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Worst Star Wars MOVIE moment of all time


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*Sigh* the medical droid clearly didn't have time to figure out what had happened to her as it obviously started working on saving the children first, in Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader, Padme's chief bodyguard goes on a mission to find out what actually happened and finds out she died of numerous injuries to the neck and throat, which is the autopsy report.


Okay..but there's a plot hole here as well. If her throat was crushed so bad, how is she able to speak clearly to Obi Wan? How is she able to scream while delivering the kids? Last time I checked, if your throat is crushed, youre going to have difficulty speaking or making vocal sounds.

Edited by DarknessInLight
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-Ewoks should never have been in the movie.. at least not an important role like they had, it was just awkward.

-Jar Jar Bink


-Those weird love scene with Padme and Anakin. (script and actors didnt help i imagine)


and a few things that always made me chuckle: why did the storm troopers wear armor when one shot from ablaster would kill them (and a rock from an ewok for that matter). and for god sakes, these clones were suppose to be the pick of the litter, the elite of the elite. And not one of them could hit the the broadside of a ship with their blaster fire. While farm boy luke and even leia killed one with every shot. R2D2 had more accuracy than these stormtroopers..

Most Stormtroopers arent clone in episode 4 to 6.

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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Omg where to begin! Jar jar, the stupid love stuff between an anakin and Padme, the retarded light saber battle between anakin and dooku, the retarded light saber battle when Mace first encountered palpatine with the other Jedi ... I mean really, they coulda at least cgi'd some cool stuff (not to mention palpatines weird facial expressions during the encounter, vaders "noooo" in ep 3, and virtually all the acting and story line of ep 2 and 3.


With all the amazing hand to hand, martial arts, etc fight scenes in so many movies out there, you'd think Lucas would go after the best, but NOOOOOOOO

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*Sigh* the medical droid clearly didn't have time to figure out what had happened to her as it obviously started working on saving the children first, in Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader, Padme's chief bodyguard goes on a mission to find out what actually happened and finds out she died of numerous injuries to the neck and throat, which is the autopsy report.


really thats the best you could come up with?


so the equipment she's hooked up to that's monitoring her vitals never registered a lower blood oxygen level or lower blood pressure due her supposedly neck and throat injures nope nothing


she's how did the droid put it medically she completely healthy


one more thing no one in a medical profession wouldn't say that with out properly checking the patient first

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So any to pick from in I,II and III and so many of them been said already. Um how about 4 jedi masters go up against 1 sith lord and 3 are cut down in seconds without a finch from them, reminded me of me and my younger brother playing make believe SW and just dropping to the floor acting like we died.
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So any to pick from in I,II and III and so many of them been said already. Um how about 4 jedi masters go up against 1 sith lord and 3 are cut down in seconds without a finch from them, reminded me of me and my younger brother playing make believe SW and just dropping to the floor acting like we died.

yea they just drop like flies

let this be a lesson to all jedi masters: NEVER GO TO WORK , WHILE U HAVE A HANGOVER

Edited by simplius
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1) When Anakin's mom said 'there was no father", I was annoyed that they went with space jesus. There is no real reason for this even.


2) PADME DYING OF....NOTHING. Really? the galaxy is in a war, the good guys are in hiding and "padme" dies from .....what ?


3) Into "Exile, I must go?"....why?.


4) Everything that Obi-wan says in Episode 4, has no meaning anymore because it does not make sense.


(many fans, have tried to make excuses for this stuff in books or the EU but this stuff should have made sense in the movies, they dont because Lucas is not very creative)

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1) When Anakin's mom said 'there was no father", I was annoyed that they went with space jesus. There is no real reason for this even.


2) PADME DYING OF....NOTHING. Really? the galaxy is in a war, the good guys are in hiding and "padme" dies from .....what ?


3) Into "Exile, I must go?"....why?.


4) Everything that Obi-wan says in Episode 4, has no meaning anymore because it does not make sense.


(many fans, have tried to make excuses for this stuff in books or the EU but this stuff should have made sense in the movies, they dont because Lucas is not very creative)


1. Explained in the Plaguies novel.


2. There are several medical explanations for her death. Unfortunately, the script didn't supply those explanations.


3. He lost to Palpatine. Rather than go get killed, he fled to live and fight another day. Good thing too, otherwise Luke would have never made it as far as he did.


4. You don't seem to understand what he was saying then. It is pretty easy to connect the dots from the PT to the OT. Not being condescending.

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1. Explained in the Plaguies novel.


2. There are several medical explanations for her death. Unfortunately, the script didn't supply those explanations.


3. He lost to Palpatine. Rather than go get killed, he fled to live and fight another day. Good thing too, otherwise Luke would have never made it as far as he did.


4. You don't seem to understand what he was saying then. It is pretty easy to connect the dots from the PT to the OT. Not being condescending.


