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When can you finish companion storylines?


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Most require you to go through a certain part of the class quest storyline. For example, my brother wasn't able to finish Elara's companion quest until after he completed chapter 2 of the class story on his Trooper. I've also read you need to finish Chapter 3 for a couple of companions as well. But if you are on Ilum, I assume you have finished your class quests so all you need to do is get 9k+ affection with your companions and go through the conversations.
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so all you need to do is get 9k+ affection with your companions and go through the conversations.


Except Yuun for Troopers.

His conversations max out long before 9K affection, but that's probably because he's the last companion Troopers pick up.

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I'm currently standing on a roof on Ilum partway through the quests on here. I was wondering if I need to complete the quests here to finish all my companion storylines or if I can finish them now without having to complete the planet?


You don't have to complete Ilum to complete companion conversations.


They're gated by class act and, in a few cases, by specific class events within an act. Once you have completed your class questline (such that your loading screen shows INTERLUDE), you will be able to complete all companions' conversation lines.

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I've been told you only need to complete chapter 2 for all companions.....but maybe some you need to complete chapter 3....all I know is I have completed some of my companions' quests right after completing chapter 2.


Most companions can be maxed out once you start Act 3. Khem Val, Kira Carsen, and perhaps some others need plot triggers in Act 3 or after the class storyline ends to complete their lines.

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I've been told you only need to complete chapter 2 for all companions.....but maybe some you need to complete chapter 3....all I know is I have completed some of my companions' quests right after completing chapter 2.


There are a very very samll number of companions that you can complete the conversations with while in Chapter 2. I can't remember with 100% certainty which ones you can do this with, but I want to say Corso, Kaliyo, and some of the Hoth recruits can be completed prior to entering Chapter 3. As I recall you basically need to be high enough level to complete Hoth before you can complete the fights for the second to last quests for Corso and Kaliyo, so it is something that might be easy to miss/isn't really that important.


Note: I didn't romance either Kaliyo or Corso so it is possible that romances get some extra dialogue that require you to be in Chapter 3. *shrug*

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I know all of the Bounty Hunter and Sith Warrior companions can be finished after completing Chapter Two. Not sure about any others, since I'm an alt-a-holic and only have two avis to 50 and through chapter 2. Working on a SI and and JK now
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