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Killing the roleplay


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I really dont like how this is, we can get Dark Nihulus's mask from using cartel coins??? Really? Not only is this kinda hurting the lore but its killing part of the roleplay... i mean sure the sand people coustumes are cool but i dont really like the idea of jedi dressing up as insane natives... i kinda off find it disturbing. I really think the Nihulus mask should only be open to sorcerers/warriors for a limited time so not everyone looks like a quere running around with a overused mask
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I really dont like how this is, we can get Dark Nihulus's mask from using cartel coins??? Really? Not only is this kinda hurting the lore but its killing part of the roleplay... i mean sure the sand people coustumes are cool but i dont really like the idea of jedi dressing up as insane natives... i kinda off find it disturbing. I really think the Nihulus mask should only be open to sorcerers/warriors for a limited time so not everyone looks like a quere running around with a overused mask
Then go be your own unique snowflake, don't wreck it for those who like that kind of stuff. If you want to hardcore RP with a group of like-minded individuals and all be unique and stick to your interpretation of lore, then go for it. Bioware adding items like Dark Nihulus' mask does nothing to hinder you from doing so.
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You're looking at this from the wrong angle....


You see Jedi running around in Sand People costumes or Darth Nihulus masks? Well, you now know who NOT to role play with.




Your looking at my post in a wrong angle, it doesnt ruin roleplay, it just looks stupid

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I really dont like how this is, we can get Dark Nihulus's mask from using cartel coins??? Really? Not only is this kinda hurting the lore but its killing part of the roleplay... i mean sure the sand people coustumes are cool but i dont really like the idea of jedi dressing up as insane natives... i kinda off find it disturbing. I really think the Nihulus mask should only be open to sorcerers/warriors for a limited time so not everyone looks like a quere running around with a overused mask


I seriously doubt every single Jedi is running around in Sand People Costumes. I know some that don't care about the sand people costumes.


I also doubt every single person is going to buy that mask.


So it will not be ruining my roleplay.

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"Killing the roleplay" "its killing part of the roleplay" "Your looking at my post in a wrong angle, it doesnt ruin roleplay, it just looks stupid"


Yeah, totally misread you there.


You saying all that stuff about how it "kills the roleplay" totally threw me off. :w_confused:

Edited by CaptRavenous
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I really dont like how this is, we can get Dark Nihulus's mask from using cartel coins??? Really? Not only is this kinda hurting the lore but its killing part of the roleplay... i mean sure the sand people coustumes are cool but i dont really like the idea of jedi dressing up as insane natives... i kinda off find it disturbing. I really think the Nihulus mask should only be open to sorcerers/warriors for a limited time so not everyone looks like a quere running around with a overused mask


What roleplay?

In all the time i have bin playing swtor i roleplayed exactly once.


You cant kill what isnt there to begin with.


That said accauly a dark nillues or darth ravan mask has some interesting roleplay abilities.

Aslong you ignore the idiots ruining your roleplaying.


Example: jedi find mask of darth nilues and goes insane.

Or a revanite finds the mask of darth revan and goes all golem on it.

It is our mask ours mask they stole our mask our darling mask.


It isnt really a issu.


now the fact we still cant sit in canatina's is a rp issu.

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I really dont like how this is, we can get Dark Nihulus's mask from using cartel coins??? Really? Not only is this kinda hurting the lore but its killing part of the roleplay... i mean sure the sand people coustumes are cool but i dont really like the idea of jedi dressing up as insane natives... i kinda off find it disturbing. I really think the Nihulus mask should only be open to sorcerers/warriors for a limited time so not everyone looks like a quere running around with a overused mask


I would refer you, sir, to A'Sharad Hett. Also, I see no difference in this and half a million people running around in Kallig's Countenance. Lore wise, because of the nature of the mask, it would make sense to only allow force users to wear it. However, thanks to legacy, we now have Smugglers force choking people, so the point seems moot.

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What roleplay?

In all the time i have bin playing swtor i roleplayed exactly once.


You cant kill what isnt there to begin with.

That all depends on your server. Over on Jung Ma it's so active that it actually has become something of a nuisance on the Fleet. Mainly because on the Fleet they take over the General Channel with it whereas on Nar Shaddaa they keep it to the Say Channel which actually adds to the ambiance.
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i dont really like the idea of jedi dressing up as insane natives...


This made me laugh. Not at your post in general, just the way you put that cracked me up :D I pictured a bunch of Jedi in a dressing room asking each other if they looked crazier with or without the waistwrap...


But as far as RP, say you're a Jedi who needs to infiltrate a sand people encampment- infiltrate it for some reason, not Force your way through it. That "insane native" outfit would come in handy, eh?


Just an example (and not a well-thought-out one, really). RP is what you make of it. At worst a bunch of Jedi running around in Nihilus's mask would be mildly distracting; at best you could come up with some way to work it into the RP as has already been suggested...a new and disturbing fashion trend sweeping the Republic, maybe, who knows? I wouldn't say it will kill/ruin RP- not if you're creative enough :)

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Three ways to respond to it:


1) Think of it logically, ICly. Obviously it isn't the actual mask he wore, but rather a mock/replica. Now, I haven't played KotOR II much (the start is as exciting as a brick wall), but I assume Nihilus was well known? And his mask would be known too? Well, obviously the person, or persons, commissioned a replica in a vain attempt to boost their own persona. Y'know, like how they sell replica Soviet officer caps in Berlin just yards from the sight of the former Wall. It's a fake, a rouse, a poor copy, an imitation by some Sith who wants glory too much to realise how ridiculous copying a Sith is compared to creating one's own power, or, if it's a Jedi, call them out, reprimand them for using the mask of a villain.


2) Ignore it. Think of it as a completely different mask ICly. It looks similar because, probably, there's only so many mask designs in the galaxy. Simples


3) If someone RPs it as Nihilus' actual mask, for the love of all that's (un)holy, /ignore them and walk away. If they're going to play fast and loose with canon, you play fast and loose with your ignore list. No RP character has the right to touch a "canon" character's story, because aside from the Mary-Sueness that brings up, it also just messes up the overall story (wasn't Nihilus totally destroyed? Again, didn't play the game)



*EDIT* Just reread OP. Using "queer" as an insult. You just lost all rights to complain about how other people act.

Edited by Queen_Ultima
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