1. Plothole Repair


2. MORE Plothole Repair


3. He could have joined the Resistance when he found out about them. Even in an advisory capacity. He chose Dagobah because of the huge Dark Side presence there to mask his own Force signature. But still, he could have done something to help the Rebels instead of sitting there in his swamp hut.


4. Some of the things that Obi-Wan said in Episode IV were retconned by the Prequels. Anakin was NOT a great pilot when Obi-Wan first met him. Also, he led Luke to believe they were much closer in age than they actually were. Anakin got lucky during the pod race. He got even luckier in the Battle of Naboo. Force? No. R2 saving his bacon, more like.

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really thats the best you could come up with?


so the equipment she's hooked up to that's monitoring her vitals never registered a lower blood oxygen level or lower blood pressure due her supposedly neck and throat injures nope nothing


she's how did the droid put it medically she completely healthy


one more thing no one in a medical profession wouldn't say that with out properly checking the patient first


So you think George's bad writing takes care of itself? Really? You think all the plotholes he leaves should just stay there to trip people up and make us all go "W.T.F.???" when we realize how bad a writer George Lucas actually is? Ok, bro. Cool story. lol

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1. Plothole Repair


2. MORE Plothole Repair


3. He could have joined the Resistance when he found out about them. Even in an advisory capacity. He chose Dagobah because of the huge Dark Side presence there to mask his own Force signature. But still, he could have done something to help the Rebels instead of sitting there in his swamp hut.


4. Some of the things that Obi-Wan said in Episode IV were retconned by the Prequels. Anakin was NOT a great pilot when Obi-Wan first met him. Also, he led Luke to believe they were much closer in age than they actually were. Anakin got lucky during the pod race. He got even luckier in the Battle of Naboo. Force? No. R2 saving his bacon, more like.


I never said they weren't plot hole repairs, I was providing explanations for certain plot holes. I do agree that some of the things don't match up, but that's to expect out of a prequel. Especially one that comes almost two decades before the original. No point in trying to explain most of these things. I do wish we could learn more about what Yoda was doing during that long break between the movies.

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I never said they weren't plot hole repairs, I was providing explanations for certain plot holes. I do agree that some of the things don't match up, but that's to expect out of a prequel. Especially one that comes almost two decades before the original. No point in trying to explain most of these things. I do wish we could learn more about what Yoda was doing during that long break between the movies.


I hear ya. My point was that George seems to have not even watched his Original Trilogy or even used the screenplays for reference when writing the Prequels. Those were the worst plotholes I've ever seen, and needed tons of asphalt to fill them in. lol

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There is this thing called Star Wars holiday special. It is not technically a movie but it is generally considered so bad that I think it will win even this category. (Un)fortunately it is quite rare and might be difficult to find.

Some of us here actually watched it when it aired on network TV. It really was monumentally bad. When the crappy animated short with a rubberized R2-D2 is the good part, you have a problem.


Saga-wise, I was really disappointed at how Padmé ceased to have any political role in Episode III. The reduction in role from influential senator to Anakin's secret girlfriend who everyone really knows about was unfortunate.

Edited by Uluain
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I hear ya. My point was that George seems to have not even watched his Original Trilogy or even used the screenplays for reference when writing the Prequels. Those were the worst plotholes I've ever seen, and needed tons of asphalt to fill them in. lol


Which is sad. :( Thankfully, authors have filled in a majority of the plotholes. We have to thank George for making Star Wars sooo big.

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2) PADME DYING OF....NOTHING. Really? the galaxy is in a war, the good guys are in hiding and "padme" dies from .....what ?


Lost the will to live? I am not sure if that is the medical term :) since I am not a doctor, but I have heard stories how some couples who have been together for a long time die very close to each other. Also if you have a will to get better, it helps curing some illnesses.


She was injured somehow certainly after her love tried to kill her.


Absolutely worst moments in the SW movies for me are those in parts 2 and 3 involving Padme and Anakin trying to develop a relationship. I literally have to skip atleast those in movie2 or I will rip a few chunks of my hair out.

Edited by turjake
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So you think George's bad writing takes care of itself? Really? You think all the plotholes he leaves should just stay there to trip people up and make us all go "W.T.F.???" when we realize how bad a writer George Lucas actually is? Ok, bro. Cool story. lol


no am not saying that but if your going to fix a plothole do it properly the medical droid said there was nothing medically wrong with her so don't write a book based of the films and say there was


she died of a broken heart its as simple as that yes its corny and belongs in a chick flick but thats the way the cookie crumbles weather you like it or not


there have been plenty of cases in real life where a partner has died after losing someone they love

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no am not saying that but if your going to fix a plothole do it properly the medical droid said there was nothing medically wrong with her so don't write a book based of the films and say there was


she died of a broken heart its as simple as that yes its corny and belongs in a chick flick but thats the way the cookie crumbles weather you like it or not


there have been plenty of cases in real life where a partner has died after losing someone they love


There have been cases of people "losing the will to live" and following their partner into death shortly after they lose each other. But the majority of those cases (I am no expert on this subject, but I am a medical professional so I do take an interest when it is discussed) the couple is usually older and has very little in their life apart from their partner. Note, when I say "little left in their life" I do not mean posessions/wealth/comfort, I mean emotional support of the kind they recieved from their partner.


