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Are the jedi right before order 66 weaker than SWTOR jedi?


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Kinda implied it though....but I dunno about it not being up to him. The old Disney movies(the ones that Disney himself created) have never been remade or new ones have never been done. Theres been re-tellings and all sure, but nothing completely remade scene for scene and word for word.


The person you are quoting is quite correct after so many years , I always thought it was 75. A Copyright becomes NA and anyone can then use the trademark without fear of leagal action

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exactly copied from wiki


"The Jedi, who had been spread throughout the galaxy across disparate battlefields, were almost all caught totally unaware and easily gunned down. Three years of non-stop galactic warfare polluted the Force with the dark side, clouding Jedi perception even further. Because the clones had no malice nor hatred, but were merely following a legal order, they had no ill intent in their heart, which might have given some warning to the Jedi via the Force."


This explains that there were 2 causes of why they couldn't feel the ripples.


This also explains why Yoda survived and many others didn't. Even though he didn't feel the ripple of ill intent from the clones, he felt the deaths of his fellow Jedi in the force therefore alerting him of the incoming attack from Gree and his fellow trooper.


Also batman could have survived since he would have something on his belt for this type of situation.

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The moment George Lucas stated that the PT era was the "Golden Age" of the Jedi, all debate was rendered useless.

"I do not think it means what you think it means."


I believe that, without a doubt, the Jedi Order of the TOR era was stronger than the one seen in the Rise of the Empire era, at least in terms of using the Force for combat. Near-constant warfare forces one to keep combat skills sharp. Up until Ruusan, the Jedi were just as much soldiers as they were monks. They were very much Knights, with a moral code that went along with their martial prowess.


A "Golden Age" is a period of peace, stability and prosperity. It means that a culture is at its peak culturally. In terms of the Jedi, it would mean that the Jedi were at the peak of their understanding of the Force. That their status as peacekeepers (and not in the terms that the military uses) was at its height. Were they skilled in combat? of course. They had the Force, and "a powerful ally it is." But, the only grinding stone they had against which to hone their skills was each other. They dueled each other in dueling rings, with rules, and possibly with powered-down sabers.


In the Old Republic Era, Jedi were under constant threat from Sith, Dark Side Force users that want to be Sith, and others. They were militarily strong. While their understanding of the nature of the Force was not as complete/deep as that of the Order found in the prequels, their skill at practical applications of the Force surpassed it.


Even before Qui-gon knew of the Sith's return, he admitted to Anakin that Jedi still could fall to normal people:

Anakin: You're a Jedi Knight, aren't you?

Qui-Gon Jinn: What makes you think that?

Anakin: I saw your laser sword. Only Jedi carry that kind of weapon.

Qui-Gon Jinn: Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him.

Anakin: I don't think so. No one can kill a Jedi.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I wish that were so.

I'm not at all saying that Jedi in TOR are invincible. I've played enough Imperial characters to 50 (namely BH and Agent) to know that's not at all the case. But I do believe they are militarily stronger than those of the prequel, as stated by Mace Windu:

Palpatine: I will not let this Republic, which has stood for a thousand years, be split in two. My negotiations will not fail.

Mace Windu: If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers.

The Jedi had long since stopped seeing themselves as active protectors of the Republic. After all, if the Republic had no need for a standing army, why should the Jedi remain in that role? They became more philosopher than soldier.


So, it really depends on what kind of strength we're talking about. As far as understanding of the Force? That probably goes to the prequel Order, as they've had time to sit and ruminate on the nature of the Force. Militarily? That handily goes to the TOR-era Order, which has served as protectors of the Republic since the first appearance of the Sith. Overall? It's hard to say, and I don't think it's really productive to try to compare them in that way. I think the TOR-era Jedi would just as easily have fallen to Order 66, taking into account the shroud of the Dark Side and the fact that the clones were just following orders.


I do find it strange, however, that the clones, which have been working side by side with the Jedi for years, never questioned that order. Commander Cody never once thought, "You know, Obi-Wan's been a staunch supporter of the Republic. I know that man. I've fought beside him. He mourned our losses the same as we did. How can he be a traitor to the Republic?" There was no conflict. Or maybe there was, and that's what Yoda sensed, while the other Jedi were too wrapped up in battle to sense the conflict in their clone troops.

Edited by JacenHallis
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