in question is equality in opportunity, not in statistical identity implied in above post. Vast majority of competitive sports/games are based on the principle of equal opportunity and what can be called skill makes the difference between winners and the others. To draw a parallel, and there is tons, if Bolt was winning because he used "faster" sneakers I wonder how many would be interested in either competing against him or watching him. How about football, basketball, hockey, baseball, ... shall I go on? The very nature of competition is traditionally understood that that those competing have equal opportunity to compete and that is why "gear" in vast majority of competitive sports/games is one way or the other standardized.


Yes, this game is not based on such principle and who does not like it does not need to play it. Or can play and grind her/his way to equal opportunity. Whether such grind is a good way to attract players/customers is another question. But to say that the statement quoted is inherently flawed is incorrect.

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This isnt an FPS.


GW2 isnt a FPS aswell??


Why can they try something new or even have the braincells to develop something new?



The problem with SWTOR now is they are still using the same formulas of previous MMOs.

It's not about making something good anymore, it's about using the same formula and cranking out as many as possible.

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I WANT this guy to be president! Everything that he said is true.

If you are persistent and motivated, then you should be rewarded with items and better knowledge of gameplay.

IF you take away the gearing system (for instance in GW2 everyone is equal in both lvl and skill points/gear) what would people play for? Just winning a game based on skill is fun, dont get me wrong, but after 2 days of playing i would set up new goals, because not getting new items for pvp, new gadgets and so on would ruin the rewarding system which many ppl play because of that and their effort put into place, if i play and commit some time to practice and enjoy the game, then yes, i want some rewards for it.


I am not injecting politics here. Everyone believes work harder, get more. As in politics I believe in fairness in systems. This is a different argument than the gear progression timeline. This model has a fairness factor. Unlike SOE's SWG there are not random stated items like legendary weapons and armor that had mathematical drop rates effectively gated those items to a few players and thus created scenarios of pvp inbalance.


Every PVP player will reach the summit of fully augmented wh pvp gear in some window of time. At some point barring another pvp gear grind set being released, all "PvPers" will obtain this goal. There is no limits to WH gear. Their is no fixed percentage. No random loot factor. No RNG system gating you.


What makes no sense to me is the argument that because you ran up the hill the fastest you have earned anything that someone walking up the hill earned. Both climb the same hill and both required roughly the same amount of steps.


I get those who ran saying if you chop the hill that guy still walking going to get there with less work than it took me.


That is true. That is also highly typical in MMO's to introduce grinds and realize that asking players to do something for 3 months comes off as unrealistic to many of its customers.


Reasonable people can assess the grind to full WH and ask what should be the appropriate amount of time it talks to walk up the WH gear ladder. While many of these threads don't really ask the question that way that is the fundamental question.


I believe a 2-1 ratio down from a 3-1 ratio is a better timeframe. That is what the response should be centered around. Do you want WH gear to take longer, less time, or stay the same.


If its longer or less time how much time and why. If you have a suggestion on what the cost should be great. So much of this thread isn't on topic.

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Been there done that, been uncompetitive and thrashed in every single game by fully aug WH teams which isn't fun or motivating.


Except the comms you get are far more useful than if you had gotten thrashed in regular warzones. Once you get to full or mostly BM, it makes much more sense, gear wise, to play ranked warzones and get the ranked comms rather than play regular warzones and get a roughly a third of the comms you would otherwise.

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  • 3 months later...
I did the math for how many warzone comms it would take to buy the full set of warhero gear. It totaled around 75k. Divide that by 140 comms per win ( my average ) and it totals to 500 games. A bit rediculous.



Exactly! It took me an enormous amount of time to get my WH gear. And I was kind of proud of myself for getting it. Then, overnight, the cost of that gear was reduced BY AN ENORMOUS MARGIN.


One of the big reasons people play RPGs instead of Halo-type shooters is the fact that can you increase the value of your character through time. It's like a slap in the face when you log on and learn that the gear you worked so hard for has been arbitrarily devalued to the point of insignificance.


So thanks a whole lot for robbing me of that small sense of accomplishment you once provided, SWTOR. I won't be signing up for your little Ponzi schemes again anytime soon.

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