I think part of the problem is that there was so little "chemistry" between Padme and Anakin, partly from the horrible writing and poor acting by Anakin. I never really saw the "romance" as an actual romance, it felt too stiff. I think a large number of people agree with that, as evidenced in this thread. With that in mind, it makes it much more difficult to believe that she was so "heartbroken" over Anakin that she let herself die. Especially when she had such a strong reason to live, her 2 children.


Also, we never really see any of the heartbreak after she delivers Luke and Leia, we see the birth, then we leave that scene and learn that she died. If we had seen her (listless, uncaring, depressed, wasting away) then it would at least be a visual clue as to what was happening. As it is, it was a poorly done plot device that sounded better on paper than it looks on a screen.

Edited by Tickdoff-Tank
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1. Plothole Repair


2. MORE Plothole Repair


3. He could have joined the Resistance when he found out about them. Even in an advisory capacity. He chose Dagobah because of the huge Dark Side presence there to mask his own Force signature. But still, he could have done something to help the Rebels instead of sitting there in his swamp hut.


4. Some of the things that Obi-Wan said in Episode IV were retconned by the Prequels. Anakin was NOT a great pilot when Obi-Wan first met him. Also, he led Luke to believe they were much closer in age than they actually were. Anakin got lucky during the pod race. He got even luckier in the Battle of Naboo. Force? No. R2 saving his bacon, more like.



in the movie it says he can create life using the force the book just tells the tale. anyone with half a brain can make the connection


2. she died of a broken heart, if thats too chick flick for your taste tuff luck thats the way it is its not a plothole


3. he sat in that swamp hut waiting for luke he knew he would come, at the end of episode 3 he says this cant find a clip of that scene


4. he didnt know R2-D2 all the times that droid saved his life and did't remember him that was just a let down for me

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There have been cases of people "losing the will to live" and following their partner into death shortly after they lose each other. But the majority of those cases (I am no expert on this subject, but I am a medical professional so I do take an interest when it is discussed) the couple is usually older and has very little in their life apart from their partner. Note, when I say "little left in their life" I do not mean posessions/wealth/comfort, I mean emotional support of the kind they recieved from their partner.


I think part of the problem is that there was so little "chemistry" between Padme and Anakin, partly from the horrible writing and poor acting by Anakin. I never really saw the "romance" as an actual romance, it felt too stiff. I think a large number of people agree with that, as evidenced in this thread. With that in mind, it makes it much more difficult to believe that she was so "heartbroken" over Anakin that she let herself die. Especially when she had such a strong reason to live, her 2 children.


Also, we never really see any of the heartbreak after she delivers Luke and Leia, we see the birth, then we leave that scene and learn that she died. If we had seen her (listless, uncaring, depressed, wasting away) then it would at least be a visual clue as to what was happening. As it is, it was a poorly done plot device that sounded better on paper than it looks on a screen.


yeah i totally agree with you it could of been played out alot better


i put in a earlier post all the things that led her to it like he single handedly handed the republic over to palp by wiping out the jedi he massacred 30 kids in the temple, and just for good measure her last memory of him is getting chocked out by him then obi wan tells her hes dead. to me thats one big ball of hear brake and despair


thats why i stick by it was a broken heart

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in the movie it says he can create life using the force the book just tells the tale. anyone with half a brain can make the connection


2. she died of a broken heart, if thats too chick flick for your taste tuff luck thats the way it is its not a plothole


3. he sat in that swamp hut waiting for luke he knew he would come, at the end of episode 3 he says this cant find a clip of that scene


4. he didnt know R2-D2 all the times that droid saved his life and did't remember him that was just a let down for me


Your derpiness still knows no bounds, and you have reminded me why I threw you on my ignore list in the first place. Welcome back to it, and your stay will be permanent this time.

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3. He could have joined the Resistance when he found out about them. Even in an advisory capacity. He chose Dagobah because of the huge Dark Side presence there to mask his own Force signature. But still, he could have done something to help the Rebels instead of sitting there in his swamp hut.


And die? Uh, sure... Sidious had sent a full-scale hunt for Yoda while Vader hunted Obi-wan. Yoda would have had a much worst fate than Luke. Vader would not have met Yoda. Sidious would have met him personally, because he knows the threat of Yoda's power against regular Imperials. And then Yoda would have been Bantha Fodder.



4. Some of the things that Obi-Wan said in Episode IV were retconned by the Prequels. Anakin was NOT a great pilot when Obi-Wan first met him. Also, he led Luke to believe they were much closer in age than they actually were. Anakin got lucky during the pod race. He got even luckier in the Battle of Naboo. Force? No. R2 saving his bacon, more like


What do you call the victory at Pod-race? There is no such thing as luck.




Answers in bold.

Edited by BrandonSM
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