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Ok gotta rant for a sec...


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What is it with players of MMO's?


For the past few nights it seems what I call the "Goldshire hero's" have discovered SWTOR. What I mean by "Goldshire Hero's" are players who are level 30+ and hang out in lvl 10-15 zones and follow lowbies around spamming duel challenges. (you wow players have seen these people).


How low of self esteem does someone have, that the only way they can feel good about themseves to constantly challenge people who have no chance whatsoever to constant duels? Are they too scared to roll on a PVP server, and do this to try to convince themselves they are PVP gods because they can roflstomp an player 15-20 lower than they are?


I was doing my quests on drumond kass last night with my new imp agent who is lvl 12, and this 31 Jugg kept following me everywhere challenging me to duels? I kept declining because the lvl diff . After about 10 duel declines to this bozo he pst me and calls me a fail noob (lol) .


Ok rant over.:p

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Funny, I had the exact opposite happen to my sorc (this was around level 30+++). Was back on Korriban for a specific reason (not to annoy acolytes, mind you), was going about my business and had a level 5 warrior following me around. He finally challenged me to a duel. It had been a long day. I was tired. I accepted and killed him instantaneously. Then in general chat:


[Fried Warrior] is disappointed in [My Sorc's Name]

Me, in whisper: you're "disappointed"? what did you expect?

[My Sorc's Name] bows respectfully to [Fried Warrior]


Hey, at least he had the guts to challenge someone more than 30 levels above him. He earned that bow :D


But what you're describing is harassment and should be reported as such. I didn't have the heart to report that level 5 for harassing me- he relented after the duel- but there's no reason why a 30-something toon should be hanging around pestering lower levels.


Unfortunately I think we're going to see a steep increase in this kind of behavior when f2p begins this fall :(

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i remember those players in WoW. We ended up raiding Goldshire to shut them up.


Too bad SWTOR really does absolutely nothing to support RvR Raiding. :\


I'd love to rain opposing faction "hangouts" to get back at some of those described above, but the game doesn't support it as much as any MMO should.

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What is it with players of MMO's?


For the past few nights it seems what I call the "Goldshire hero's" have discovered SWTOR. What I mean by "Goldshire Hero's" are players who are level 30+ and hang out in lvl 10-15 zones and follow lowbies around spamming duel challenges. (you wow players have seen these people).


How low of self esteem does someone have, that the only way they can feel good about themseves to constantly challenge people who have no chance whatsoever to constant duels? Are they too scared to roll on a PVP server, and do this to try to convince themselves they are PVP gods because they can roflstomp an player 15-20 lower than they are?


I was doing my quests on drumond kass last night with my new imp agent who is lvl 12, and this 31 Jugg kept following me everywhere challenging me to duels? I kept declining because the lvl diff . After about 10 duel declines to this bozo he pst me and calls me a fail noob (lol) .


Ok rant over.:p


/ignore is your friend.

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i remember those players in WoW. We ended up raiding Goldshire to shut them up. I've herd of this happenin on planets such as Tatooine and Quesh on my server (Bergeren Colony) from guildmates. The ideal thing to do is beat 'em to a pulp


I remember them as well lol

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Too bad SWTOR really does absolutely nothing to support RvR Raiding. :\


I'd love to rain opposing faction "hangouts" to get back at some of those described above, but the game doesn't support it as much as any MMO should.

Over on Jung Ma, my old guild used to take over the Republic spaceport on Alderaan. It was a lot of fun and we'd let the lowbies go but would yell things like "We're on a diplomatic mission." etc. and just wait for other 50's to come give us the boot. One time there were eight of us plus our companions, and we all had full battlemaster, and it took two full operations groups to finally kill us all.


But ever since they all left to go wait for GW2 and go back to LOL, there doesn't seem to be as much stuff like that going on other that pubs trying to run the Blackhole area on Corellia.

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