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They are already discussing milking the subscribers


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Yeah, that's important. WoW has certainly "fleeced" or whatever their customers for several years by making players pay the same price for a mere expansion as the original game goes for. And not all of the expansion contained the same amount of content, either.


Man, I can't wait to go to the WoW forums and see all the rage when WoW finally goes F2P in the future. It will make all of the doomy gloomy Bioware-hating crybaby whiners that fill this forum look like content customers.


I wonder if WoW has folks on their forums demanding subers get all new content for free?

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I wonder if WoW has folks on their forums demanding subers get all new content for free?


Not that I've seen and I've been playing WoW for 8 years. Oh there are plenty of complaints but not many about paying for expansions. Each WoW expansion has been about as large as the original game, or close to it, and there are periodic updates adding dungeons, quests, etc. between expansions (supposedly more frequently now).


As for WoW going F2P any time soon, well I don't see that happening. Especially since they are back over 10 million subs again. I don't feel that I've been "fleeced" by Blizzard as some have said. I've enjoyed playing WoW as I've enjoyed playing this game and if I quit either it will be with nothing but good will for the entertainment value I've received for my money.


You see if a game doesn't entertain me I just stop playing and I don't get upset if others still enjoy playing, that would just be selfish and really I have better things to do with my time than get upset over a game. I play for entertainment and if I'm getting angry over a game, well, I don't personally find that very entertaining :)

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Not that I've seen and I've been playing WoW for 8 years. Oh there are plenty of complaints but not many about paying for expansions. Each WoW expansion has been about as large as the original game, or close to it, and there are periodic updates adding dungeons, quests, etc. between expansions (supposedly more frequently now).


As for WoW going F2P any time soon, well I don't see that happening. Especially since they are back over 10 million subs again. I don't feel that I've been "fleeced" by Blizzard as some have said. I've enjoyed playing WoW as I've enjoyed playing this game and if I quit either it will be with nothing but good will for the entertainment value I've received for my money.


You see if a game doesn't entertain me I just stop playing and I don't get upset if others still enjoy playing, that would just be selfish and really I have better things to do with my time than get upset over a game. I play for entertainment and if I'm getting angry over a game, well, I don't personally find that very entertaining :)


To be fare the xpacs for WoW have taken 2+ years on the average to bring out. People here think they should get a full xpac and more in less than 1 year. I have played WoW and to be honest it is fun but I am tired of the Elf,Troll and Org thing and wanted something Sci-Fi

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like i said this games cash shop is like DCUO so they most likely going 2 do it like DCUO but cant be 100% sure just have to wait and see but i would hope it is free to people that pay monthly and for CC for anyone else just like DCUO
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Part of me believes (wishes) they are not going to charge for Makab and 5 new levels. However, we all know what EA is like. For those of you who play sims, you will understand fully when I say they DO have the cheek to charge for very little content. Just looks at the Sims 3 "stuff packs" for nwear £20, you get several bits of clothing and half a livingroom worth of furniture.
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So you obviously read none of it.... deflecting. You want to come into my thread and speak against what I say but not back any of it up when I call you out.


Go back to your dictionary and find some new lines to use.




Ad hominem





Just about everyone of your posts can be boiled down to you telling someone they are doing those things. Get something new in your routine. EA is not going to give you a hall monitors job.


Wow...is that a bit like how just about every one of your posts can be boiled down to you telling someone they are wrong if they disagree with your opinion? Cus you know, you do that a lot :p



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Wow...is that a bit like how just about every one of your posts can be boiled down to you telling someone they are wrong if they disagree with your opinion? Cus you know, you do that a lot :p




Gee, kinda like all you biodrones do the same thing. You know what makes me post this way? You people. I use to post constructive critism on this game and ways to fix it. You people all would rip it, bash it tear it down and tell people like us to **** the game and go back to WoW (dont play WoW btw) and everything under the sun. You could not say 1 thing wrong with Bioware or EA or the game itself without being harrased by biodrones. So excuse me if now I dish it back.

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Gee, kinda like all you biodrones do the same thing. You know what makes me post this way? You people. I use to post constructive critism on this game and ways to fix it. You people all would rip it, bash it tear it down and tell people like us to **** the game and go back to WoW (dont play WoW btw) and everything under the sun. You could not say 1 thing wrong with Bioware or EA or the game itself without being harrased by biodrones. So excuse me if now I dish it back.


I love the game but I'm no Biodrone. I am well aware of the games current short comings and can be objective about these as well as the games plus points.


I don't bash constructive critiscism and I have never told anyone to go back to WoW etc...


You may be a doom and gloomer and maybe even a bit of a sensationalist at times but thought you better at playing the forums than than to resort to labels and stereotypes :)



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Gee, kinda like all you biodrones do the same thing. You know what makes me post this way? You people. I use to post constructive critism on this game and ways to fix it. You people all would rip it, bash it tear it down and tell people like us to **** the game and go back to WoW (dont play WoW btw) and everything under the sun. You could not say 1 thing wrong with Bioware or EA or the game itself without being harrased by biodrones. So excuse me if now I dish it back.


Oh poor you. Someone needs a hug.

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well, wow charged me $$$ for 5 levels of crap and the same boring turgid trash redone with pandabear skin so i dont really give a damn to moan about something thats not been anounced yet.


Yeah, thats all the expansion had was 5 levels and a panda skin. In the words of another poster:


"nothing but hyperbole"

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You're my hero, one day i wish i could spend hours everyday spamming the forum about how disapointed i am with a game just like you, you're so awesome, now keep on i wont interupt, bb.


You're my hero, you have absolutely nothing truthful to say, so you deflect and try to be funny instead. You're so awesome, I wish I was blind to being ripped off by EA just like you.

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You're my hero, you have absolutely nothing truthful to say, so you deflect and try to be funny instead. You're so awesome, I wish I was blind to being ripped off by EA just like you.


You claim BW is ripping you off and then continue to stay and let them do it. Yeah.. what was that about hyperbole.....

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You're my hero, you have absolutely nothing truthful to say, so you deflect and try to be funny instead. You're so awesome, I wish I was blind to being ripped off by EA just like you.


So you bash EA for "ripping you off" but not not Anet for the rip off that is Gw2 and Bliz for the shameful rip off that is D3?


Interesting...or do you divide your troll time equally amongst the three?



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So you bash EA for "ripping you off" but not not Anet for the rip off that is Gw2 and Bliz for the shameful rip off that is D3?


Interesting...or do you divide your troll time equally amongst the three?




Even if GW2 had a rip-off system, it doesn't feel like one. Which is, like, 80% of what makes a good F2P model.

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well, wow charged me $$$ for 5 levels of crap and the same boring turgid trash redone with pandabear skin so i dont really give a damn to moan about something thats not been anounced yet.



yeah, buzzing through this thread I guess I might have missed it but, did they announce that expansions are going to cost subscribers money?


this thread is about getting fired up about something that hasn't happened yet, right?

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You claim BW is ripping you off and then continue to stay and let them do it. Yeah.. what was that about hyperbole.....


Im not letting anyone rip me off. Now, unless you got something real to say instead of assumptions or riding the coat tails of other posts then.... move along, move along.

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So you bash EA for "ripping you off" but not not Anet for the rip off that is Gw2 and Bliz for the shameful rip off that is D3?


Interesting...or do you divide your troll time equally amongst the three?




How has Gw2 ripped anyone off? I dont get charged for **** other then the box. I dont play D3 so how could I be ripped off by it.

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Maybe at one time revenue allowed for Subs to get this for free, and in a second look it now wont? Im not sure I'd call it milking.

Each will have their own opinion on this. Myself, I like the game alot and have fun playing. I also realize a business cannot run without profits. So...if my supporting it by buying an expansion helps keep the lights on and allows me to continue to play...thats fine IMO.

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Im not letting anyone rip me off. Now, unless you got something real to say instead of assumptions or riding the coat tails of other posts then.... move along, move along.


You did until the 15th... but maybe you are a sucker and need someone to protect them from mean, predatory game makers.

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Maybe at one time revenue allowed for Subs to get this for free, and in a second look it now wont? Im not sure I'd call it milking.

Each will have their own opinion on this. Myself, I like the game alot and have fun playing. I also realize a business cannot run without profits. So...if my supporting it by buying an expansion helps keep the lights on and allows me to continue to play...thats fine IMO.


Maybe that's why Soluss is so mad. He kept paying for something he didn't like. Maybe this whole time, it was the cancel button he was looking for. ;)

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